Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Masters Are Coming

Methusaleh thru Helen Engel April 9, 2009

Helen: I felt a stirring. Does someone wish to address me at this time?

Methusaleh: Whenever your doorbell rings, you answer it. We knock on your door, and you let us in. We have great news.

Helen: Welcome, and the news is also welcome.

Methusaleh: A certain strategy has now been worked out that will involve a great many people. It is one that calls them to declare themselves. Those who will declare themselves will be greeted by Masters. In the very near future those Masters will show themselves openly, will walk among those who have declared themselves. At that time the teaching will begin. Each one who has declared himself or herself will become aware of which talents will be called upon, in order to serve his fellow human being.

Helen: I know that you are Methusaleh, because you taught us about talents.

Methusaleh: Yes indeed. Those of us who know which light worker we will connect with, are overjoyed. I will tell you more when the time nears. It will be in less than a year [early 2010].

Helen: Thank you, dear Master.

Methusaleh: We are an army, and we are putting on our uniforms. We have had our drills, and we are about to set our path toward SUCCESS. Because of the gifts that I have been given, I am aware of the talents of each one of you. Although you may not have been able to bring them forth at this time, you will be able to do so in the coming months and years ahead. This is the truth. You are a special force, a special army, and you will receive special training. Every day you are surprised by what occurs, and this will continue. There are many more Masters to come, there are many more doors to open. This is but the beginning, and when you have resources at your finger tips, then your talents will truly come forth. Be at peace, continue to rest until the big day, and that is the day that we will appear before you, and we will give you our blessing.

I am Methusaleh, and my heart beats with joy at the privilege of being with you and speaking to you, and teaching you, and spreading the good news. Amen, beloved.

Helen: Thank you Methusaleh.

Methusaleh and Sananda on the Collapse [of Government and money] through Helen Engel January 17th, 2010

Methusaleh: I am Methusaleh.

Helen: Master, I am joyful that you have come. Please continue.

Methusaleh: Great events are pending, or are approaching. Many of our Heralders have been advised, and will confirm. There is a great agitation about, regarding world finances. This is prior to chaos. When the chaos finally arrives, you will see the true hearts of men and women, great and small. We ask all of our Lightworkers to behave saintly, in the manner of true Masters. Keep control, do not slip into fear.

Be aware of the need around you, and work to fill the need. Be careful and firm. Take control of every event as it arises. Watch how the leaders operate in Haiti, and do likewise in every moment, within your own community. If it is possible, begin a Swap Cooperative so that members of your community will trade services, without money. This is an urgent need. Do not go into debt, live frugally.

I rarely speak of doom and gloom. I must speak of what will occur, because the more you prepare for it, the less will be the hardship. Live within your means. The dark clouds will fade away gradually. We will arrive on your shores when decreed. Creator weighs the odds in every situation, and wisdom will prevail. There is but a short time. You may send this to the Brothers and Sisters, so that they can prepare. I am with each and every one of you. We send peace and love. Amen.

Sananda confirms Methusaleh's Message

Helen: Are you Sananda?

Sananda: Yes, beloved. I wish to confirm what Methusaleh has asked you to record. I wish to add my words. You [Brothers and Sisters] are in the frontier. You are cared for, you are observed, you are loved. The years of training, of faith, of love, are recorded in your history file. We ask you to open your hearts to those who are unaware. There will be a time of need. Prepare for it now, in the few months ahead. There will be more sightings, and a few more natural disasters, then will come the collapse. Those of you who are telepathic, now is the time to ask for guidance, and you will receive it, and you will send it forth. Others will believe you, because you will speak truth. My love for you has no bounds.

Helen: Thank you Sananda.

Angels Speak

Helen: I feel the Angelic Presence, and sing Allelujas. Who is here? Who wishes to address us?

Unknown Angel: Happiness is ours, and happiness we bring to you [all Earthlings].. We bring joy to the people of Earth. If you visualize how one of us hovers around every human being on Earth at this moment, you also would be filled with Eternal Joy. Nothing similar to this has ever occurred on Planet Earth. Through a special decree of The Source, we have descended to Earth. We are here.

What do we bring? First we bring the love of the Source of all Love. Secondly, we bring the joy of heaven. We cannot bring heaven to earth, but we can lift earth to the parallel plane of heaven. This we will do when it is decreed. In the meantime we are preparing you. You have seen a child crawl, and then stand up, and finally, with great hesitation, take that first step. No one holds the child's hand; he must step out on his own. One step.

We are beside you, and we watch, as you are about to take your first step into the New Reality. You will leave the past behind. You will look forward with excitement, and a bit of confidence. When this moment occurs, please remember that we are right there with you, encouraging you, and ready to grasp your hand lest you should fall. The music of heaven has descended to Earth. Soon you will hear it, and you will dance for joy. Blessed Ones, it will not be long.

Helen: Who calls? My station is open.

Unknown: Out of the valley we come. We are those who are being freed to assist in the Great Beginning. Many of us have resided in the Valley of Sorrow, the Valley of Fear, the Valley of Sadness. The Great Energy is changing that. Doors are opening for us. We come to be with you, to walk beside you, to guide you. You will not see us physically until our realms have blended.

Many of us were social workers, doctors, healers, pastors who served. There came a time when we could serve no longer. We are becoming available again, and we are grateful and ready to be of assistance. In the days to come you may feel as though there is someone in the room, or that events are occurring because of angelic assistance. When this does occur, think of us, acknowledge us. In the past we were called angels, now you may consider us as your brothers and sisters who have slipped through the veil and walk by your side. We are come to lighten your load. We come with the permission of the Master.

Helen: Thank you for this wonderful message. I can personally confirm that what you tell me is true. Recently three of my deceased brothers and sisters and my husband contacted me in one night. An uncle was able to reach me. You [who address me] all express great joy in being able to communicate with us. We welcome you, and send you our love.

Helen: Who calls? Welcome, my station is open.

Minstrels: We are the Minstrels. We wish to advise you that the Elemental Kingdom will also care for you. The Ground Crew and the Underground Crew work daily to minimize the damage at the surface of earth. We shall continue to do so.

Helen: Thank you for coming and for providing this information. [ Three Minstrels from the Elemental Kingdom have been communicating with me over a period of two months, and keeping me up to date on their Kingdom.]

Minstrels: The sun will come through brightly and will cleanse much of the pollution, smog and poisons. The oceans will begin to clear, as if by magic. This is our work. All changes in Nature are brought forth by the Devic Kingdom. We receive our instructions from Creator, through our own leaders. We are a tightly knit group, always working in an orderly fashion. That is why we can bring order out of chaos. Many lighthearted souls will be aware of our presence, and will communicate with us. We are also Heralders, as you.

Helen: Who calls? Come in, my station is open.

Unknown: When you arise, little one, there will be a different world. The date of January 18, 2010 has been heralded as the Day of the Great Beginning. There will be fireworks in the sky. These are a sign from the non-human kingdoms that Earth and its nearby territories are alive with life, with life of all shapes and kinds. Let us salute each other, as the fireworks begin. Let the people know that this is a joyous outburst from the Animal, Vegetable and Mineral Kingdom that all is well. Release yourself of yesterday and begin the new day. It is coming, it has come.

Helen: Thank you. Goodnight.

Two Messages from Methusaleh thru Helen Engel Jan. 17 2010

Helen: Who calls? Welcome, please introduce yourself.

Methusaleh: Whenever there is joy in heaven and on Earth, simultaneously, the skies light up and the angel chorus rings out. This is one of those times. The work that this little band is doing is greatly appreciated. We are the Collective. We shall continue to guide you, inform you about events, and converse with you over the coming year. While the mass First Contact [ETs and Masters] may not occur in the first half of the year, there is a possibility that private visitations to Amiable Contact members can be arranged. Please advise your fellow light workers that we are most anxious to speak telepathically with them. Because our frequencies are partially blended, all that is needed is intent, and they can connect with us. Peace and joy to all .

You are loved. I am Methusaleh.

Helen's Background: Helen Engel has been telepathic for 30 years and taught telepathy for five years. She is the author of "Sananda Course in Telepathy" dictated from the Pleiades by Sananda, the one who was Jeshua [Esu] and was called Jesus. [ ]

On Methusaleh: Most people know that Methusaleh lived longer than anybody else -- in fact, almost a 1000 years. Methusaleh's name was given to Enoch, his father, by God. The name that God have him was a sentence, and his name describes his relationship with God, a reflection of the parents' relationship with God. God told Enoch to name the baby Methusaleh, and in the Hebrew 'Methusaleh' means, "when he is dead it shall come." Enoch walked with God and descended in a chariot or starship as we would call it and did not die and his son lived 969 years and followed in his path.

Ascended Masters [ ] include:

Gabriel, twin flame of Hope, Archangel of the fourth ray of the resurrection and the ascension flame [twin flames are similar to companions to us].

Hilarion, Chohan of the Fifth (green) ray of truth, healing, science and music.

Jesus the Christ, a World Teacher

Jophiel, twin flame of Christine, Archangel on the second (yellow) ray of illumination.

Kuan Yin, compassionate Saviouress, the Bodhisattva of Mercy, ensouls the God-qualities of mercy, compassion and forgiveness; and serves on the Karmic Board as the representative of the seventh ray (violet ray).

Kuthumi, World Teacher and Master Psychologist, serves with Jesus.

Maitreya holds the office of Cosmic Christ and Planetary Buddha. His name means “loving kindness.”

Mary, Mother of Jesus and twin flame of Archangel Raphael.

Michael, twin flame of Faith, Archangel on the first (blue) ray of God’s protection.

Raphael, archangel of the fifth ray of truth, wholeness, healing, science, precipitation, the abundant life, music and mathematics, divine complement of Archeia Mary, the Mother of Jesus.

