Your world continues her shift to a
new reality. The planet has moved nearly 2.0 degrees [pole shift]
toward the ecliptic as a result of the increasing energies passing
through your Sun from the galactic core. These energies are putting
mounting pressure on the planetary grids, which also continue to shift.
The same galactic core energies are creating conditions on the other
water-worlds, which are moving them closer to the solar system's sacred
shift point. This is when your solar system aligns with the rest of
your galaxy, allowing the galaxy to significantly alter its basic
spiral shape, and permitting our galaxy's reality grids to come into
rhythmic alignment with the 350,000 or so galaxies that form this
sector of physicality.
We have been instructed by Heaven to
increase our level of participation with the galactic Elohim in seeing
that these adjustments proceed as decreed by the Creator and by the
sacred Seraphim of AEON. This project coincides with the divine
intervention now happening on your world. This divine intervention is
approaching a magical point! Currently, we are watching the final steps
wherein your world's reality is transformed from dark to Light.
Heaven's representatives, working in concert with a number of secret
sacred societies and many of your Ascended Masters, are ready to roll
out a great abundance.
This universal prosperity kick-starts
great changes in the way your global financial and political systems
operate. It is truly to be a year marked by unprecedented and unique
change! The most important aspect for us is, of course, a full
disclosure by various major governments of our benevolent presence and
of our mission here. We are very ready to proceed with the many
activities on our agenda, which conclude with those that return you to
your natural state of full consciousness. As we speak, certain
prerequisite actions are being carried out by designated contingents of
the world's military and associated police groups [those few who wish
to participate]. They are implementing the final stages of a mass
global arrest process which will change your world forever. These
arrests herald new governance and new prosperity for all!
This first extraordinary flurry of
changes will lead to a series of ever more exciting events. We are
working closely with the Agarthans to set up for you an optimum route
to galactic society, beginning with many secret technologies which will
be introduced to you by your new governments. These same governments
will also deliver you from debt and disburse your new abundance. Then
it will be time to face, globally, the very real fact of climate
change, and this will necessitate totally changing your approach to
your precious living planet.
The continuing, massive destruction of your home world has to be
stopped. New technologies will be made available immediately to sustain
your planet and begin the restitution of millennia-long depredations.
Our role as mentor includes adding our technologies to yours, and
counseling you on ways to address your most pressing global needs. All
this you have heard many times before; now the time has come to
actually discuss how to carry it all out.
The Agarthans are very well
acquainted with you; in fact, they have secretly lived among you for
nearly 13 millennia, and therefore their wisdom is most important to
us. The Ascended Masters have the sacred task of redressing the many
falsehoods and innuendos woven into your religious philosophies by the
dark. The truth needs to be voiced frankly yet in such a way that you
can perceive the subtlety used by the Anunnaki to distort your
religious works. The Masters can set the record straight, providing a
basis for a complete recasting of your ancient histories and your myths
about humanity's origins [most of our history teachings are lies].
Also of prime importance is a massive
readjustment in how you relate to the magnificent Being you reside upon
[we are Divine beings who don't know it yet]. Your fall into limited
consciousness veiled many things from you, and the road back to full
consciousness can transform these mysteries into concepts that will
quickly become part of your everyday knowledge of this world and of
physicality itself. All of this begins with disclosure. This week we
have been assisting our many associates to prepare several special
projects for immediate activation. We have complied in every way with
the sacred decrees of Heaven, and it is now accepted that your reality
is fully prepared to shift.
This shift will begin with a series
of arrests and 'resignations' of major figures who serve the dark in
government, finance, and international banking. This action leads
straight away to two others: the deliveries of your prosperity funds by
designated personnel, simultaneous with the transfer of political power
in several major world governments to new caretaker governments. These
two actions lead to a third: the series of official announcements
explaining the new banking and financial system, full debt forgiveness,
and the restoration of your sovereign rights. These activities will
signal that disclosure is next and is imminent.
Regarding this latter issue, another
major consideration is to be taken into account: our dear blessed world
requires an urgent end to war as threats now exist that are
jeopardizing her health. We have asked our Agarthan and galactic
families to join us in restoring Gaia to health, but this activity
necessitates a large amount of direct, open intervention on our part.
Happily, this visible activity is to be authorized by the new caretaker
governments, and so the need for the disclosure announcement has been
brought forward on the agenda, from an issue to be handled in the
second week of the interim governments taking office to one that is
fully addressed along with our first announcements. The skullduggery of
the dark can and will no longer be allowed. A new epoch for humanity
has arrived!
The gist of this message is to assure
you that a great deal of work has been accomplished by our associates
to replace the dark governance and to distribute an immense global
prosperity program. These are only some of the activities that have
been planned in order to move you to full consciousness. The coming
preliminaries will irrevocably change your world and provide a point of
entrance for the Galactic Federation's first-contact mission. We and
our Agarthan sisters and brothers also intend to introduce ourselves to
you at that time. While what is to happen can be shocking [a global
fear] to you, it is in reality a beginning that will lead you to the
blessed joys of full consciousness. Here, you will assist all of Heaven
and us in unfolding the divine plan of physicality. These are indeed
exiting times that you are witnessing and living through!
