Monday, June 8, 2009

Archangel Michael - Integration of Virtues 7th stage June 7 2009

translated from French - June 7 2009

NDR's comment from France: After carefully reading the following details you should have all the elements to follow this guidance and thus allow us to save precious time in responding to the many questions we receive. Archangel Michael has offered to accompany us and to enable the transformations in relation to 12 "virtues" or " 12 stars of Mary" in 12 stages, one per week starting on April 25.

Michael comes each week during a period by an alternating of information and a transmission of energy adapted to the "virtue" integrated that day. We do our best to ensure that you find the transcript of these interventions within 24 hours after the meeting on our site. At anytime soon, therefore, in Spirit ...

You can participate in this support:

* Anywhere you are
* In simple receptivity (no special connection is needed)
* Extending your arm and legs uncrossed (preferably sitting, the soles of the feet on the ground, or lying down or standing)
* Participating during the 72 minutes of Michael's meeting from the specified starting time (or at least any 20 minutes at your convenience from among those 72 minutes)
* As Michael said: "Fear not children of the Light to take these overflowing energies now or at any other time, because you will always be permitted to integrate into the transmission of this Light, this transmission of Unity, to allow it to enter the center of your entire being.
* The date and (French) time are indicated.
* The next AA Michael meeting is on Sunday 14 June at 18:00 6 PM (French time) [Sunday June 14 at 12 noon NY time, 11:00 AM in Chicago, 10:00 AM Mountain, and 9:00 AM in LA].
* On this day no public questions will be answered.
* For the record, the previous meetings took place on April 25, May 2, May 9, May 17, May 24, and June 1.
* Regardless of the outpouring of Michael, it is suggested that you reconnect to the energy of the Source, the Father, every day from 12 noon to 1 PM local time, regardless of your country.

AA Michael - Integration of virtues 7th stage

I am Michael, Ruling Prince of the Celestial Militia. Beloved Masters and children of the Light, We welcome you in this 7th outpouring which is the 7th virtue through the 7th star. The 6th and 7th Stars join together within the central point of the 12 stars to perform the total and complete revelation of the Union of the Father/Mother [Holy Spirit] in this world to accomplish the advancement of life, the progression of life and the propagation of Light through the will of the Father/Mother together.

At this very moment you will start to experience the outpouring of the 7th virtue and the 6th virtue joined together with this achievement. Thus the Source, the Father and the Mother, the Blessed Trinity, existent in all traditions, in all religions and in all dimensions within the multiple universes, form the Trinity manifested in you .

This reunification with the Trinity marks in you the return to the central point of this world, in union with the Truth, the Unity and perfection. This transformation is performed and takes place in the heart of your very being by this higher vibration in your heart.

By the vibration [higher frequency] and the power of the Light within your being, you again today understand the full meaning of the universe, the full meaning of your life, your goals, your travels, your incarnations and your Light. The reunification of the Trinity within your being makes you the transmitters and anchors of the Light in this dimension.

The Conclave and the Virgin Mary now anchor in you the power of Love, the power of the Light and the power of Truth. By achieving this alignment in your alliance with Us in this world, you participate also in the creation of other worlds, and this allows you by your presence to anchor a new dimension within this new reality.

As I have said I just reconstruct what is not a part of the agenda of the Trinity, what is not the projection and the plan of the Light in the worlds of darkness that you have traveled as you journey to ascension. This begins now. The full power of the Conclave, the full power Mary, will be manifested on this Earth by your summer solstice [June 21].

The warning statements that I gave you not to attach importance to the external phenomena and to focus within your interior will be your only remedy to the suffering that will soon occur. You should never lose sight of the merger in this world of the will of the Father/Mother joined with the Source.

You become part of the plans and the exhibition of the Source by radiating your presence in your current density as bearers of the Light to become transmitters and the embodiment of the Light. This is the first Outpouring of the Trinity in your Truth. [Pause.]

We transmit to you in your Interior Temple the power and grace of the Light, the power and grace of love. You become, as Christ said during His incarnation on Earth, “the Way, the Truth and the Life”. No external dark action can occur that would negate the oath that you yourself made, and you will find your more authentic spiritual heritage.

I wish to state that the number of human beings who are now enlightened is sufficient to enable all of you to establish the foundations of a new world. This will happen before your eyes by the power and majesty of the Light, by the power and majesty of the Father and the Mother who are in you, so you will finally become the great Son you have always been [you will be reunited as a member of the family of Divinity, and this has been hidden from you until now].

You will enable (at your current density, even within your incarnation) the power of grace because you will in the weeks to come become the personification of grace. There are no obstacles that can prevent this in your unity with Trinity. The control of the darkness will not take place any more as it vanishes by your majestic unity.