Saint Germain, twin flame of the ascended lady master Portia the Goddess of Justice, known in his final embodiment as le Comte de Saint Germain, the Wonderman of Europe. He brings the gift of the violet flame for the alchemical transmutation of consciousness.

Sanat Kumara, known as the Ancient of Days, one of the seven holy Kumaras, serves on the third ray bringing the gift of love and the gift of the threefold flame.

Uriel, twin flame of Archeiai Aurora, archangel of the sixth ray of ministration and service.

Venus, twin flame of Sanat Kumara.

My Comments: On the Passover last year April 9, 2009 Methusaleh reportedly told Helen "The Masters are coming in less than a year", but to many at that time it did not make much sense. That would put the Masters arrival around Easter of this year which is the time that St. Germaine's propsperity funds will be available. AA Michael said this month: “This moment will be the most historic moment that Earth has ever lived for more than 300,000 years”, so when you connect the dots it appears that the Ascended Masters along with the Galactic Federation will visit us around Easter and bring the changes we have requested. Only Time will tell.

Rich N


Monday, February 22, 2010

Archangel Michael February 17, 2010

The 5th Step - February 17, 2010

I am Michael, Ruling Prince of the Heavenly Host. Beloved Children of the Light, wherever you are on this Earth who attend this meeting We announce the installation within your magnetosphere of the whole Archangelic Conclave which now has five assistant Archangels Who are from outside of your Solar System. Together We will connect through the Keys of Metatron [the mantra OD - ER - IM - IS - Al] to the worlds of Light within your world, and not just at the level of your consciousness, but also at the astral and etheric levels of all life within this Solar System. This period that We will usher in together during these minutes from noon on today will prepare you to dissolve and remove the veils of illusion that you have maintained in this density that have cut you off from the Light.

I will return after these common energies merge in you later to explain this 5th step and what it means in the coming month for both you and Us until the 6th step is given on March 17. At that time the resistance inherent in all human beings both individually and collectively (resistances resulting due either to your own fault or because of the changes occurring in this world) will be removed, and this will give you knowledge so you may be liberated and free [knowledge is freedom] whatever the consequences of your experiences and your consciousness. Thus during the coming month what is unveiled today signals during this period the removal of the ego self and those barriers in your individual consciousness so that the Light may be established in you.

As you know, the term of My service ends in three months [May]. There will then occur other major and unique events in the history of mankind. But before going any further (if you like) We should all understand that by the silent repetition of these five related Metatronic keys ( OD - ER - IM - IS - Al) [It is pronounced silently as ODE AYR EEM EES AHL] and the positioning of your hands on each side of your Heart (there is a diagram at the bottom of the page in the above link) you can connect to Us in this fifth step.

Receive this Effusion of energy [pause]...

Beloved Children of the Light, this full and conscious connection with the Light is now established. This connection will have an impact on you and will be incarnated in you during the coming days. It is during this period that you have to live that a number of instructions, a number of important principles regarding your submission to the Light will be given so that you may surrender to the Light in strength, confidence and faith.

I will leave further discussion later in the day to a spokesman for the Melchizedek, the venerable Sri Aurobindo who will speak with you at 6 PM [French time] tonight so that you may start to early experience the radiation of energy at 7 PM today [the daily 1/2 hour of meditation] under ideal conditions. As for me, I will now reveal a number of general principles to you: you are close, much closer, to the period called the Revelation. This Revelation is both internal [in you] and external [around you]. This principle of Revelation will be accompanied by both internal and external events in your density, all of which must be used for deconstruction in you and around you so that you will be in full. It is in this sense that you must develop trust, faith, and the certainty of your essence and your final eternal destination. [This may refer to the Book of Revelations in the Bible, a book that was given word for word to John by Jesus according to the Archangels.]

A bridge is now established. All radiations of the Holy Spirit, the Ultraviolet energy, and the Light of the Source are now available to increase your consciousness and your vibrational level, so that this final imprisonment by the ego and this separation from Divinity in you and around you will end. I am not saying that this period will be easy, but you will be supported by your joy, you will be supported by the vibration of your Divine essence and the vibrational connection between you and Us and between Us and you.

This Fire of the Heart that is associated with the alchemy and transformation of the two radiant crowns [the head and heart] will intensify. Some of you will receive this vibrant and exciting Light in your entire body, and throughout your body these areas of resistance will disappear. They require no attention by you other than your focus on your alignment to the Light and your vibration. This is the only way to dissolve in you and around you what needs to be removed so that you may be able to move beyond the lines of least resistance, to ease these lines gracefully. A number of elements opposed to the Light are in their final hours and are living on borrowed time. Do not be fooled, do not get involved with reckless reactions from this.

This should be and this must be achieved in you in full in order to allow the 6th step on March 17 so that you may accommodate at this time the Light of Christ, the Light of the Master of Light within your density. It is now in Spirit and in Truth from that time on. Some of you already have the ability to communicate in one way or another with the Master of Light. This arrival is made possible by your work and those assisting Us. Again on behalf of the Conclave and on behalf of the five visiting Archangels, We bring you greetings, thanks and blessings.

You will soon receive the fruits of your labor, the fruits of your hope, the fruits of your faith [most of the results of what we do to assist the Light are hidden from us]. You still have to pass this difficult stage corresponding to the purification of the ego, to purify your emotions so that you may live in total confidence in the Light. You through your personality and mentality can nothing. Only the influence of the Holy Spirit, only the radiation from the Source, only the ultraviolet radiation, only your confidence and your faith will work by themselves and by the Intelligence of Light within your structures.

I will return on March 17 at 5 PM French time, and I will then ask you everywhere on Earth to join with Me in the same position as today (with your hands on both sides of your chest and fingers pointed toward the Heavens), repeating silently in your inner temple the phrase that you know: "I welcome the Light of Christ in Unity and in Truth." This will establish the connection in your inner temple with the Master of Light. Until then, We will continue together for a few more minutes to enhance this connection that will be for you an assurance of your service within this period.

Beloved Masters of the Light, We welcome you in our Kingdoms in compassion. It is necessary that the mental turmoil and doubts in your head are silenced. It is your responsibility to cultivate this inner silence, to keep your house clean, so that you may permit the return of the Master of Light in your midst. This vibrational quality today matches what you have now experienced for many weeks at the Radiant Crowns of the Head and the Heart not only at 7 PM or 6 PM as some believe, but in all hours and minutes of your days and your nights. Make good use of this and utilize it.

The Fire is cleansing, the Light is purifying, the Light is now active, so allow it to work within your structures. I will speak with you again on March 17th at 5 PM [French time]. You will at that time interact with the voice of the Lipika Karma [they connect in your karma the planes of pure spirit with those of your material world that are the very highest classes of cosmic spirits in the universe] at 6 PM on that day, giving you advice at different levels, allowing you to more finely align the vibration which now will become permanent in you and around you. The Archangelic Conclave today and the five visiting Archangels send Our blessing to you so that We may align ourselves with you as you align with Us in the sacred syllables [mantras] uttered in silence of your Inner Temple. I bless you, We love you, We salute you, and We encourage you.

Sheldan Nidle Feb 16

At present, several important events are being readied to manifest. First, is the matter of your new gold-based banking system. This fairer and more transparent financial system is already being secretly implemented in a number of nations. These test runs are proving to be quite successful and this opens the door for its general acceptance by your world. The series of messages is being delayed by the actions of the failing US Federal Reserve Bank, which is still able to do hatchet jobs on any financial "upstart" attempts. This institution is aided in these attacks by several closely aligned Central Banks.

However, these activities are soon to cease as the Fed sinks deeper into bankruptcy. The huge amount of gold to back the new currencies and the easier-to-implement international banking rules are catalyzing a global landslide of support for the changes. Second, is the global debt-forgiveness program. Nearly 200 nations signed on to this worldwide project. The objective is to start off the new system with a tabula rasa [blank slate] since most debt was incurred fraudulently.

In conjunction with this is the continuing work to collapse a number of major governments that have become part of a global corporate state run by the dark cabal. These instruments of power are also approaching bankruptcy. When these regimes were put in place, a dissolution clause was incorporated in their "secret compacts," which allows for these crippled states to be replaced by temporary caretaker administrations. A series of court-approved documents sanctions our Earth allies to appoint the successors.

These legal instruments set up the framework for the lawful removal of several governments, including that of the US. In consonance with this, certain immoral and illegal international activities of these dark regimes can also lead to their removal, and in the same vein, lawful constitutional restoration is stipulated in the US Constitution. America is the chosen child of Ascended Masters like Saint Germaine and Hilarion. She plays a central role in the unfolding of the transitional world that is to welcome our first contact mission, and it is thus essential that America return to her original course.

This brings us to global prosperity. Around three centuries ago Saint Germaine perceived that a huge fund would become necessary to bring the world out of want. He therefore maneuvered the ruling heads of Europe to establish his World Trust, which was divided into three parts: the first permitted these rulers to set up secret national trusts under the banner of Saint Germaine; the second was a non-disclosure trust that was to accumulate and then mature at the start of the 21st century.

Its selected benefactors were to be "Light Workers," and this trust was to be open for payment during two cycles each year, after Easter and Christmas. While it was maturing, these cycles would add to the Trust. The third was to fund the Saint Germaine Foundation, which was to oversee the Trust and ensure that stipulated payments were carried out according to the secret original documents. As you know, the dark cabal is blocking these payments. It fears the consequences of vast sums being disbursed according to Saint Germaine's plans.

Our Earth allies are working with great diligence to ensure that these funds get distributed to the proper recipients. A long struggle underway since the end of WW II is coming to an end. The exceptional greed and astonishing stubbornness of the dark ones has delayed this program from the start, and in the last four decades their level of hubris reached dictatorial proportions, greatly increasing their chances of success.