My comment:
This is not an April Fools Day joke since it has already come and
gone. The original Galactic plan was to use the alphabet agencies for
enforcement but were told "no way Jose" since although
many are not happy with the current situation they are paid in US
dollars that are still being accepted in many countries, and they are
part of the criminal Cabal also. Change is still illegal whether
decisions are made in courts in Malaysia for Bush and Blair war-crimes
[] or in the Hague, and if there is no enforcement it means nothing.
This new GF project would shut down a
world-wide system that has existed since about 325 AD when the Council
of Nicaea (a council of Christian bishops that convened in Nicaea in
Turkey by the Roman Emperor Constantine I) created the "New Holy Roman
Empire" in Rome ruled by the Pope in the Vatican. Most everything in
the world including our laws and the Bible have been the result of this
and later meetings. Those who have studied the Bible have called the
Pope the Anti-Christ although
it goes far beyond that. Much of the awakened world considers the US,
Israel, England, and the Vatican the "Great Satan" since they have
started all wars and slavery since then.
Pike's Amazing Predictions Of Three World Wars in 1871
The First World War must be brought
about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the
Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic
The Second World War must be fomented
by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the
political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is
destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute
a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine.
The Third World War must be fomented
by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the
"Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic
World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Muslim
Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually
destroy each other.
There is some skepticism over this
Pike prediction as usual, but it is important to understand that Pike
was a leading Illuminati at that time and that it occurred right after
the Civil War. All wars are planned in advance and the Libyan war is a
good example. It shut down their independent bank and installed a
Rothschild bank, it seized all of its wealth and killed or wounded
millions, and it set up a pro Western regime. Many popular computer
games involve creating an enemy whether it is your boss, a "dictator"
(most of our leaders fall into this category), or a Muslim 'terrorist"
and setting out to kill as many of them as possible in order to win the
game. This is also how wars are created, and usually money and energy
gains are involved.
The US stopped all exports to Japan
under the Export Control Act on July 31, 1940 after freezing all
Japanese assets in the US, virtually cutting off all of Japan's access
to [energy] resources. Four months later, Japan then decided to attack
the United States on Pearl Harbor (no surprise to Roosevelt and others
since this was the purpose). Germany entered WW2 under similar
circumstances, and the tactics of the US and NATO now are similar
towards Iran. Right after WW2 the US set up its Nazi style government
under the leadership of Draco Bush Senior (CIA), and Israel (Mossad) and
England (MI6) were later created and worked together to help enslave
The US is a Corporation - 1871 (Same Time as Pike's Prediction)
The original United States has been
usurped by a separate and different UNITED STATES formed in 1871, which
only controls the District of Columbia and it’s territories, and which
is actually a corporation (the UNITED STATES CORPORATION) that acts as
our current government. The United States Corporation operates under
Corporate/Commercial/Public [Maritime] Law rather than Common/Private
Law. The original Constitution was never removed; it has simply been
dormant since 1871. It is still intact to this day [but was shredded piece
by piece by Obama and others].
This fact was made clear by Supreme
Court Justice Marshall Harlan (Downes v. Bidwell, 182, U.S. 244 1901)
by giving the following dissenting opinion: “Two national governments
exist; one to be maintained under the Constitution, with all its
restrictions; the other to be maintained by Congress outside and
Independently of that Instrument.” A Corporation is a non-human,
fictitious entity. Corporate fictitious entities are denoted in all
caps. This includes the names of Citizens/Subjects. Your fictitious
“strawman” entity is addressed in all caps, i.e. JOHN SMITH, rather
than John Smith [on birth certificates and other legal documents].
Bankruptcy Act of March 2 1867
An Act to establish a uniform System
of Bankruptcy throughout the United States enacted by the Senate and
House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress
assembled. A new financial
system is important since a new government cannot be paid in toilet
paper fiat money issued by the Rothschilds using their current world
banking system. If and when the Federal Reserve (it is neither federal
nor has it any reserves) is shut down it would mean the end of the US
Corporation which was officially established after the Civil War. This
war was supposedly over giving freedom to the Southern slaves which is
nonsense since many could leave anytime they wanted due to "underground
railroads". The war was really fought so that the Southern states
would have their rights and independence taken away, and they would
have to live under the US DC dictatorship which has grown in power ever
Microsoft and SWIFT
The Pentagon reportedly said that
Bill Gates’ team was responsible for the software controlled hacking of
the SWIFT banking financial transfer program. Over 40 trap doors were
discovered that directed stolen funds to be deposited in offshore
accounts of Bush Sr, Obama and others. These have been found and
plugged by the White Knights Computer Experts with Galactic
Assistance. It is alleged that Bill Gates is now under arrest &
protective custody and is being charged with over 30 counts of
treason. Microsoft has no comment on this so far. This was necessary
as part of the new global system.