The revelation of the Unity through the Trinity allows you to activate the higher vibrations, the affiliation and your merging with the spiritual heritage that will gradually be given to your consciousness. The inconveniences (wherever they are in this world related to your separation from the darkness associated with the rejection of what is not of the Light) can not reach you in your consciousness, in your Truth. You will be guided in an infallible way by the Light in your decisions, your behaviors, your evolutions, your movements.

The connection in this world, produced by your awakening through the 7th virtue is what is called faith in many movements, in many religions. But it is a faith that knows, a faith that understands all, a faith that accomplishes all. It starts in you today. Receive the overflowing energies of the Trinity.

Your connection with this world is built by you. You will find your alignment, you are aligned, you are blessed and you are a blessing to others. During the next 24 hours, this activity that we perform today in this country during the time period from noon till 1 PM will give you a realization of the truth in your midst.

It is your responsibility to cultivate this grace, to enable it to grow, to come forward and to achieve this fully within your density. The only choice in your life is here and nowhere else. You must formally stop the fighting and the struggles so that grace may grow in you. Letting the grace grow in you is enabled by the outpouring that We now perform in you. Receive this outpouring of grace.

Beloved Masters of the Light, I as Spokesman of the Conclave and the Virgin Mary (to whom We have given your entire radiation) congratulate you and encourage you to live what you are destined for. Truth is there and nowhere else. The projections of your external consciousness will gradually cease. You will learn as the weeks progress to live in the grace of your Unity and in the Truth. Living in this grace brings no anxiety, no conflicts. It is on this level that the conflicts cultivated by certain dark beings on this planet will see a conclusion.

This is your battle of Light, your struggle for peace. Together We thank you, those valiant and strong, who join Us in increasing numbers in this splendid transformation of Light. We appreciate you. Be confident also that at the height of the deconstruction of this world Mary will individually address each of you. No one may be deceived by this voice, even those who choose for the moment not to participate in this work of the Light.

Each of you (wherever you are on this planet, whatever your sense of service whether to the dark or to the Light) will recognize instantly without any doubt the vibrational energy of the Divine Mother.

Mary will personally announce a certain number of elements to you to be carried out at the proper time. The announcement will seal in a final way your meeting with the Light. No one will be able to confuse this proclamation with anything else, because the answer will be heard in the heart and not in the head.

Now, within this density, as you anchor yourself in the dimension of this world, you will have the capacity increasing to live by the Light and in the Light. This is an example of a total reversal of everything that existed in your life so far. In this sense We the Conclave and the Divine Mary recommend that you increasingly abandon yourself to the will of the Light, to the Will of the Source, to the will of the Unity.

It is in this abandonment that lies (whatever the external circumstances of your lives) the reality of Joy, the reality of the Presence, the reality of I Am. Within this Truth, your path in this density however may encounter obstacles. Receive this energy effusion of the Source.

Beloved children of Grace and Truth, your role now is to live more and more the truth, to express it in a quiet way in the world and to the world. Wherever you are, whatever your place in the universe and in this life, you are all equal before the Light. Your role is to literally illuminate this vibration of Light, this new Unity where the density is no longer confronted with anything other than itself. So there is a total and complete reunification with what you already are in other dimensions.

This revelation makes it easier to enter the world of Light, the world of higher vibration and the world of the essence of design. The more you let the light penetrate your whole environment, the more your path will appear as absolute, intelligible, despite the chaos of this world.

The Virgin Mary and the Conclave urge you to turn increasingly inward, not to withdraw yourself by this procedure but to draw your attention to the Light, to concentrate on that with every step in everything that you do in each of your relationships.

Thus the Light appears in the world, thus the Father and the Mother join together to speak to you and teach you. Again, we thank the many people who are joining us and ask that you join in this work in the Truth. The work of the Light is the greatest grace a human being can live. There is not in this duality that you currently live any other event that can put you both in joy and in truth.

You are those who have awakened, you are those who are now awake, as We've awoken you by Our activity. This is done in joy. Deconstruction is not Joy but you are the Joy during this deconstruction. You are the Joy in this density if you are transformed by what We offer: the alliance with this world, the Trinity reunified within your Interior Temple, within your consciousness. You must act in this world, not with an action or reaction of duality, but you must respond with an act of grace and a truth. Receive this effusion of the ultraviolet radiation.

Beloved Masters of Light, children of the Source, as you travel this world you need to let the Light lead you and give you directions in your journey, in your life, and you must accept what comes, you must accept this grace and you must live in this grace in this world. If you now allow Our guidance and Our radiance by this ultraviolet energy through the Holy Spirit and the Source your actions will be guided. Gradually as the weeks progress, the more you enter and anchor the axis of this new world in you, the more you will become aware of the role of the Source in this current density.

We ask that you humbly submit to the Truth of Light, to abandon yourself to the Source and the radiation of Light. Your strength, your survival, can only come from there and nowhere else. By abandoning to the Source your path is illuminated and your journey will be assisted regardless once again of the deconstruction of this world. Faith must be your fortification.