However, you now have a global monetary system that has imploded and which, like the Titanic, is sinking into the inky depths of total collapse. On the bright side, this development opens up an opportunity to dislodge those who so willfully stand in the way of your world's much needed prosperity. The coming regime changes are allowing our Earth allies to push deliveries forward, coupled with the release of the sequestered technologies. These subjects will be part of the announcements that the caretaker governments are to broadcast formally once they assume power.

These matters tie in with first contact. We are committed to getting you to the point where the machinations of the dark are eliminated, and this operation is indeed approaching an imminent resolution. In the meantime, Mother Earth is busy establishing the groundwork for swiftly transforming the surface of the planet. At present the surface world is a three-dimensional reality, while Inner Earth is five-dimensional. The frequency dichotomy point, or layer, occurs where the gravitational discontinuity is located, approximately 800 miles beneath the surface. This area has been assaulted by your secret governments since before WW II. The Agarthans have been watching this activity closely: it was a project originally begun by the Anunnaki and their dark off-world cohorts, and in the late 1990s a number of dark governments continued these aggressive endeavors.

This covert conflict has taken something of a back seat in the past few years as the dark turned increasingly to using climate change and other aspects of Mother Earth's changes as potential weapons to terrorize you. The dark cabalists also used the chemtrails project to influence your health by messing with your many physical changes. We are coordinating our efforts with our Earth allies to minimize much of what they are dabbling in; also, these technologies interfere with Mother Earth's rising consciousness and thus need initially to be somewhat neutralized. We have, more frequently, used our atmospheric scout ships to vaporize the more deadly output of these dark projects, and have grounded the cabalists' scout ships and certain of their weapons-carrying ships to express our deep displeasure at their ongoing nefarious policies.

The present moment in your history is a great turning point. The dark has controlled this reality for nearly 13 millennia. This control included the manipulation of not just you but also Mother Earth. Now, you are beginning to transform into fully conscious Beings of Light. This process is a sign from Heaven to this dark cabal that its "moments in the Sun" are ending. It is time to comprehend what is going on and simply to let it happen. This capacity seems to be beyond the dark minions. The number of secret programs they possess is vast, but these highly sophisticated (to them) technologies are mere garden tools to us. We have watched a multitude of primitive planets grow over millennia into fellow Galactic Federation members, and this experience endows us with the knowledge to recognize that in your case "this too will come to pass."

The reality you live in is transforming at a rapid clip. Your world is under the aegis of the divine plan and Heaven's and our guidance. The dark cabalists continue to kid themselves about reversing or at least altering what is occurring, but this belief is daily being challenged, proving that the Divine is to have her sacred way. Despite the evidence, the dark ones remains adamant that they can find a solution before it is too late. We have been telling them over the course of many face-to-face meetings that their strategy is doomed, as first contact and the return to full consciousness is a sacred given. What is happening to this reality precludes any sudden reversals, but all this falls on deaf ears. So, what is brewing is bound to shock them. Just know that the changes are imminent and that the party is getting ready to roll!

My Comments: Sheldan spoke this week of Saint Germaine, one of the main Ascended Masters. He was called a saint by those who knew him because they highly respected him although he was not recognized as such by the Catholic Church. His life was during the 1700's, and he was in both Europe and the US and was reportedly influential in formulating the Constitution. He is known by all major financial personnel as the creator of the prosperity funds during that time and is said to have known the secret of alchemy where he could create gold at any time and had vast amounts in his possession that he used to benefit others. These funds were established 300 years ago and have a value now of about $10 with 40 zeros after it (the price of gold has increased exponentially since then) which in todays dollars is enough to make everyone a multimillionaire if distributed worldwide and would give all their freedom from the slavery of money and control. It was planned to be distribute around the year 2000 but was delayed by the darkside through 9/11 in 2001.

Some say that it should be available only after ascension, but it would not have the benefits it would now because much of the population would not be around at that time. These funds have high security status and many professional hackers from Microsoft and China have reportedly tried to break in and have not been successful. They have a time lock on it like those vaults in banks and it is only open around Easter and Christmas, so the next period would be around April 4th, and we may not see a new financial system for a month yet. Obama spoke of a new currency last year that would have a value of around 10% of the dollar and leaders have been discussing this option recently. This devaluation is due to the fact that the US has insufficient gold to back it up because the Ft. Knox "gold" is only gold plated worthless metals that have little value. It would mean that $100 would only be worth $10, so you could buy a $300,000 house for $30,000 and your $50,000 salary would be only $5,000.

There would be a problem with other currencies however because a $ 3 gallon of gas would cost $30 and a $10 item from China would cost $100. However if the new currency was backed up by the St. Germaine prosperity gold funds there is plenty of gold and no need for this, and this is what is now being discussed. However when you you provide the funds you have control on how they are used, and most leaders want only to keep this money for themselves, so a change of leadership is a requirement for this to be implemented.

Along with this new currency would be a cancellation of all debts like mortgages and loans since most of the financial debt that is in the $100's of trillions is due to fraudulent trading of derivatives that are only listed in separate books and are illegal under Basel 2 laws. As many have mentioned the darkside has been blocking these funds until now, and it is not a part of the OITC which is a separate source of prosperity funding.

Obama will reintroduce his health care bill this week that is basically the same one he promoted before but with new decorative packaging and a revision of the passage procedures to make it easier to approve. The US corporation is bankrupt and any changes will only bring a reduction in service and more taxes and control. We need a new government that serves the people and a new currency that is based on gold, but that is not desired by the darkside now because they only want to further enslave us.

AA Michael spoke of the 5 Keys of Metatron, and He has now defined them as the 5 syllables of the mantra OD - ER - IM - IS - Al, so I have updated my work to include this. The Archangels have said that 3D is a reversal and distortion of the higher realms, so this mantra is DO - RE - MI backwards. By placing your hands on both sides of your chest at midway position near your heart with fingers pointed towards the sky and repeating these 5 syllables silently at the start of your daily meditation you can more easily connect with higher realms and these energies. [It is pronounced silently as ODE AYR EEM EES AHL]

Some Westerners do not understand these Eastern teachings and feel that this procedure is occult. It is merely a tool that can be used by all to contact higher dimensions, and it is also used in Satanic worship today by the darkside also. About 100 years ago Aleister Crowley (some called him Satan incarnate) used these tools to connect with higher dimensions and communicated with beings that appear to be the greys. This contact may have later assisted in their introduction to the Nazis whom they helped in WW 2 to build primitive UFOs (they did not use them since they couldn’t drop bombs from them), and Hitler’s persecution and holocaust was later distorted and used by the Khazarian Jews as an excuse to invade Palestine and settle there after WW 2 to continue the Nazi traditions.

Edgar Cayce 60 years ago used these procedures in his work to connect with the Akashic Records to assist and council others. These records contain all of the thoughts and actions of our past, present and future, although the future can be changed by us and there is no predestination as some theologians have taught in the past. Nothing in time goes unnoticed or is forgotten and will be used to evaluate our future destination.

The next AA Michael meeting is on March 17th at 5 PM French time (11 AM NY time and 8 AM in LA], and He will at that time give you instructions for implementing the 6th step. US Time zones in NY are French time -6, Chicago -7, MT -8. and LA -9 hours.

Time zones are available at

The next period for NESARA and the St. Germaine funds would be around Easter time which is April 4th so we may have to wait for a month to see any substantial changes, but time will tell.

Rich N


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Archangel Michael - February 14, 2010

Preparation for the 5th step on Wednesday February 17 - Edited and revised

I am Michael, Ruling Prince of the Heavenly Host. I welcome you as Children of the Light, Starseeds, and Children of the Law of One at our meeting today. I come to you to instruct you and prepare you for the fulfillment of the fifth step that will occur this Wednesday February 17 (at 12 noon French time), and this event is the confirmation of the Fire of the Heart in your density. On this day and at this appointed time all of you in this world who live and follow the Archangelic Conclave (We the Conclave have collaborated with other Archangels, regardless of what Conclave they belong to) will for the first time receive Our first circle of radiation directed to an area around your Earth from beyond your magnetosphere. On that day We will initialize the transmission of the Fire of the Heart to all by this event in your dimension.

This is a moment that We have both anticipated and desired so much for you so that you may regain your freedom, your sovereignty and your Unity. Beloved Children of the Light, it's time to reveal this now, it is time to awaken you. The time has also come for Earth which both sustains and supports you to connect with this dimension of eternity. For the first time since time immemorial (in terrestrial terms this dates back several hundred thousands of years), the approach of the worlds of Unified Light and the forces of the Intergalactic Confederation are made possible on Earth [some say this refers to the expanded Galactic Federation that includes many other universes]. In the same way that We the Archangelic Conclave in association with five other Archangels who are outside of the evolution of your local universe have joined with the Conclave in Our essence, by using the Keys that We gave to the Divine Mary you will also join with other human beings who are gathered on the surface of this planet.

Together We celebrate the return of the Fire, the return of the Light within your world that has been separated until now. Thus We together can implement the fifth step, an important step that will bring what you call in your language the cleansing of Fire in your body and also within the planetary body of Earth. At this point the phase of deconstruction that I initialized here almost a year ago will return to full activity and full manifestation [we may see unusual events starting this week].

On this day beloved you will all experience in your dimension the Union of the separated worlds in a Unified and permanent manner. From sunrise in the east [Asia] until sunset at the furthest point in the West [US] of this planet, We will perform this. On that day the Keys of Metatron will penetrate not only your body, not only the circles of the Fire of the Elders, but it will spread to the entire surface of this planet.

The Light has finally won, it has won the right to be manifested within this dimension. The Light has won the right (if you so wish) to bathe you in the Source in Truth and in Unity, and to reconnect with you and celebrate your return to your Divine essence. However it will not for the moment signal the end of this third dimension, but it is the beginning of a new adventure so that you will (if you so desire) experience the beginning of the establishment of a new life and a new consciousness. Bless these moments as We bless this period that you will live.

