translated from French - June 28 2009
NDR's comment from France: After carefully reading the following details you should have all the elements to follow this guidance and thus allow us to save precious time in responding to the many questions we receive. Archangel Michael has offered to accompany us and to enable the transformations in relation to 12 "virtues" or " 12 stars of Mary" in 12 stages, one per week starting on April 25.
Michael comes each week during a period by an alternating of information and a transmission of energy adapted to the "virtue" integrated that day. We do our best to ensure that you find the transcript of these interventions within 24 hours after the meeting on our site. At anytime soon, therefore, in Spirit ...
You can participate in this support:
* Anywhere you are
* In simple receptivity (no special connection is needed)
* Extending your arm and legs uncrossed (preferably sitting, the soles of the feet on the ground, or lying down or standing)
* Participating during the 72 minutes of Michael's meeting from the specified starting time (or at least any 20 minutes at your convenience from among those 72 minutes)
* As Michael said: "Fear not children of the Light to take these overflowing energies now or at any other time, because you will always be permitted to integrate into the transmission of this Light, this transmission of Unity, to allow it to enter the center of your entire being.
* The date and (French) time are indicated.
* The next AA Michael meeting is on Sunday July 5 at 22:00 10 PM (French time) [ 4 PM NY time, 3 PM in Chicago, 2 PM Mountain, and 1 PM in LA].
* For the record, the previous meetings took place on April 25, May 2, May 9, May 17, May 24, June 1, June 7, June 14, and June 21 [the final is July 12].
* Regardless of the outpouring of Michael, it is suggested that you reconnect to the energy of the Source, the Father, every day from 12 noon to 1 PM local time, regardless of your country.
Integration of Virtues - 10th stage
I am Michael, Ruling Prince of the Celestial Militia. Beloved children of the Light, beloved masters of the Light, I welcome you as you welcome Me. We arrive today in the final three stages of your critical Celestial Marriage [our union with Divinity]. These last three stages will achieve, in a progressive and intense manner, all of the reality in your dimension of your reunification with your multidimensional vehicle [your body or container as ETs call it].
And it will be the same for your 3D body that enables you now to live here on Earth. The requirements of the reunification process are now complete. During this period which starts today, many events will now occur in your foundations and those within the structures of the Earth and in all of the solar system. Before going into details of that, on behalf of the Conclave I bring you our deepest gratitude for having assisted the increasing number of those who have returned to the Unity.
Beloved co-creators of the Light, beloved Carriers of the Light, by the work accomplished during the preceding weeks you have established within this third density the Truth of the Unity of Light. Today an expression of the uniqueness of your accomplishments is carried out so that you will gradually return to your Unity. Unity is performed by the fusion of the Celestial Weddings. You will now find the Unity and Eternity even in the essence of this separated world, in this world that will soon end.
Your world will now experience the divorce from the dark. This is now. This will not start tomorrow, but the work of Light actually and practically begins today. In this sense, We the Conclave can demonstrate the delivery of the ultraviolet energy not only during those periods of 72 minutes each week, but also within each of your days by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the period between noon and 1 PM on your watch wherever you live.
This means that on Earth, from today and from this moment on each day at the noon hour when the sun is at its peak you should strive to receive the outpouring of the ultraviolet energy. This also means that this transmission of the solar and the terrestrial radiation is performed in order to conclude and complete the work of the Unity in this world which continues with the destruction of the duality. This is present in you, this is present on the surface of this world, this is present in the commitment of the soul in incarnation on this planet .
The full outpouring of the radiation from the central sun that We pass on to you is now active at all times on a narrow strip of the Earth. Gradually, as the days progress until the end of the outpouring during the Celestial Marriage [on July 12?] the energy band will soon widen to include half of the land area exposed to sunlight. [It appears that with the end of the 12 virtues on July 12 this will be a turning point in future events, as He mentions this frequently. This also seems to suggest that instead of 1 hour there will be more hours of UV radiation per day available to more people in more areas at one time.]