Carrying out your alliance with this world the higher vibration of your DNA is transformed completely, the vibration of your cells, the vibration of your physical body is literally bathed in the Light Source and reveals a very different form.

Your needs will be different, your existence will be different on all levels. This represents the beginnings of what you will experience later called dimensional transformation or ascension. The intellect, the reasoning must give way completely to the intelligence of love, the understanding of grace. Receive now this effusion from the Source.

We the Conclave wish to clarify that the more of you who participate in the reunion the more elevated Earth will be. Thus we encourage you to illuminate the light on all of your brothers, without questioning, without imposing anything on others, just simply suggesting this.

As I stated in My last speech, this latest outpouring is your manifestation of Light as you absorb and radiate as much of that Light as possible. The movement that began here 7 weeks ago will continue to grow from week to week. The energy of the Source will penetrate the whole of Creation in this density and not only just humans [but animals and all life too].

The Earth itself is beginning to respond to the impetus of the reunion by intense vibrations from its crystalline core [earthquakes], expressed also by the amplification of conscious beings living within the inner [hollow] Earth, participants who also are raising their awareness towards a future of pure Light.

As I said, we have given the tokens and the energy of Our presence and Our radiance to Mary. This now has all the necessary power to open up transmissions to human beings so that very soon the announcements of Mary will be made. You, in the same way in your life, should accept what is presented to you effortlessly because this Light is for you.

The circumstances of your lives, whatever they are, are resonances of the Light, vibrations of the Truth. If some of you live in pain understand that this is to allow the total demonstration of the Light in you and ultimately it is what will occur. Faith must grow, confidence in the Light must settle irreversibly and definitively in your consciousness. Receive this effusion of the ultraviolet radiation.

By activating this 7th ultraviolet virtue it penetrates (now and henceforth) into all of your cells, allowing the transfer and requirements of the recovery of your entire inheritance of DNA. This transmutation and the atomic vibration of your constituent atoms can now begin.

Your format, your shape, will evolve into a structure more in keeping with the will of the Trinity and the design of the Source. Do not resist the eliminations that may occur through this vibration that you are transmuted to you, but accompany them without resistance, for they are not lasting imbalances but eliminations that must occur. The only result is even more Light in your structures.

The transformed body, once it has eliminated a number of oppositions and resistances that you call diseases, will become impermeable to any resonance of the dark side, conveyed as well by drugs called vaccines [they are poisons to the body] by any mental influence that one will want to impose on you. Receive this outpouring of grace.

Beloved children of the Light, when I speak of welcoming the Light that is also permitting everything that comes to you with the same Love and the same Light. By the principle that I just outlined, if you continue to receive the Light no darkness will be able to reach you.

The Light that you emit, the power of Light and the change that you live transform and dissolve this darkness. You have nothing to fear, for Light is very powerful, the transformation that you live is the Truth and the reality.

Do not be alarmed when you feel the hot, the cold and the resonance that your body will start to intensely endure [they are symptoms of ascension and a higher frequency]. This results from the action of the Light and the Source of the action of the Father/Mother, even within your physical foundation.

Beloved Masters of the Light, I end with these few words: We the Conclave wish to thank all those people involved in this effort of the Light, in the effort during this dimensional transformation. We bless you individually and collectively.

This work of grace (between noon and 1 PM on your watch) will grow during this week. During this moment of grace you are required to live in full consciousness, whatever your exterior activities.

You must be aware and thankful for the grace that the Source gives you within these separated worlds where you now live. We welcome and thank you. This action of your accommodation corresponds to approval of Our efforts.

As you know these transmissions of ultra-violet energy will continue to accomplish in you the delivery of the grace and the Truth in the Light. The transformation of your physical bodies in the alignment of your density is a lasting Truth. It is not a subtle phenomenon but a tangible, visible, and perceptible reality.

By receiving this Light, by receiving and serving your brothers and sisters, by welcoming and serving all of creation in this higher density, you will live a life of Joy. We bless you and leave you now in silence until the end of your 72 minutes here to live in union with the Trinity. Be blessed. We love you.

As is usual, the Conclave informs me that the date of the next meeting is on Sunday June 14 at 18:00 [6 PM French time]. Continue to receive this effusion of energy ....

My comments: AA Michael states that there are enough humans who have reached a level of enlightenment so that we will be able to build a new world in 5D, hinting that this may have been a reason for delays until now to allow more to participate in this movement.

He again mentions ascension symptoms that will increase in the coming days as we reach higher frequency levels and says that these are normal. Diseases will soon be cured as we experience changes in our bodies, and even animals will be part of this ascension process according to His words. He mentions vaccines in a negative fashion and hints that drugs will not be needed in the future.

He says “The full power of the Conclave, the full power of Mary, will be manifested on this Earth by your summer solstice [June 21].” That is less than 2 weeks away so the days of waiting may be short. He speaks of earthquakes and the hollow Earth that will be part of the coming changes. Time will tell

Rich N


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