The preparation for this day will be in the usual way that you perform every night during this meditation at 7 PM French time. You will be asked on that day at the moment that you choose or preferably if possible during My speech at noon French time to achieve the posture that you have been taught (the reunification of radiation within your Inner Temple). During this noon time period on Wed. and also in the evening at 7 PM French time you should remain in this posture, and again I repeat this should be performed quietly in your interior using the five related Keys of Metatron that are the five sacred syllables [or mantras OD ER IM IS AL which are pronounced ODE AYR EEM EES AHL] , and in so doing it will make the Earth vibrate in unison with the vibration of the Conclave, the vibration of Mary, the vibration of the Lipika Karma, and the vibration of all of the forces of the Intergalactic Confederation that are now massed in front of your Sun.

[Theosophy Dictionary on Lipika: The lipikas are among the very highest classes of cosmic spirits in the universe; as entities they may be thought of as acting from the highest plane of our chain of globes. In a sense they karmically connect the planes of pure spirit with those of matter. These recorders of the karmic ledger (the Akashic Records) of the solar system mark the distinctive barrier between the personal ego and the impersonal Divine essence.]

Indeed, the time has come for the revelation of Unity, the revelation of the Source and the revelation to you that you have never been alone in this 3D creation [you have been assisted by guardian angels all along]. A number of humans are now living the fruits of these meetings and these contacts. Many people now live in the Fire of the Heart or are beginning to experience this now. This alchemy is a transformation by Fire. This Fire is the element of Light that reveals this Light, and it will can authenticate and demonstrate this in Truth, whatever the magnitude. Today this Fire has returned within this dimension, today this Fire has been activated in this dimension. Today and as of the 17th you will notice these effects within your inner essence, within your consciousness and within your universe manifested in this 3rd dimension.

Beloved Children of the Light, We look forward to meeting with you in your journey, in your essence and in your dimension of eternity. Beloved Masters of the Light (as I have called you for some time now), you will demonstrate and show by your Light in the eyes of humanity and in the eyes of those who have not yet awakened what is the magnitude of the Fire, the magnitude of sovereignty and its authenticity. This is coming soon, and We ask that you prepare for this period. Try as much as possible to limit your intake of both food and vision [TV etc.] and reading material [do not be distracted by external things] so that you may permeate even more deeply into your inner being, into your eternity and your Truth.

You are now in reality at the dawn of a new life, a new consciousness, a new Truth, and you are much closer to the Truth of the One, the Truth of the Source, and the Source is nearer to you now. From the time that the Archangels met in Conclave, from the time that the Intergalactic Confederation started preparing for this moment, from the time when you started to prepare for this moment (not just from the beginning of the Celestial Marriages last year, but some of you have waited for this moment for thousands and even tens of thousands of years), you have finally arrived at this point, which is why you chose to experience this period and these moments in this world now.

The matrix that has enslaved you and has so far overshadowed all manifestations of the Light is about to be finally dissolved. The three membranes or matrices that trapped you and imprisoned you have no reason to exist and have no reason to prevent you from reaching your Divine goal. Thus We are pleased with you, and during this next meeting on Wed. We ask that you prepare your Inner Temple in inner silence [by using your heart and not your mind or intellect] with the utmost reverence, in order that you may live in the maximum of efficiency, purity, purification and holiness. You are called without exception to experience the Presence of Unity, the Presence of Holiness and the Presence of Truth. Within this triple Presence manifesting itself in your consciousness, on that day and on subsequent days more than ever you can no longer cheat or mislead anybody because you will reveal your true self and you will perceive that others are not as they appear to be.

You will become this, and you will begin to see in a more and more transparent manner the transparency within yourself, the transparency in this world and the transparency in the Light in Truth. This is called the purity of the Light and it reveals its brilliance whether it is diamond-like, crystalline, or a structure of Light. It is this beloved Children of the One that you are called to live from February 17 on.

This fifth step also means the purification which must be within your essence, within your environment, and within your personality as you continue to live in this matrix. This signals as I said the completion of the period of deconstruction, the final completion of what should be done and will be accomplished before I end my term of service [in May] and turn it over to Archangel Metatron and Archangel Uriel and before the Divine Mary makes her announcement.

Beloved Children of the Light, beloved Children of the Truth, I ask that you remain focussed on this unique moment that you will live together with Us and We with you. On Wed. February 17 at noon (French time) We the Archangels will encircle all of Earth's magnetosphere and initialize during these historic moments the descent of the Light and the incarnation and the anchoring of the Light in this dimension.

Thus anything that is not of the Light, all that is resistant to the Light in you and outside of you should collapse and disappear. There is no other alternative, there is no other option but to live in the Truth of the Heart and to live in the simplicity of the Heart. You are at a milestone in time and you are a witness and guarantee of this authenticity, and you show this by your actions in your daily life, by your behavior in your everyday life and by every breath you take in this dimension which is the dimension of the Heart.

As you know many humans have begun throughout the world to feel this Fire of the Heart and to live and manifest it. You now need to establish it in all your physical and spiritual structures and establish it in you as We will all do on February 17, and rather than simply anchoring it (as you have done up till now) it will be a more tangible, concrete and real entry of the Light in this dimension. This moment will be the most historic moment that Earth has ever experienced in over 300,000 years.

Thus We hope that increasingly more and more will join Us in the Light. We hope that more and more will experience this joy, whatever the circumstances of your deconstructions whether internal or external, whatever the areas of inevitable resistance that will occur, even among those who have experienced the Fire of the Heart. We ask you not to fight; We ask only that you welcome the Light and the Fire, as only the Fire will be capable and able to dissolve in you those areas of resistance. No act of free will, no act that would remove you from the Light will resolve and dissolve what should be.

You must as Archangel Anael has said now for almost a year exercise your total surrender to the Light and the Intelligence of the Light. That is where you will find the resolution necessary to overcome what encumbers you even today on your road to the Unity and the Light. Thus I repeat, We ask that you prepare yourself as We the Conclave have prepared for almost a year now for this time. This fifth step signals the introduction of the Fire of the Light within this density, not only within your Heart and the Heart of Earth, but also the revelation and effectiveness of the Fire and Truth of this Fire in this dimension. Do not fight against anything; accept the Light and agree to surrender to the Fire.

You will be transformed, you will be purified, you will become the mirror of the Source, the image of Love and the image of Truth. This is the message that I send you for this preparation. Thus during the first few minutes of My arrival you should position your hands on either side of the chest and in quietness repeat the sacred syllables [mantras] that will enable you to activate the crown chakra of the Radiant Heart within the area of your Heart, so that the sacred music and the crowned Light of Fire will appear in your entire body, throughout this entire planetary body of Earth, and in all of the collective group minds and matrices created in this humanity, revealing the total wonder of the Light and the inevitable end of the darkness to all. Beloved Masters of the Light and beloved Children of the Light, if there are among you here questions about the implementation of this process, I will discuss this and instruct you.

However, remember that during my visit on February 17 at the appointed noon time I will speak again to give you other items that will assist you in what you need to live between February 17 and March 17. This will consist of practical advice to help you live with understanding and intuition in levels where there is no more resistance so that you may abide in your essence in eternal joy and supreme peace.

Beloved Children of the Light, I now conclude for today. If however you have questions in relation to this process I will try to provide additional Light and instruction. I bless you for who you are in your essence, I bless you for what you accomplish, I bless you for the Light that you retransmit, I bless you for the efforts you have made, and I bless you even more for your effort to ensure that you join Us in Unity and in the Truth and Light.

Question: During the session on Wed. the 17th, must we repeat the sacred syllables [mantras] silently throughout the duration of this meeting?

As I said these mantras that you perform during the first seven minutes will do much to initiate the process of our meeting and assist on the Earth with the Archangelic Radiance. I also stated that each night during the period from 7-7:30 PM [French time] some of you will feel the beginnings of what you will feel daily from February 17 on.

[AA Michael spoke earlier about these 5 Keys of Metatron that are merging and introductory procedures called mantras that should be used at the start of each session at 7 PM French time and which will help you in receiving and assisting this Light for those who have not enabled this yet. Place your hands on each side of your heart with fingers pointed towards the sky (this acts like an antenna) and continually repeat internally the phrase OD ER IM IS AL (pronounced ODE AYR EEM EES AHL) while welcoming the Light of Christ in Unity and Truth so that these chakras will merge and integrate and assist in this meditation. ]

Question: What do You mean by preparing for this using limited vision?

By this limited preparation that you perform during these three days you will receive and enhance most of the work of the Light and Fire in your density. Therefore you need a vibrational reduction. For some of you this may be done by visiting nature and forests or parks, for others this may be accomplished by being alone, and for still others it may be by simple meditation. But in general avoid extraneous signals and distractions [like TV or movies or crowds] during these days until the 17th.

Question: What is the best food to eat in preparation for this?

For those who wish to prepare for this day you need to stay sober and do not drink a lot of alcoholic beverages. For those who wish to eat drink only liquids [and avoid solid food and especially meat which will lower your spiritual vibration]. One way or another, each according to his ability, restrict what is usual for you in food to best prepare for what is to come. [Wine is common in Europe during meals while in the West many drink soft drinks during that time. It is best to avoid diet or sugarless drinks (many of which contain Nutrasweet or other harmful ingredients) which will make you sick. It may be wise to limit your food to items like soup and juices on that day.]

We have no more questioning.

We thank you beloved Children of the Light, and I now close this meeting with a common blessing. I and the rest of the Conclave will meet with you every night at 7 PM and more importantly on Wed. Feb. 17th at 12 noon French time on your watch and again on March 5th [a Friday]. All times shown are local French times.