This change is now in effect. It is therefore an expansion (literally and figuratively) of the influence of ultraviolet radiation from not merely once a week (actually and practically) to one hour daily during the next 3 weeks on a single larger area. This will better balance your vibratory state and prepare each of you for something majestic. Today the 10th light [or lamp] is activated in you. It is a vibrational coupling of the area of your nose with your heart. [The lemniscate term that He uses to describe this is a figure-eight or ∞ shaped curve that describes this energy pattern which is a connection of the nose with the heart. This is also a symbol of infinity or eternity.] This produces in you, through the energy of the ultraviolet radiation, the possibility of reunification [our reunion with Divinity].
This light is also the 10th strand of your DNA that is activated. Your reconstruction in the Light will be completed during the coming weeks. A number of events will take place, and you will fully understand and live the Truth of the energy of the ultraviolet radiation, not only at the level of vibration understood and received in your structures within your major areas of Light, but also in your consciousness as you will begin gradually to escape from this 3D reality to exist separated from this body by the experience of temporarily entering, occupying, and understanding the reality of your Eternal and Immortal body.
This is now. However I am not saying that the end of your 3rd dimension is here now, but that its conclusion has begun. You enter in a formal way into a time that I would call very short. During every day and every breath of your life in this density you should strive to accomplish the transformation of your consciousness to irrevocably remove the links that still unite you to your old modes of operation.
You should learn in the coming weeks the concept of the most noble service of the Karma Yoga that will permit you to establish the liberation from any attachments that are held over from the past worlds and the old structures of your lives. As of today this is no longer a concept but it becomes a reality: the old and new coexist together in a much more tangible, easier, and more discernible manner.
[Sri Swami Sivananda defines Karma Yoga as the consecration of all your actions and their fruits unto the Lord, a performance of actions dwelling in union with the Divine, removing attachments and remaining balanced ever in success and failure in a selfless service unto humanity.]
During this period until the end of My presence [in May 2010] by the radiation within the solar system, you will build bridges and establish communication in all awareness with the manifestations of the 5th dimension. This includes the awareness in your body of your eternal Immortality, the awareness of the intra-terrestrials [those in inner Earth], the awareness of the extra-terrestrials [ETs] and of those in the ultra-terrestrial dimensions [those who are in higher dimensions than we can see or understand and who are more advanced than us].
You will experience, you will communicate with, you will interact with what until now was hidden and concealed from you. [We will finally in 1st contact encounter and understand those beings in other dimensions and other worlds that are currently hidden from us now. There are now increasing reports and even videos of UFOs in many areas around the world.] This will be a great help in building your confidence [and will give you proof of the truth of these words that you desire]. This is made possible by activating the 10th light called the 12th body or the body of your reunified Godhead, the reunification of your body to Unity.
By activation of this vibration and the initiation of this new light in your foundations, you make possible a communication between your separated world and the unified worlds that are above you [in higher dimensions] and also those within of this [hollow] planet [we will unite with those of inner Earth, a place called Agartha]. Do not be surprised, therefore, if these occurrences of light shows in the heavens (these are expressions of other dimensional planes where the bodies are either already unified or are 3 dimensional in the form of holograms of Light that are a pure translation of dimensional time) begin to appear in your skies, in your consciousness and to now appear to all of humanity.
This moment today signals the opening of a door that is the return to the Unity, even while still living in this separated 3D world. Having heard audibly the "B" tone after attempting to establish and continue to establish in the weeks ahead the inner silence [a conscious state that does not use the mental intellect] when some of you entered your eternal body, you will now enter into the multi-dimensional areas, even in your environment and in your life. Manifestations of the Angelic worlds will become increasingly obvious as the days pass. This can not be hidden much longer by all of those who control, or try to control your lives and your future.
Returning to your Unity through the activation of the 10th light ( in the process of unification with the consciousness of Earth) permits you to restore your acceptance of the Truth and allows the Light to become a discerning and creative effort within your world. In this sense, the deconstruction that I announced at the beginning of this year will now result in its most absolute completion. Remain in your service [as servants], remain in the Karma Yoga. By establishing your Divine connections and recognizing your obstacles you thereby enter into the joyful mansions of Immortality, the mansions of liberty in the Unity, while you still remain in this 3rd dimension in order to build new lives in the heart. This is your future.