I have always been against this
Galactic Federation (GF) agenda since it involves using 1,000s of
criminals, many of whom have their own interests at heart, and it
should have occurred several years ago rather than waiting till the
last minute to do anything. It is the story of which comes first, the
chicken or the egg? A new banking system needs the removal of our
criminal leaders before a new set of governments can exist that would
use this money to pay its workers. The way things are going status quo
may last several more months or until hell freezes over (the pole shift
and ascension).
The Divine Sereti said that 3D Earth
will be over by the end of this July and Bill Woods and the top secret
US black-ops Stargate Looking Glass programs along with remote viewers
and messengers say that it will end before this year is over. It is
also necessary to understand that this change involves everything that
has existed for centuries throughout the whole world and is very
complex, unlike NESARA which only involved the US in 2001.
The GF talks as if we will have new
governments and freedom from tyranny, and we will be millionaires for
decades since this is what people want to hear, and whether they
believe that or not is unclear. In
a way they are part of the new-age movement where we will enjoy a
better 3D in what they call 5D ascension. If you want to know what 5D
is like just ask Omnec from Venus which is now in 5D. She had to take
on a dense carbon body to live here on Earth in 3D.
NASA Confirmation of 2012 Pole shift
The Mayan Calendar, the Chinese I
Ching, the Italian Oracle, the Christian Bible, Mother Shipton, Merlin,
the Sioux Indian chief Black Elk, the Hopi, Nostradamus, and many
others all predict that in the apocalyptic year 2012 AD a pole shift
will occur which the GF has failed to mention so far.
Ashtar Command
Ashtar-Athena SherAn (His true name)
said this week: "We of the Ashtar Command with regard to Earth,
operate in 50 year time-phase cycles. Our most recent 50 year update
was already issued around 1997. Earth is one of a myriad of worlds
that come to the end of a major cycle of root race unfoldment. This
involves the decline and dissolution of existing systems. Catastrophic
purification and upheaval upon all levels serves to transform and
renew, replacing the existing consciousness program with a new and
updated version. This is your current state of affairs."
Ashtar Command is responsible only
for evacuations and soul collection. Here he discusses the end of this
cycle and a purification and a new environment which is not a better 3D
like many want. He has often said that there are many impostors who
will use his name for fame and fortune, and most have taken his ID like
Obama did for their own benefit. With Greg's latest new-age work this
week it is apparent that he is only saying what people want to hear
rather than the truth. If this new system is created like Sheldan
describes it will create a global wave of fear due to awakening which
is a no-no to new-agers as is any major change.
The Bible says we will have a new
heavens and a new Earth (Revelation 21:1). This was written by St.
John 2,000 years ago and is still applicable today. He continued in
numerous incarnations with his final existence as Sri Aurobindo
(1872-1950) in India and is now an Ascended Master. The central theme
of Aurobindo's vision was the evolution of human life into Divine
eternal life in higher dimensions. He wrote: "Man is a transitional
being. He is not final. The step from man to superman is the next
approaching achievement in the earth evolution. It is inevitable
because it is at once the intention of the inner spirit and the logic
of nature's process".
In 325 A.D. the Roman emperor
Constantine the Great (Satan), along with his mother Helena deleted
references to reincarnation contained in the New Testament.
Catholicism's Second Council of Church Fathers in Constantinople in 553
A.D. deleted direct references to reincarnation from the Catholic
Bible, and all of Christianity still teaches this lie. Asian religions
however still teach the truth of reincarnation. Protestantism is just a modified Catholicism without the Pope.
November is election month in the US,
and my favorite movie is probably "V For Vendetta" (2005): "Remember,
remember the 5th of November". It takes place in Britain where a
corrupt and abusive totalitarian government has risen to complete
power. During a threatening run in with the secret police, V's arrival
embodies the principles of rebellion from an authoritarian state,
donning a mask of vilified to keep himself anonymous. Although it
applies to the UK and the MI-6 executed London Bombing, it is primarily
directed at the US and 9/11, showing the lies of a tyrannical
government and the desire to control the news media with their
propaganda. Duality always involves action-reaction and crimes-revenge.
Word is that a new 1984 movie is in
the planning stage and has been picked up by Imagine Entertainment who
want to release a new take on this ancient work. The concept of the
original 1984 movie that came out in that year is set in the era that
George Orwell wrote his book of that name in 1934 which totally ruined
it as far as I am concerned, since it is more applicable today than it
was then, and it should have been set in the technologically controlled
spy world of today with its cameras and secret police.
In 1984 according to the Angels the
Holy Spirit ascended on Earth for the 1st time, and plans were
formulated to bring Light and Love that would usher in a new 5D world,
and that time has come. That was also around the time that OM
Aivanhov died (1986) and Creator spent some time in a human carbon body
to see what 3D hell was like. He may have overshadowed OM during that
period like Christ overshadowed Jesus (Esu) 2,000 years ago, although it is only speculation now.
We deserve to have the truth told to
all humanity, and it is up to the 3D GF to do it which they have failed
to do so far. Nothing has changed so far and these words are only
empty promises now. Hopefully we will have a world-wide awakening soon
before it is too late, but only time will tell.
Rich N