[The next AA Michael meeting is on Wed. February 17 at 12 noon French time [6 AM NY time and 3 AM in LA] that will give you instructions for implementing the 5th step. US Time zones in NY are French time -6, Chicago -7, MT -8. and LA -9 hours. Time zones are available at ]

NASA - intense flashes of gamma-ray energy

Instruments scanning outer space for cataclysmic explosions called gamma-ray bursts are detecting intense flashes of gamma-ray energy right here in the friendly skies of Earth. These terrestrial gamma-ray flashes, or TGFs, blast through thunderstorms close to the altitude where commercial airliners fly. In fact, they could be too close for comfort. All these instruments have been pointing across the universe, while right over our heads these monsters are going off!" "Now the whole field of TGFs is on fire," says Fishman. "People are jumping on the bandwagon to try to figure them out."

My Comments: AA Michael has said recently that this new energy that we are receiving includes gamma-rays. “This galactic wave composed mainly of gamma rays is intended to completely transmute your physical carbon based structure into another form that is much lighter. You can accommodate this radiation and this change from the time the Fire in the heart is active and effective in you.” NASA and scientists have begun to notice this but have no idea where this is coming from or what it is for.

He seems to say that this week will begin the changes that we have requested and will be a memorable time. He said: “This moment will be the most historic moment that Earth has ever lived for more than 300,000 years.” He mentions the Intergalactic Confederation as part of this along with the removal of the 3D veil. He indicates that the Feb. 17th date will be very important, and this will begin when the Sun rises in the Orient and ends when it sets in the West, so this would include a period of 24 hours from 7 PM Tues. night till 7 PM Wed. night in the US.

Many leaders and CEOs are retiring or resigning probably because they see that their control is ending. The darkside will try to take credit for any earthquakes or other events that will occur to show that they are still in control of us, but these events are a normal process of Earth’s changes. Obama continues to promote his health care bill which he says will give medical care to all, and that sounds like a good idea until you research the provisions of the bill. Those who have studied it say it amounts to total slavery for all and a victory for the darkside, and the media has not accurately covered this in detail. These provisions include:

1) Coverage would be limited to $5000 per individual and $10,000 per family per year. That would not even cover one day in the hospital.

2) It would implement real ID which was rejected by many states and would require each to receive a shot with a microchip, and this could be used for tracking and mind control.

3) It would be required for all to be members and would tax most for thousands of dollars to pay for it.

4) Medicare would be severely limited with many services canceled, and many doctors say they would not participate in it.

Hopefully we will begin to see the changes that have been discussed, but only time will tell.

Rich N


Monday, February 8, 2010

Archangel Anael Q&A January 30, 2010

Question: Is the Bermuda Triangle a door?

Beloved, there are this planet in its interior and also on its exterior a number of structures called vibrational structures. These structures can be doors, gates, locks, vortices, or star gates. They are of various natures. Some provide access and travel within the matrix, which themselves have long been used by those who have been called the Archons [In Greek history archons were leaders and holders of the highest offices and had important judicial functions, and this can also be applied to mythological gods and ETs. In this context it refers mostly to negative ETs like the Anunnaki and those who work for them like the Illuminati who wish to keep us in slavery as they retain their rule over us].

This is also a result of the actions that We the Archangels have performed in the creation of a number of new doors in your environment the same way that We at present with the help of the Intergalactic Confederation are creating within the Sun and in its immediate environment a number of stargates to assist Us in the 3D matrix where you exist and to allow it to again be powered by the Light. Thus, there are very many doors.

What you speak of was actually a door that in the past was remotely linked to Atlantis. These doors are evolving and changing over time, and they are included in structures like the pyramids, and some are suspended in the air or are in inner Earth. These doors, portals, stargates and a number of other structures can now be seen for yourselves by the vibrational changes taking place on this planet, but of course they have nothing to do with who you are but relate to the length of day [some say days seem shorter now] and are called climate changes. There is an upheaval, a major transformation that is underway in this humanity as there is in the whole solar system.

Thus you must welcome these changes, and you should understand that these external changes were created for you in the first place and do affect you. The action that We perform on the Sun also takes place within your essence because the sun is the place where your eternal universal bodies of Light are stored.

Question: You said some time ago that the Light had won. It seems however that this is not the case.

The Light of course has won dear friend. The Light has become victorious, but there is simply a lag between what exists in Heaven and what is visible on Earth. A number of processes have occurred like the collapse of the financial system that was earlier foretold to you by OM Aivanov. The financial system has definitely collapsed, but nevertheless it continues its existence as if nothing has happened for some time. This illustrates to Us and you the difficulty between what happens in Heaven and the period of time until this appears on Earth. The Light has won because in the interstellar worlds at the level of the Intergalactic Confederation these obstructions related to these bad guys can no longer exist. Nevertheless on the surface level of your world there are a number of dark forces that are obviously still at work. They have not yet been completely dissolved by the Light.

Question: Is it not a responsibility for those people who are in the Light or on a path to accepting this Light to battle this sort of thing?

Beloved, you do not need to fight the dark but you need to simply live in and radiate the Light. The forces that created this matrix want only one thing: that you become involved in the darkness versus Light battle. The Light never fights. Archangel Michael provides the needed combat as He has often said. He told you last year on numerous occasions that your role is to to simply be [in the Light]. When you are you battle without using the energies that correspond to this level of reality.

The battles between good and evil, the conflicts, and the electromagnetic forces that you see are those which permitted the installation of this 3D matrix. Undoing the matrix requires this battle to move beyond the duality of good and evil. The fight you have to carry on is an internal struggle between your ego personality and your Divine essence so you can establish the Light and this essence in you. From the moment you radiate the Light, this Light acts by its own intelligence.

By your surrender to the Light (which I expressed last year) you can win without fighting, just by being yourself in your essence and your radiation; there is no other solution. From the moment you enter into a battle against evil, you participate in one way or another in the 3D matrix of duality. You are required to go beyond the duality of this good and evil battle to enter the Unity - there is no other way. This means that as you plan the battle of Light against darkness by utilizing the Light of a person or a social group you continually remain in duality, and you will not escape the duality of this struggle. The battle against the opposition dark forces present in this universe, and especially in this sector of the universe linked to the falsification of Light was created here a long time ago by the Archons.

Your only struggle should be an internal struggle; by growing in the Light, and by allowing the Light to transform you, you will manifest this more and more. Not until that moment will you understand the purpose of good and evil as has been stated by all the current religions on this planet. You live in a matrix. The goal of this matrix is to continue to exist. The only way it can survive is to make you believe that you must fight against evil by your goodness. The laws of karma were enacted not by the Lords of Karma as they were called but rather by the Archons, and they want you to believe that by doing good you will conquer evil, but if that were true all of humanity or the greater part of humanity would have already defeated evil and would have been released from the matrix.

Look at the forces linked to those attempting to enforce the Light. Light does not enforce, the Light is alive, the Light does not fight darkness. Light by its presence and its radiation dissolves the darkness. This is not the same as directing the Light against the darkness. It is necessary to surrender to the Light in Unity, and fighting the darkness only maintains the world of duality.

Question: When practicing this exercise during meditation every evening from 7-7:30 PM [French time] (this is a reunification with Divinity within your Inner Temple), my side effects include feeling a stream of fresh air on my face and a tingling in my left ear.

This corresponds to results of a very specific activation. In aligning with the triple energy radiations of the Holy Spirit, the Source, and the Ultra Violet relayed by the Archangels and the Conclave of the 24 Elders, you have been joined in Unity by these events. They are very numerous. I will not dwell on their descriptions, but all that is lived at this time corresponds to the installation of the fire of the heart.

Some will begin to feel pressure in the chest and breezes of air or heat on the face accompanied by various sounds and various pressures in the ear, along with a burning sensation or vibration at the crown chakra of the head or the heart. This merely reflects this activation in you of the processes related to the fire of the heart and the fire of Love.

Question: Can reaching your essence result in a feeling of harmony from morning to night and a feeling that nothing else exists?

Yes dear friend, the essence does that alone. There is a need to live within ones essence but also a need to live in this world that is detached from Divinity, thereby illustrating the parable of Christ: "You are in this world but you are not of this world". From the moment you are exposed to and experience this essence, you experience a joy, an unspeakable joy called Samadhi by the Orientals (as you have been told by Sri Aurobindo). Within the Samadhi you live in harmony with the whole universe, whatever the trials and whatever the difficulties of your own life. Everything is seen with a new look and consciousness. The essence is also accompanied by vibrational events in the crown of the head and the crown of the heart, and it is experienced in the ears and results in the ability to feel oneself as a whole being in those moments.

[Wiki: Samadhi is a Hindu and Buddhist term that usually denotes higher levels of concentrated meditation, or dhyana. In the Yoga tradition, it is the eighth and final limb identified in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. It has been described as a non-dualistic state of consciousness [a state of Unity] in which the consciousness of the experiencing subject becomes one with the experienced object, and in which the mind becomes concentrated and focused, though the person remains conscious.]

Question: Is it normal after such periods of harmony to have a feeling in this density of heaviness in this environment?

Beloved, this part is obviously the choice between living in the current density and its weight and experiencing the higher density of Light. How would you differentiate between the two states if you do not test both? The moment you experience this lighter and more joyful feeling permanently is when you finally leave this 3D illusion. [Some ETs say that living in 3D is like trying to exist in a pool of jello because it is so dense, and it results in a feeling of heaviness, tiredness, and depression.]

Question: During the 7-7:30 PM meditations I feel a heaviness in the feet and ankles that keeps me from lifting off the ground. Why is that?

This is a process of self-protection. Dear friend We need you to remain here on Earth until your time is up. We are doing just fine without you at this time. What I mean by that is that certain people are predisposed by contacting their essence to escape quickly from the body. What you sense is the floating of your body [an out of body experience] and if there were not these very precise sensations of this weight and heaviness in the ankles and feet you would have already joined us long ago [floated away].

Question: After the 7-7:30 PM meditation I feel vibrations in my legs and arms until very late in the day, so is this part of that process?