You are among the tens of millions of human beings who now participate effectively in this radiation. Remember now that every day from noon to 1 PM during these 60 minutes, you have the combination of the Holy Spirit and the outpouring of ultraviolet energy. This is a crucial week for your transformation and your future. Receive the effusion of the ultraviolet radiation.
During the days and weeks ahead I will more progressively affirm My presence and My Radiation in your structures. I will become (for those of you who have agreed to surrender your freedom and your free will to the Light and the Truth of Light) more assertive in the outpouring of My Radiation and My presence, in order to assist you in performing the will of the Father, the wishes of the Light. This is your choice, this is your Truth, this is your greatest freedom as beings of Light.
Today I imprint in you, by bringing together the lemniscate [an 8 shaped helix] in a union of your heart chakra and the light of the nose, the ability to receive my energy, to receive my presence in the Truth and in the Unity. This ultraviolet energy effusion in you puts into action the resonance, the sacred lemniscate uniting the heart chakra and this 10th light. Beloved masters of the Light and creators of the Light I emphasize that the activation of this sacred lemniscate should enable you to work in the inner silence because the words that you speak should be permeated with all the wisdom possible [be careful what you say].
You become responsible for your own creations. What you speak will occur so inevitably. If you speak of love, love will manifest itself, if you speak of discord, discord will occur [you are creators by using your minds]. It can not be otherwise in your path of reunification. I ask you therefore, I urge you to abandon irrevocably and finally the word games and games of the ego [the negativity and attacks and jealousy that is normal in everyday life]. You must enter fully into the service of others and in the Karma Yoga that allows you to erase all the consequences of your negative conduct in this separated 3D world.
This is the way and the solution that allows you to live completely in the Light, in truth and in peace the outpouring of ultraviolet energy occurring every midday during the week. Remember that you are now co-creators, creators of Light, but you are also the creators of your own destiny and your own life in full. This is your responsibility, this is your duty, this is your freedom. It implies, on your part, an effort during each moment and each breath to control the flow of your thoughts, the flow of your emotions, to keep you aligned with the Spirit. You cannot live in the Light and continue to play the games of man. You must amplify in you the sacred lemniscate, this communication which I establish with you individually and collectively today. Receive this effusion of the ultraviolet radiation in silence.
The quickest and most efficient way to resonate and manifest (by My communication with you) the sacred lemniscate in you is to focus your awareness first on the light of your heart , then focus your consciousness on the 10th light at your nose, and then to establish the connection between your voice and the roof of your mouth in the resonance and the vibration of the sacred lemniscate [an energy that connects the heart and the nose]. This should be done at your own pace preferably during the midday outpouring of the ultraviolet energy every day of the week.
[The art of meditation and chakra activation requires practice and a focus of the mind and often takes years of practice to perfect this, and I doubt we have this much time left in 3D to fully master this. He seems to say that we should concentrate on visually connecting the heart with the nose in a figure 8 pattern of energy (that He calls the lemniscate) and then use the voice in a sort of chant in unison with the mind in a prayer to carry this out.]
As many of you will realize, the more We can lower Our vibration of Light to your world the better We can start on a much larger scale globally to accomplish your reconstruction. We rely on you, We love you, We participate (with your full agreement) in the establishment and implementation of the Truth in this world. Do not be disturbed in any way by what happens around you. The more you start resonating with the sacred lemniscate, the more you will be in peace, in truth, in joy, in the Unity, and you can not under any circumstances be affected by the various radiations emitted by the cosmos, the sun, and by the reaction of fear in human beings.
Nothing can affect you. Nothing can disturb you in the vibration of the unity, in the vibration of the unified sacred lemniscate. Beloved creators of the Light, you are now at an historic turning point in your relationship and in your communications with the Light. Today by your model of Unity and its definition you receive the illumination of the Father. The Source of the Sources, the Source of the Truth and the Light of the Source come into resonance now within you without external assistance. You have permitted that to be accomplished. For that you are eternally appreciated and you receive Our absolute gratitude.