Absolutely. Some people experience very specific symptoms. We talk about weights that actually encircle the ankles, and this as I said is probably the need to remain incarnate. For others there is pain, and this shock could occur in the body or the limbs. It reflects a need for relief. On the contrary it is necessary to raise your vibrational level even more to alleviate these effects. There are many changes occurring in the energy structures and physical structures of the human being when you perform this work that We recommend daily at 7-7:30 PM. Effects can be many and endless. They of course are all about transformation. Do not panic, but you need to integrate and allow it to unfold.

Question: Why does being in some places lead me to burp or yawn strongly?

Beloved, for many people there has existed for some time modifications of your energy. This modification of the existing energy of the etheric eternal body may be altered at times when you are faced with external energies that are not in agreement with your higher body, and this results in yawning, burping and various other events including shortness of breath and heart palpitations, reflecting a process of readjustment of your etheric energy with the energy of the location that you are at. There is no need to worry. However, this is indeed an abrupt change to the existing level of the spleen chakra that corresponds to the input of energy in the body. These phenomena are vibrational readjustments.

Imagine that you are in a certain vibrational state and are comfortable with this energy and this consciousness in yourself, but that you are in places frequented by many people. Your particular sensitivity is modified by this energy and persistence of the walls, places and people that are around you. At that time your spleen chakra will react. In the same way, when you enter into your essence that protects you it triggers yawns and other phenomena that correspond to the change in energy distribution and the modifications of the vibration of the spleen chakra. This is quite normal in one way or another. [Being in a crowd modifies your energies and can cause some problems.]

Question: When we see fire occurring in our dreams is this a process linked to the Light or not?

Fire of course in the Judeo-Christian tradition is likened to hell. This is what the Archons want you to believe. Fire is related to the Light, far more than any other element. Fire is a purifying agent, fire is the agent of Shiva, the Hindu messenger of the Light. [Shiva is often depicted in Hinduism by a third eye and fire.] Therefore any manifestation of fire will within your structures correspond to things related to the Light.

Question: Do autistic children have a vision of things that we ourselves do not have?

Beloved, those you call autistic children are children locked in a social relationship who have shall we say unusual perceptions relative to the level of humanity. These are people with enormous suffering who are perfectly aware that they live in a world created as a matrix, but nevertheless they can understand what you yourselves do not recognize within this matrix. They can see the order of Light and darkness, which obviously creates a greater sense of insecurity among the souls here [we do not trust or understand them because of their higher level of perceptions. Numerous reports have been released that point to the vaccines that children receive as the cause for many of these medical problems.]

Question: How is it that there are no women among the 24 elders?

The 24 Elders are beings most of whom have all been incarnated on this earth since Christ visited [2000 years ago]. They bring a special energy because they were able during their lives to communicate a part of the Truth [as teachers and Masters. These may include Buddha and Mohammed and others.]. They are mostly Heavenly minded beings regardless of their origin, whether they are Eastern, Western, Far Eastern, or Arabic. It is important to understand that these beings were transformed in worlds as intermediaries and are very close to your world. Their goal is to steer and channel the flow of consciousness and the incoming waves of energy so that you can consciously and accurately adapt and react to this energy that is produced on Earth.

They are men [not women]. Obviously the unified consciousness was harnessed by the entity who created this 3rd dimension before your time in an era when this dimension was not yet corrupted by those who came later and whom I have called Archons [Illuminati]. Thus the unified consciousness cannot be performed only through the emission and control of energy. This is the role of man. The role of women is to manage, organize and in a sense distribute this energy, and that is the central role held by Mary.

Question: Were there female councils equivalent to the 24 Elders?

They do not exist in this density in which you live. This separated third dimension must use an energy that I would describe as masculine or [in Chinese] yang, if you prefer. The conclaves and assemblies of women are in general councils who work as geneticists and creators of worlds and are not involved in the rescue [reconstruction and modification] of worlds like yours.

Question: Does this mean that only men can save [intervene and assist] us?

Women are not here to liberate you. Entities such as women are here to create, and that role is far more important than that of liberation. On the other hand there is an important event in your history that is worth discussing. The Archons who created this dimension more than 300,000 years are mainly entities [negative ETs] who are of a rebellious masculine nature and are not female in nature [they lack love and compassion]. It is hard to imagine a woman rebelling against The Source [like men do]. This is also the case on the surface of your world: we can say that most crimes (even if there are specific women who are involved) are committed by men.

Beyond what I have expressed in relation to the polarity of creation that they perform, these are the two attributes most relevant to women. The existence of polarity, even at the androgynous [sexless] level is a reality only at the 18th dimension and above, since this polarity is that which initiates the creation of worlds.

Beyond the 18th dimension there are entities whose consciousness We can describe only as being neither of male nor female polarity or what is called the Ying and Yang [opposites like black and white] because at this level there is no polarity involved, but there is a very complex concept that is difficult for you to understand in your world, and this is misrepresented by what I call the Trinity.

From the 18th dimension on up, We go beyond the characteristic and therefore beyond the polarity of male and female in events that are related to a structure that is Trinitarian in nature that is a complementary form where duality (even if unified) has no more reason to exist. The place of women in these worlds no longer exists because there is no man either.

This division is sharp until you reach the 11th dimension. Once you enter the 18th dimension (as the Archangels to which I belong) there can be no male or female polarity. There is what you would describe as a condition where We have the qualities of both masculine and feminine polarities [dual sexuality]. There is therefore at this third dimensional level of duality and in some fifth dimensional worlds this aspect of separation where the appearances between a man and a woman are different.

Question: What is a crystal being and a being that appears like a rainbow in the sky?

Depending on the dimension of your stellar origin in your dimensional world you wear a particular body. This body may be Light, it may be crystal, it may appear as a rainbow in the skies, it may be like a diamond, like triangles, or finally it may appear like a sphere or a tube of Light like Archangel Metatron. Each form corresponds to a limit of consciousness at the level where it exists, but this limit is not a barrier and is obviously passable [we can have temporary bodies that are not normal in the dimension that we are in]. There is then essentially a vibrational difference. When I speak for example of a crystal body it is a body that belongs to the lineage of Elohim [we call them angels] existing at the 11th dimension. [Our bodies after ascension will be bodies of Light and not crystalline in nature as many have described, and they are beyond our understanding.]

A diamond body belongs to those entities of the more ethereal world of the 18th dimension as it represents the limits of the anthropomorphic manifestation [the bodily characteristics]. The Archangels themselves as you know have an anthropomorphic characterization that has been described in your tradition, whether Christian or Judeo or of the Far East. However it should be understood that the Archangels have bodies that have nothing to do with this bodily form that you see, even if We sometimes appear in that form to those We contact. We are well beyond this limitation, We are well beyond this anatomic configuration, even beyond most angelic forms that you can imagine or envision. So there are specific bodies that you use according to the dimensions that you exist in, or you can vibrate in different ways with bodies that are different and whose structures are different. When we speak of material and immaterial worlds you must understand that what for you is immaterial is to Us very material.

I would describe this difference by an analogy: the 5th dimensional world that will soon begin seems intangible and distant and different than what you live in this 3rd dimensional world. Similarly between the 11th and the 18th dimensions there are no barriers because We can communicate between them, but there are differences in the density of different bodily structures and different compositions and shapes [It is harder to communicate between 3D and 5D than it will be once we reach higher dimensions.].

So if I take the example of the 11th dimensional body it is a crystalline body that is silicon based. You have bodies that were created in civilizations and constellations that have nothing to do with your world and are monatomic gold based bodies [We were created on other worlds and planted here by ETs, and that is the reason for the many different races.]. The monoatomic [single atom] gold is an essential ingredient of this body. [That may be one reason why gold is considered the most valuable metal on Earth and why some use it in medicine that goes back thousands of years.]

Your essential constituent in this 3rd density, except for the water of course, is primarily carbon based. As regards the beings of Light and Crystal, they are silicon based. There are a number of particles and a number of ingredients which in you in this density are completely absent [and will be added later], but that would however be very difficult to describe at this time. The structure of an Archangel for example could be understood by what you would call in this density quarks and bosons [a class of particles, such as photons, pions, or alpha particles that have zero or integral spin and obey statistical rules permitting any number of identical particles to occupy the same quantum state] although the picture is not entirely correct. We are beings of pure light, but this pure Light has a number of characteristics of matter, even if this matter is not the same matter as yours. [Our carbon based bodies will not work in 5D.]

Question: How will the 3 days of darkness affect the world?

Beloved, the phenomenon known as catalepsy or stasis, or the three days of darkness corresponds to a specific moment in the history of mankind that some messengers described long ago, over a century of your earth time. This corresponds to a particular process, and indeed all of humanity must be involved in this phenomenon of stasis. Stasis will begin with the complete disappearance of what is called the magnetosphere, signaling the final and inevitable end on this Earth of duality. This transition from duality to Unity is accompanied by a change of consciousness in the same way that some of you have experienced so far (as Sri Aurobindo told you earlier), and this concept is a transition from one level of consciousness to another level of consciousness, except that here the period of change will collectively last for 72 hours [3 days].

No one knows the date, nobody knows when, because everything fits and everything changes from hour to hour and day by day, especially now. Remember that what is manifested in Heaven will later appear on Earth, but that latency is a function of resistance existing within your humanity and not at the level of resistance that has already been dissolved in Heaven. Thus all of the 24 Elders and the Archangels Ourselves permanently readjust the energy flow on this planet and the influx of consciousness depending on what we see on Earth. There is an extremely accurate mechanism which is currently at work on this planet and there are permanent adjustments that are made in relation to what comes. What we need (as Archangel Michael told you) is to have the maximum transmitters of Light, the maximum of Pillars of Light who have integrated themselves in this Light, because the more of you that there are the easier things will be for Us.

Question: Is it significant how we live [as we move to 5D]?

The new 5D world will become what you have made it, for you are the key. By your presence, by your vibration and your Light you will be able to change all its environments. But obviously there are places that are more conducive to the manifestation of your Light. What is most important is not the place but your presence in that place as beings of Light. That said, We the Archangels and other aspects of the Light may intervene on the scene to help, to focus, and to encourage you so that you are more effective in what is to come.

Question: How can we know if the information that is circulating is accurate?

What matters is not whether what is said is true or false; the important thing is how it affects you, the important thing is not the exterior truth but the interior truth. If what I say resonates with your Heart, then it is true, even if it is not accurate. Similarly what you read, what you face in your lives, will allow you to use your principles of resonance and attraction to determine its validity. So if you think evil, evil will happen; if you dwell on the dark thoughts, the dark will appear; if you believe in God, you will see God everywhere.

So it is with the human brain, but the brain is not the heart. Thus the discernment existing in the brain is different from that of the heart, because the heart depends only on your essence and is not dependent on external influences. As long as you use an external discernment to determine what is accurate and what is error you will not use your essence, because the only true perception is internal and not external.

Question: If karma is an illusion then what is our future after physical death?

Beloved, the good news is that there is no more physical death. Physical death was accompanied by an erasure of memory [of past lives] and your return in a new body in a process called reincarnation. That today is permanently over. The souls who leave the body at present are put in specific vibrational stasis. They no longer have the need or the obligation to reincarnate. Those who incarnate now in numbers are not reincarnations but are new souls who come to experience the end of this cycle. Karma is actually an illusion created from nothing by the Archons to lock you in a system and to literally trap you and require you to do what you do not want to do according to the free will principle of good and evil that exists in the minds of some races that have enslaved you here [the time for evil is now over].

Karma, the law of action and reaction is very misunderstood especially by people who live in the West. The karma that was created by this matrix has never said that you had to face the consequences of the actions of your reincarnations during the many centuries that you have lived. [When you die you do not have to suffer the consequences of the evil that you committed in previous lives or spend eternity in hell but you start over anew and all is forgiven.] Nevertheless the West, moving more often in action / reaction by its mind control and social standards (the mind also changes depending on these external influences) was quick to place these restraints and these limits on your freedom. But you are unlimited beings who merely have limited experience. Today, you must rediscover the experience of the unlimited. Then you must throw overboard all beliefs that have guided you until this day. The only responsibility you have is to find the Light that you are.

Question: We are told that souls incarnate voluntarily [and can choose to leave and incarnate elsewhere]. Is this true?

This is what you were told, that is what you believe. But never is an incarnate soul trapped in the matrix voluntarily, he is forced to reincarnate as there is no other choice. Being isolated in a separated dimension, you can not escape this dimension. Of course a number of systems have been created to make you think you could free yourself by your efforts and by undertaking a number of actions and thus escape the concept of karma. This is false. [The recycling of souls to restart in new bodies on Earth in 3D is over.]

Question: How can one explain the resurgence of violence in children?

This is extremely simple to understand. From the moment you see that you are not locked up, you are free to move about and you have no anger. But when the evolution of the soul and the spirit is emerging and you perceive the concept of confinement and imprisonment, what happens is like when you lock an animal in a confined space. You prevent it from going where it wants to go. How can it show its refusal to obey except by anger and violence? Anger and violence are part of this world because it is a world that was forced to obey and was enslaved by its rulers. Man was forced to face the laws of attraction and repulsion. Violence is the extreme result of this revulsion.

From the moment the whole of humanity begins to understand that this is a trap, that they are imprisoned, that they are manipulated and that there is deception, the only real solution to escape this is to accept the Light. A rejection and denial of the Light will only result in violence. Only transmitters of the Light, Pillars of the Light and those who have been searching for some time and who have awakened to the reality and the Truth of the Light and Unity are able to avoid this violence. This is unfortunately for the moment impossible for many young souls who are subject to a number of stimuli whose sole purpose is to lead to violence, whether through the media or through consumption of food, and everything in this world leads you inevitably to this action / reaction, and the most severe reaction is of course violence.

Question: Is knowledge about Christ still relevant?

The Light of Christ is not merely a beginning, the Light of Christ is an immediate illumination and transformation. Whoever meets Christ can never be the same; he is crucified like Christ, and you do not need to put it into words. He becomes for example a St. Francis of Assisi or a Padre Pio [an Italian priest] in your humanity. Hiding behind words like instruction and using concepts like vibrational energy has very little meaning to many. It removes you from simplicity and from Unity. You need to try to get closer to your essence. Again you can use external techniques. You say of course that putting hands on each side of your heart is also a technique, but this technique is designed to connect you to your essence without trivia and without initiation and to simply live in your essence at that moment. The final result is not the same.

Question: Do we have a role to play as humans in the preservation of Gaia [Earth]?

The answer is ambiguous, beloved. Gaia already made her choice of ascension, and She does not need you to assist Her. However you are in this world and you accompany Her, and you have been trapped like She has in this illusion, and you like Her are going through this emancipation and this end of slavery. Then of course you will support each other and you will mutually assist each another. There is a vibrational relationship, but Gaia does not need your help just as you yourself do not need the help of Gaia. Nevertheless you share the same ascension and the same dimensional transformation.

Question: What happens in the Divine plans to the so-called bad guys and those who assist them in this world?

Beloved, these beings are part of creation [they are here to help you learn]. They are also a part of the Source, even if they are far more distant from the Source than you, but they must one day return to the Source. There is no destruction of their souls [unless they are uncreated], and they will continue on until they are restored someday, so do not worry about them. Everything returns to the Source and all will return to the Light sooner or later. [Every soul will eventually ascend but it may take a million years and many lives to achieve this.]

Question: Who are they?

They are a part of yourself, they are the dark side in you that allowed their deeds and their actions. They are what you have not managed to advance yourself to today, not on an historical or original level, but only under today’s conditions. They are beings who have nothing human. They have a human form, they have the appearance, but nevertheless they are not human in the sense that you mean. They are not devils, even if they like to be called devils, gods, Archons, or absolute rulers. They are adorned with tinsel, they are adorned with decorations, they adorn themselves with false things, and they guide you and hope that you will follow them as a herd of sheep and they lead you where they want you to go. They can not imagine that humans can be free and sovereign beings by themselves. They are beings who see life as a form of domination and slavery, as a form of power over another but not over themselves, and in a relative measure they want to be their own masters because they have lived for much longer than you as incarnated beings in third density unified worlds separated from Divinity.

They are beings outside this solar system as well as your own, but in most cases they do not belong to this solar system. They have an origin according to very specific constellations. They are called by different names. They correspond to the so-called Dracos or reptilians and their partners or associates [like the greys]. But nevertheless you do not have to point the finger, as acknowledging them gives them power. If you exercise your own powers of Light they will not do anything against you. This has already been done in terms of the Heavenly Light at the 5th dimensional level in your solar system, and it remains now to instigate this truth in your ionosphere by the dissolution of the magnetosphere. This will happen in due course. Be certain that there is no pointing of fingers, there is no need to search, there is only a need to understand who they are and determine their features. Today everything must center only on your essence and your current life which has nothing to do with your history of past lives [they are in the past and do not affect you now or later] but has to do with your essence of who you are now in Truth and Unity.

Question: How can we integrate a professional life with striving not to live in duality?

This is impossible beloved. Everything in your world is a part of duality. This includes the concept of power, the concept of family, and the concept of work, for this world is built on duality and action / reaction and is separated from the Source. So therefore it appears increasingly irreconcilable. Balancing your life as you have learned so far and living in Unity is dealing with two totally opposite and different worlds, and yet you must continue living in this world and remain there until the appropriate time. Then of course for some of you things will get more strenuous. Obviously this is only temporary because the more you penetrate the mysteries of Unity, the more things will become fluid, whether in your family or in your activities whatsoever. Many things which have been encountered will still seem insurmountable now, and this does not happen overnight. We are well aware that as you live in the Unity as We do, you will need to simply focus on increasingly important matters and these challenges will be rectified, whether in your family or in your emotional, relational or professional lives. But you have to go this route, you have no alternative.

Question: In the case of physical or verbal assault, it is there a practical attitude for us to adopt so that we may remain in the Light?

Simply do not react to these assaults. Beloved, if this aggression occurs towards you or against you whether physical, verbal or otherwise, it is probably your fault for having allowed this in the first place. Otherwise this would never have happen. Therefore do not pass the buck to others elsewhere and blame them, but accept that the principle of resonance and attraction has played out its course [and learn from this so it can be repaired]. Because from the moment you enter the world of Unity, after the first phase of readjustment of course, you will live under the influence of the Law of Unity in synchronicity, abundance, fluidity, and truth. But until then of course you will find yourself confronted with things that will try to bring you back to duality and keep you from the Light. The trap is there. You should understand that what appears to you in the early stages of contact with the Unity of the Light are only manifestations of your own weaknesses related to a lack of clarity or a proper course of action.

Question: Does that mean that we should allow aggression in this case?

Beloved, understand that if you're attacked it is because you are in a resonance with aggression. This can not be otherwise. You attract to you what is repressed within you and is not apparent but nevertheless is present within you. So you therefore play into the hands by your reaction and maintain the duality to permit this, and that aggression is exhibited again and again. You attract to yourself who you are, nothing more, nothing less [criminals prefer to associate with other criminals]. If you attract flowers, then you are in the dimension of the flower. If you attract aggression it is because you are aggressive. It can not be otherwise in this world duality.

We have no more questions. Thank you.

Then in the words of Archangel Michael, dear starseeds, I leave you now for you to live in your Light and your essence. You will notice as the months unfold (and this has been constant for many of you already) that contacts with Our programs will be more and more assisted. Even if you cannot establish yourselves in this permanently, yet there will be incentives for many of you as Archangel Jophiel said two years ago in His announcing this time, hence you will be meeting with your guardian angel. Many of you have lived in a dazzling form at one time or another [in higher dimensions and have chosen to experience this 3D era and ascension now].