We the Conclave urge you, especially during this next week [the first of the last 3 weeks of the 12 virtues] to find time when appropriate to be in attendance each day from noon to 1 PM at the time on your watch. This will concentrate the best and most favorable vibrations of Light, the vibration of the sacred lemniscate, and the presence of the Source of Sources on you. We count on you, but We know in advance that you will cooperate with Us daily.
It is extremely important to understand now what must happen at the end of your Celestial Marriage. We are now fully confident in your Unity, your willingness and the opening of your heart to participate in the revelation of the Source of the Source in your separated 3rd density. As usual once again receive Our gratitude and the outpouring of the ultraviolet radiation.
This activation of the sacred lemniscate, its vibration, and the emissions in use (during the final weeks of your Celestial Marriage) promote the certainty of your contact with the Source. This is beyond your understanding, this is beyond belief, but you will have the full revelation of the Presence of the Source in your density, as a consciousness, as a vibration, in Truth and in Unity.
The advanced establishment of this vibration in you, this sacred lemniscate, will through the Karma Yoga make you aware of the final darkness that necessarily needs to be removed in you during the next 3 weeks. What you acknowledge will be instantly forgiven by the presence of the Source in you. It is therefore necessary to look with honesty, to see clearly what needs to be eliminated from your structures of Light. The help of the Source will do this (as long as you're honest with yourself) in an extremely simple vibratory way without your suffering.
You should acknowledge your separated areas of darkness and remove from you what you use to rationalize as normal in yourself in this duality. [It is time to eliminate those dark areas that you still cling to.] This should occur henceforth. You are beings of Light, you are the creators of the Light, and in this sense the darkness can no longer co-exist in you or be manifested in you, even through all the relationships you have established.
In addition, the development and awareness of the sacred vibration of the lemniscate allows you to literally face all deconstructions (whether existent or imaginable) in this density in peace, in the joy of Samadhi [the Hindu term for higher levels of concentrated meditation], in the joy of peace and the joy of eternity. This guarantees your integrity if you are honest towards yourself and towards all others. It can not be otherwise. Receive this effusion of the UV radiation.
Beloved teachers and creators of the Light, Our next meeting (which will see the intensification of periods of ultraviolet radiation) will be held next week on Sunday at 10 PM on your watch in France. I will now open a time period to answer your questions. Thus, those who diligently follow the ultraviolet radiation may also receive answers to legitimate questions from their daily lives.
Question: Is the body of light that is in the sun our majestic self [our eternal body?]?
What do you mean by the term majestic self?
Question: Our heavenly being.
You are created for this density as human beings, body, mind and spirit. You live your personality in this 3D body. By inwardly returning to your heart you have already opened a certain degree of Light. When the opening of the heart is complete, the revelation of the Light of the Spirit occurs. You are of Trinitarian constitution. The Trinity in your separated world (as in the multiple-universes within the multi dimensional worlds) always moves in this mode by Trinitarian designs that are extremely accurate. Thus, I speak of the magnificent being as opposed to the small ego that is a part of your duality. I prefer that you use the names and the words: personality, soul and Spirit.
The multidimensional body (whether it is a body of Light, a body of crystal, a diamond body or a body of triangular Light) belongs to other dimensions that do not correspond to anything known in your density. The Divine spark that lives in you is the minimum that has been placed in you. The maximum Light that you have in your body is multi-dimensional in nature. This may in no case be compared to what you would call the higher self or the ego as it is well beyond all that, well beyond the tangible, well beyond even the highest Samadhi [Hindu] understanding in your density.
This portion of your consciousness is only temporary, and finally one day you will exist in the eternal body and become beings of pure Light with no memory of the me, the oneself, the small or large ego self that you now experience. It is a repository and a level of consciousness that has so far been experienced by only a few beings on this level of humanity. There is therefore no possible way to describe it until it is lived. No mental approach, no intellectual approach can be used to define or understand those eternal bodies. Only the experience itself will communicate this to you apart from your mental conceptions or your attempts to grasp this in your duality.
Question: What is Your definition of ultra-terrestrials?
These definitions at this time you would not understand, even using terms of the Light. The ultra-Terrestrials, employing words of your language, are called time travelers. This far exceeds what you are able to understand and assimilate through multi-dimensional and multi-universe agendas. These time travelers are not you at another time, but are beings who have exceeded all anthropomorphism [human characteristics] and are able to move through time frames in different times within your separated worlds like those of the Father and of the Source. Ultra-terrestrials are so named by a reference to their mastering of time.
Question: Are these ultra-terrestrials part of the Archangelic hierarchy?
No. The ultra-terrestrials change on multidimensional planes that are neither above nor below Us. Simply, their multidimensional planes and the stages of their dimensional beings are such that they have escaped (in a logical and luminous manner) the fabric of multidimensions. This is another process, another evolutionary scenario that you may encounter in your upward procession, in your process of unification that you will now experience. This meeting is now possible during moments of your life while you are in Light bodies, in crystal bodies, in diamond bodies, or in bodies of triangular Light.
Question: What were You referring to in reference to the various manifestations of the angelic worlds?
I refer to what I would call, in your language, the awareness of Angels in your elements. I allude to what you describe as eye contact, vibratory contact with the Archangels, contact with the angelic worlds, with the angels of the Lord, with bodies of Light, with the ultra-terrestrial timeless beings and also with the evolving forms of life outside of your usual field of perception. By activating the body of reunification, known as the 10th or 12th lamp body, you will be allowed to rejoin and experience the presence of other evolving conscious beings that until now existed only on levels separated from yours. You will join the worlds of Unification through the activation of the sacred lemniscate.
Question: What is the relationship of the lemniscate with the speaking of the palate?
This simply achieves the union of the heart chakra with this new lamp. You turn on here what I would call in your language a switch. You plug in a sensual vibration, a communication between your heart and other dimensions. Activating your heart (as a foundation for your new life) is performed for most of you from the beginning of your participation in the effusions of the ultraviolet radiation.
Today you are asked to bring into service not merely the foundations but the entire construction of this house. Through the various vessels that I mentioned during the 8th and 9th virtue effusions, especially in the activation of the "B" sound and through the activation of inner silence through what has been called the 8th and 9th lamp (or the 9th and 10th virtues), you make possible the construction of your new eternity and your new life.
This is accomplished by the sounds or silence that are vibrations that you permit naturally and spontaneously. Today by joining your speech with your palate your newly awakened heart communicates with vibrations that penetrate you by the outpouring of the ultraviolet radiation, by the solar radiation within your foundation. This secures and updates the reality of this contact.
Question: Is the point of intersection of the lemniscate located in the throat?
No. It is a little lower. It lies in what you call in your body the radiation of the Divine on the level of your thymus [an organ located in the upper portion of the chest cavity just behind the sternum and below your throat]. However, the activation of the lemniscate is actually the vibration by what has been called the 9th lamp in the throat.
Question: Is there a particular direction of rotation in the activity of this lemniscate?
The rotation is done in both directions simultaneously. The vibrational setting travels through a triple movement in this lemniscate, a movement from top to bottom and from bottom to top, rotating and oscillating alternately in both directions, totally coupled actively with this lemniscate in a front and rear vibration.
However, these are only [technical] words. Make sure you activate the 3 points that I've designated, through speech, through the chakra of the heart, and through the new lamp in the nose. This will enable in you the vibration and movement, and then you will receive these components. You do not have to create them yourself, but they move automatically from the moment your consciousness is focused in the order given on 3 points.
Question: Do children who will be born already have these vibrations integrated in them?
We can not make a general statement. Yes some of them are genetic mutations of Light. Others have decided not to experiment with the creation of a cycle again in the separated 3rd dimension [and will wait until after ascension to be born]. I want to reiterate that every human being and every consciousness currently incarnated on Earth is in his chosen place and his role, whatever his age, whatever his situation, whatever his employment or his unemployment, whatever his marital status, whatever his social status as being alone or in a gathering with others during this period.
Question: Is the merger of our body into the Light natural or is it assisted?
For now, there can be no union between your separated 3D body and your eternal body. You can only transfer your consciousness by activating the inner silence. But again, I repeat, everyone transforms at his own pace. Access to the conscious multidimensional body (which is stored and literally bathed in the sunlight) is not accessible in the transfer of consciousness.