The important thing is first contact [ET or Angelic]. Once initial contact is established, you have time to access this permanent contact. So do not be discouraged, but try to progress to more accurately receive the influence of the Light and vibration in you. As and when you accept the influence of the Light in you in Unity, your life changes completely. Obviously I can not promise a bed of roses, but nevertheless it is often a carpet of roses that you can walk on. I send you all the love of the Archangelic Conclave and I say to you we will meet again very soon.

Sheldan Nidle Feb. 2

Right now the final touches are being put on a proposal for a United States regime change. A range of economic forces are creating an opportunity for the current administration to resign gracefully, thus allowing the caretaker government to assume power. The incentive behind this is the impending economic disaster which threatens to engulf the entire planet and, with it, the dark cabal. Adding to this predicament are the opposition within the military and the rising desertions of major factions within the American contingent of the cabal.

As the number of nations protesting their bankrupt condition increases, the cabal's power base weakens proportionally, throwing its central councils into a state of consternation. It is now hectically engaged in shoring up what remains of its dominion and bracing for what is to come. Many in the cabal's higher councils are beginning to see their downfall looming. So the time comes for them to accept the inevitable and prepare for the consequences of their defeat.

Meanwhile, our Earth allies are also putting the finishing touches on a series of economic and social programs which are to bring long-awaited financial prosperity, sovereignty, and good health to the peoples of Mother Earth. A financial system based on "hard" currency, real transparency, and debt forgiveness is ready to be announced by the nations of your globe. These new ways of doing things are the merest beginnings of a vast realignment of your planet's wealth and power.

However, personal sovereignty means that a great deal of responsibility is to be given to you, and this requires a comprehensive education program to explain the ins and outs of what is expected of you. Further, many long-sequestered technologies are to be unveiled by the new governments, which include radically different ways to educate you swiftly on a wide range of vital issues that you will be asked to decide upon. The means by which to interact meaningfully with your local and national governments is to be returned to you.

This fundamental realignment of wealth is a prelude to first contact. As you begin to solve many of the essential problems that have long plagued your world, you will find yourselves viewing your global society and Mother Earth in new and enlightened ways. The issues of man-made pollution and climate change can be addressed constructively. Information on the pivotal role of the Sun and the changes happening in your solar system can be thrown open to public scrutiny, generating open, global debate. In consonance with this, and a natural component of these many formal disclosures, is the UFO cover-up.

We much prefer to make contact with a society that has full access to the facts about the growing shift of consciousness and is actively and creatively engaged with its problems. Your society is rupturing under its burden of chaos and desperate for some form of drastic change! Everywhere, humans are facing their consciousness shift head on, and our medical teams report that many of you are searching for answers to many basic questions [due to unknown side effects].

My Comments: There are recent high level reports along with Sheldan's message that state that the Obama government will resign along with full disclosures and that is planned to start this month, but you will not hear about it until official public announcements are made. The darkside will do everything it can to delay or prevent this, but it has already occurred in higher dimensions and will occur here in 3D. About a year ago AA Michael said we will see a new divinely appointed government and it appears that the time has come to fulfill this.

I have spoken of NESARA so I will now discuss this in more detail. In the 1970’s a class action law suit was filed by farmers who had been cheated by banksters over fraud and deception. This dragged on for about 20 years with appeals and delays, and a few Congressmen drew up a law that expanded on that, and it was passed and signed into law by Clinton in 2000. It was top secret and all involved signed non disclosure agreements that if violated would put them in jail for life. It was to have gone into effect on Sept. 11, 2001 at 10 AM with this announcement, and that was one reason for the NY Twin Towers destruction on that date, and it was planned and executed by the secret government and blamed on Arab terrorists (hopefully this will be disclosed for all to see).

The details of NESARA include:

1) The resignation of all government officials and the dissolving of the alphabet agencies (CIA etc). A temporary government would be installed until new elections are held later.

2) The replacement of the Federal Reserve fiat banking system with a gold backed Treasury and currency.

3) Cancellation of all debts including mortgages and credit loans.

4) Vast payments from the St. Germain prosperity funds that would make everyone a millionaire.

5) All troops would be called home and war would cease.

6) The restoration of Constitutional Law in America at NESARA’s public announcement that will mean new laws and new lawyers.

7) The abolishment of the IRS and Income Taxes in US and the creation of a national sales tax on new, non-essential items as revenue for government. Essential items such as food and medicine, and used items, are exempt from the sales tax.

It has since been expanded to a global GESARA that will effect all if and when it is officially announced. Chris Story said that Obama signed this new NESARA initiative bill that will go into effect when it is announced but not until then. Christ Michael said that the vast funds would not be distributed at this time and we will not become millionaires, probably because it would create many problems and delay ascension, although some or many of these NESARA provisions may be installed soon.

The 3 days of darkness when Earth will stand still before reversing its rotation will probably begin the ascension process and stasis, and only those of the Light will be given this announcement by Mary 3 days before it will start so they can prepare for this. The Blue Light spiral seen in Norway near the North Pole was an opening of a portal or vortex that allowed for other starships and energy to enter and assist in the coming days, and there have been more stargates that have appeared since then including the one in the Gulf of Aden on Jan. 5.

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Project Camelot interviewed Aaron McCollum in a 90 min. video where he talks about this stargate along with his background in US black operations. Aaron reveals what he feels is happening in the Gulf of Aden and tells a bit about his own history with the U.S. Coast Guard and his involvement in false-flag top secret missions and special assignments for the secret government. It includes some errors and speculation but is generally accurate and gives some insight into what black ops programs are and their evil intents:

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A 2nd stargate is said to be opening soon around Miami Beach Florida near the Coral Castle, but that will not be covered by the media unless it is obvious beyond denial. The Coral Castle is a fascinating story of free energy and anti-gravity development that was kept secret in order to keep the owner alive because the darkside would have murdered him if it became public. Those who have seen stargates in US top secret programs say they look similar to the ones in movies. They appear as swirling patterns or spirals and are similar to the effect of draining a sink of water, and they are not caused by HAARP or Bluebeam although the darkside would like you to believe that.

Aaron spoke of the warships from all nations that have gathered in the Gulf of Aden recently to witness the stargate, and that scenario sounds like the battle of Armageddon in the book of Revelation where the armies of the world are defeated by the forces of Light in that area. The media has not covered this (of course) and Google will not allow pictures of warships on their maps, and it is an restricted high security area so planes are not allowed to enter and take pictures and would be shot down if they did.

Insiders say that there is a jump gate to Mars that the black ops have been using for years now that gives instant travel there, and is like a stargate or portal for travel. There is also a US base in Australia that has the lowest amount of gravity on Earth and is used for many launchings of craft to other planets. The Bermuda Triangle is a portal , and those who enter it disappear and end up in another universe, and there are portals in Japan and Norway and other areas of the world.

Alex Collier 10 years ago talked about the stargates and wormholes that have existed since this universe was created, and he said half are still functioning properly, and it looks like more are now being created as part of the reconstruction of the universe and Earth. It is interesting that the SciFi Channel has changed its name to the SyFy Channel to hint that much of what it shows is not fiction.

There has been much evidence of starship craft working around the Sun (this was also mentioned here) along with solar flares since AA Michael spoke of the Golden Light of the Sun. The quake intensity has risen to 6 magnitude levels at times and even an unreported 8 in China, but they go unnoticed because they are in unpopulated areas. NASA said that these solar flares will increase in the next few years and will destroy the power grid and cause much damage. The magnetosphere has been at a relatively higher level recently which probably shows that it will be a while before a magnetic pole shift.

AA Anael spoke of ETs like the Draco reptilians who came from other galaxies and took over, and they were responsible for most of the galactic wars in the past. These wars ended in a truce because like all wars there are no winners, only losers. Papa Bush reportedly told an acquaintance some years ago that he was a Draco and to prove it to her he shape shifted before her eyes.

David Icke has written many books and made numerous videos that describe this characteristic among the royal European families, and Princess Diana reportedly told some friends that she saw the British royal families perform this shape shifting on numerous occasions, and that was probably the main reason why she (or her hologram as some say) was murdered. Bush was the head of the CIA before he became president, and he reportedly was a Nazi from Germany who changed his name and later helped create the alphabet agencies in 1947 that were based on the Nazi SS structures and protocols and has been a major darkside leader.

The question of discernment was raised during this meeting, and this is a major problem with darkside MKUltra mind control programs and religions. Many believe they know everything and are the final authorities on all subjects, but Masters and ETs will privately acknowledge that no one has all the answers. There are many who spend their time attacking others who they feel are spreading disinformation and they set themselves up as know-it-alls due to their egos. Our duty is to spread the Light and not attack the dark.

The next AA Michael meeting is on Sunday, February 14 at 3:00 PM French time [9 AM NY time] that will give you instructions for implementing the 5th step that will occur on Wednesday February 17 at 12 noon French time [6 AM NY time]. US Time zones in NY are French time -6, Chicago -7, MT -8. and LA -9 hours.

[Time zones are available at

Obama announced this week that NASA will not go to the moon again. What he did not say was that the last time they went there the skies were filled with UFOs and the astronauts were told that they were not welcome and not to return. Most of what NASA says are lies or half truths and they are part of the darkside.

Europe is on the edge of financial meltdown, and Greece, Spain, Portugal and Ireland are slipping down the vortex and could take the whole EU down with it, and the UK and Germany are in a precarious position with probable defaults according to some knowledgeable analysts. The growing unemployment and foreclosures have started to have a substantial effect on local governments who rely on the tax revenue, and that will not improve until major changes are made, and hopefully that will be soon, but time will tell.

Rich N