The timing of the merger will be conducted between your 3rd density body and your eternal body in which you live during the final process that you call ascension. At this moment it is not a question of union but of reunion. This corresponds in part to what I called the Celestial Marriage. This eternal body (for those of you who are available at specified times either in your nights or during efforts related to the vibration of inner silence) is accessible but it is located apart from you here in this current density. The moment when this body approaches you in order to merge with this body of 3rd density you will see the pure and simple death of this body of 3rd density.
Question: How will this ascension occur with or without the body?
We do not have the time to go into detail about that. Make sure you live the present moment with the truth that is offered to you, and not seek to understand or use your mental capabilities. Remember what I told you: the mind becomes an increasingly devious trap in the evolution of your creation of Light. Remember that every minute of your life because of the lures of the forces of darkness and their fears, and your logical mind will do everything to prevent death. To think of future mechanisms not yet installed moves you away from the Truth. I cannot thus involve you in that.
Question: Apart from the inner silence, the silence of the mind, is another aspect also involved?
No. Only the inner silence, only the note Ti [the tone of B] is able to guarantee you the silence of the mind. Only those periods where you come in contact with the sacred lemniscate, only when you live in the heart, will the logical mind lose its influence. You can not comprehend a mind that willingly agrees to die. What is proposed now is a teaching that goes far beyond some form of spiritual exercises related to the control of the mind. Now you come in the silence of the mind, because in the multi-dimensional body there is no mind. There is knowledge, intelligence and truth.There is no place for the discussion of what you call your mind, so you can not use this tool in the fight against this tool [it is in a conflict of interest position]. You just have to accept the vibration of Light.
The sense of service and sense of Karma Yoga is also consistent with this objective that permits the death of what must die. You access the world of the super-mind. The super-mentality does need not a mind. The super-mind is that part of the enlightened mind called Intelligence in the noblest sense. The only way to silence your mind, if you are not able to yet access the vibration of the sacred lemniscate or the silence of the mind or the "B" tone, is to adopt the precepts of the Karma service. Serving others in every sense of the term is the best way in your 3rd density to silence the mind. As Christ expressed, if you assist and act as a servant to even your worst enemy you are in truth the noblest of man.
Karma Yoga is used to repair what needs to be repaired conscientiously and in Truth. Again it is a tool within your density to reach this state. You must undertake and perform the Hindu Bhakti Yoga [divine worship], the Karma Yoga, the sacred vibration of the lemniscate, from the "B" sound or the inner silence. The past moments, for those who have the chance to experience their eternal body, are also of great help to understand that one can live without the mind, without emotions and without illusions even within this 3rd density.
Question: Does the Ti sound appear spontaneously?
Just as the sacred lemniscate does not need to be mentally or vibrationally accomplished, it activates itself from the moment your consciousness is focused on the 3 points and 3 stages.
Question: Does the external listening to the [B] Ti sound help?
No. You speak of the art of music but I speak of consciousness. No technical means, even crystals, can allow that, only pure consciousness can.
Question: How can we to move from the [B] Ti tone sound to inner silence?
This is spontaneous from the time consciousness occurs in the [B] Ti tone. However, the last 3 doors to your eternity can be opened separately. Entering one of the 3 doors is enough to experience the body of Eternity. So each of you must find in his consciousness the easiest way to open and unlock these doors. You have an important tool at your disposal by decree of the Source now and this week during the period daily between noon and 1 PM. Cherish and experience it.
We have no more questions. We thank You.
Beloved children of the Light, beloved creators of the Light, I leave you now to dwell in your inner silence [consciously in meditation apart from your mind], in the “B” sound [the 7th of 8 major notes of the octave], in the sacred lemniscate till the end of this ultraviolet radiation in order that you may establish this contact [with Divinity]. As usual once again My final words include Our thanks, Our gratitude and Our encouragement. We love you.
My Comments: It is nice to see that He is now answering questions that are given by those in attendance, as there are many areas that need clarification. Some He will not answer as he states that these are not important now, but we should instead focus on the present. Last week He mentioned that later we will see an energy reversal, and I feel that He is referring to the magnetic pole shift that He briefly mentioned earlier where Earth’s rotation will reverse due to the magnetic reversal.
This will be a major turning point where we will see about 3 days of either darkness or light depending on our location as the Earth stops its rotation and reverses, and the Sun will rise in the West after that event. There have recently been energy bursts as shown on the magnetosphere starting Sunday. I feel these are created to delay any reversals till later as it is not yet time for this.
His message this week is very complicated, and I feel that most will be unable to fully understand it. He often uses medical, scientific, and mathematical terms in His discussions that are complex, and He frequently mentions Hindu phrases to show that there are many paths to enlightenment apart from Christianity and that they are often more spiritually advanced than Westerners. Some of this discussion that is important to us is beyond the understanding of many and hopefully will be explained in detail in time. During each weekly meeting His teachings become harder to translate into simple everyday language that is understandable by all.
The lemniscate is a helix shaped pattern like an “8” that needs to connect our heart with the area around our nose and upper lip. Although there are 7 major chakras there are other minor chakras or lights that are also important. He continues to combine the “B” tone and the inner silence as necessary phases, and it seems like we need to possess spiritual PHDs to understand these principles as every week it becomes more complex.
Our 3D bodies were made for this dimension and will not function in the 5th dimension, thus the need for new Light bodies and the emphasis on Light. It appears that our current bodies will cease to function as we move into these new bodies of Light in the higher frequency of 5th dimension, and the souls of those who do not have these new bodies will exit to continue their education on other worlds. He seems to suggest that we will receive bodies of Light that are higher than even those of many ETs that some have met, and we will have an intellect that is more advanced than theirs as beings of Divinity.
The noon time period of meditation will be expanded to include more areas of Earth to assist us in this transformation process by widening the transmission path of the UV energy. Many are unable to set aside a daily hour for meditation and energy reception due to their schedules and commitments, but this an option that is available to those who have this capability.
I feel that some of Michael’s advanced work is targeted to those who wish to achieve a higher level of enlightenment than most will obtain and is not a requirement for ascension. He said that this next week we will begin to see the intensification of periods of ultraviolet energy and has in the past stated that these energies will dramatically increase as the days progress.
Excerpts from:
Sheldan Nidle has much to say this week of interest but is silent now on the progress of the global political and economic changes: “Mother Earth is inching forward with a multitude of changes. The realm of Agartha is a 5-D reality [inner Earth is now in the 5th dimension]. The purview of this reality has recently been extended to include the Earth's gravitational neutral zone that lies about 400 miles (640 kilometers) beneath the surface of the planet. In this manner, Mother Earth is moving her 5-D reality incrementally closer to your 3-D surface world.
This accounts for many of the geological anomalies currently being observed by your scientists. The so-called magma fields are behaving in unusual ways and this is raising some alarms about a dangerous period of more prevalent seismic and volcanic activities. While this is somewhat true, the main cause is the fact that the geomagnetic fields themselves are being redistributed.
The Earth is at present 'split' between a 3-D surface realm and a 5-D inner-terrestrial realm. These two worlds need to be reintegrated as soon as possible [by our movement into 5-D also]. To this end Heaven has decreed that the actions being taken to return you to full consciousness be further accelerated, and so a massive realignment of your physical bodies with your spiritual faculties is now underway. This period is to be temporary. Nevertheless, it is putting increased pressure on our Earth allies to achieve their prime goals as quickly as possible. You are on the verge of a massive restructuring of your solar system.”
There are credible reports that the recent airline crashes are due to these geomagnetic shifts that are occurring as we move from 3D to 5D that Michael spoke of this week, and Aton said earlier that our airplanes will not be able to fly in 5-D and we will need UFO technology to travel. The former Enki confirmed this along with the reality that our 3-D bodies will not function in 5-D, and we will need new bodies.
New age channelers continue to promote Obama as a man of change, but his actions show he is merely a puppet who follows the orders of the NWO leaders, preferring a status quo and refusing to surrender control. There are reports that chemtrail planes were forced down in India and Nigeria over their suspected role in spreading the swine flu virus world wide by the US, so it is apparent that these sprayings will continue in spite of warnings. It appears that we are nearing the end of initial programs and the start of intense reconstruction, but time will tell.
Rich N
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