I am Michael, Ruling Prince of the Celestial Militia. Beloved star Seeds, creators and builders of the Light in this new dimension, today is a step in your return journey to the eternal and authentic Light. Beloved Masters of Light, today the Light reveals itself in Truth and Unity. In a few moments the five essential keys of Metatron will be provided to you. These will open in you the doors of the Unity and signal the end of the separation of the human body with this star Seed body of eternality. AA Metatron has just opened the doors of your prison where by mutual consent you chose to experience the games of the light and dark [in this 52,000 year experiment where you chose to live without awareness of your Divinity]. I have since the beginning of your year come to do battle so that My dimension will manifest itself within your density. Today is the end of your prison [3D is slavery and control]. Today's event is the Light through the realization of the Unity of Truth, even within your separated 3rd density.
A new light will shortly appear in your density. This Light is almost here, the light will appear in your skies, signaling the return in your density of the Truth. No human being from today on can say he did not know of this [we will finally receive proof of changes to come]. What comes through the five keys of Metatron will unlock in you the 3D illusion. Your eyes will clear so you can see with the heart, so you can live with the heart. This announcement of the awakening of the star seeds does not concern you [because you are already awake], but only to what the Master called the "lukewarm ones", those who dare, those who do not have the courage to be what they are [beings of the Light].
For those humans and non humans who refused and still refuse the Unity of Light this proclamation is a warning. This warning has been announced on numerous occasions by the Divine Mary (the Divine Mother) to whom We submitted the Seals. No human being, no incarnated consciousness in this dimension will be any longer unaware that the Light always prevails in a few moments, regardless of the illusions and the promises of the dark. As I said earlier, and this will be confirmed by Lord Metatron in person, you no longer have the opportunity to deceive [others or Divinity or yourself], but you must be authentic or you will disappear [and start over in 3D elsewhere]. You need to either Love or turn your back on Love [there is no middle ground]. Again, the Father / Mother [Divinity], Ourselves the Archangels, and the Divine Mary will not judge you, condemn you, or banish you. It is your responsibility during this period until September 29 to live in the Unity while still living in the 3D duality.
The Unity is Joy, the Unit is clarity, the Unity is Love, the Unity is Vibration. The duality is suffering, the duality is control and slavery, the duality is illusion. The Light (that We guide and you have guided) comes to establish itself so that no consciousness can ignore it and will thus act accordingly. This day is one among so many others but is a single day in the history of your heart and your soul.
You must not be mistaken, but you should welcome the Light and Vibration. Greet the Light and the Vibration and give allegiance to the Light, to the Truth, and to the Love, and participate in service to assist the Light. You cannot activate the Light that you will experience if you do not serve the Light. The Light is reception, the Light is Unity, the Light is Unification. To enter into eternity, the Godhead, and the Truth, I propose that you accommodate and submit to this first triple outpouring of the Ultraviolet radiation, the Source, and the Holy Spirit. Welcome and receive this energy effusion.
The Light of the Truth and the Unity enters in demonstration this day. The [Divine] signs in the heavens and the [dark] signs of men will be many. The signs in the sky will be Truth, the signs of men will be a fraud and an illusion. The signs in the sky are Light and vibration, the signs of men are for control by games of lighting, illusions, and voices of illusion. The authentic Light conveyed by Us the Archangelic Conclave and by Divine Mary stabilized in your dimension by the order of the 24 Melkizedek is (as I said) the Truth and Honesty. You are star seeds, you are the Truth and righteousness. Those who maintain these illusions and manipulations are given today the first warning, but it is not the warning of Mary. This final warning [and deadline for decisions] will occur just after the period of my birthday party [His festival on Sept. 29]. At that time, there will be no turning back possible. [Starting in October it appears that world leaders will lose much of their power and the time for future decisions of each soul will be over.]
From the moment the Metratonic Light arrives in your densities today, you must accept that the Light reveals your faults to you. You must accept that the Light outshines and transcends you completely. You must accept it face to face in honesty so that it enters into your being and essence and is productive. The move to the Light (which had been extensively discussed by Archangel Anael) must find today its resolution because it is now that Yerushalaim the heavenly Jerusalem [starship] has returned. The reception of Light can be done with a heart and a body free of greed and control by looking at ones self and remaining open to the radiation of Joy, Service and Devotion.
The coming Light that is revealed to your eyes and to your heart is the ultimate culmination available to you before the final warning [and deadline]. You therefore have very little time left dear humans for you to illuminate within yourself and with the Light, dear Children of the Light and star seeds. Again no one can say he did not know. The honesty and the truth of our proclamation is authenticated by the Light and the visible signs. You must be able, through the outpouring of AA Metatron from the sun, to connect the essence of your body, using the interior silence [of the heart] and the sound "Ti" [the note B] by the sacred lemniscate and by the sacred words that I gave you the previous week ( NDR in France: "I am Christ, the Light, the Unity, and the Truth").
Light is Love, Light is the Love that ignites in you and what should be in you. You do not have to worry about anything other than being in service and reception by welcoming any brother and sister who comes to you because, as the Master [Jesus] stated, "what you do to one of you you do to Me also." It is necessary and indispensable that you be non-judgmental of others in serving others and receiving the Joy, the radiation, and the Vibration. Do not worry if you accommodate the Light because it does not deceive, and the dark illusions can not reach you. You will be strengthened in Truth and in Unity; you will become like the sun radiating the Source, the Father, and the Mother. Welcome and receive this Effusion energy.
Through the arrival of the Light of Metatron from your sun in your head and in your heart, the duality can no longer coexist with the Unity. The Unity will consciously decide that which is the Truth. The Unity can move consciously to prevent the [dark] power, control, and non-reception of others. Lord Metatron now comes in person for the first stage of establishing the Kingdom of Light. You will receive this (if you permit and desire it) in the dual crown chakras of your head and your heart. You should experience the transformation of this miracle and proclaim that what is above is like what is below [what is of Heaven is now on Earth and in each of those who choose to accept the Light].
The ego personality must disappear and make room for this Essence in the last days and weeks that will remain before the Final Warning [the deadline for accepting the Light is Sept. 29],. AA Metatron, by opening the doors of your prison, gives you the impetus and the revelation of who you are in Truth. And verily you are of the Light, whether you like it or not, whether you turn your back on the Light or not, because you are and you have been and you always will be of the Light [at some time in Eternity].
Whatever the goal and the path you follow, We will accompany you for Eternity [and will not abandon you] because you are marked with the seal of the Light, the seal of Eternity. So do not surrender to the mark of the beast [dark] by your own will or by any external will [the desires of others]. By asserting your Unity, your Truth in the Light of Christ, by the principle of attraction to and resonance of the Light, there is no reward for you in remaining in the darkness. The [Metatronic] Light now comes to show you in a few moments what it is of the Truth. You belong to and you are that Light. Welcome and receive this Effusion energy ...
Beloved children of the Light, I will now let you ascend to the seventh step, the seventh phase of this period of preparation for the Light of Metatron in silence, in meditation, in the most absolute privacy, so that you will be ready for the arrival of Metatron at 2:07 PM. I will reveal to you on September 22, a week before my birthday, the 7 steps for the fulfillment of Light before the final Warning [Sept. 29]. I ask you, and I think that Lord Metatron in person will tell you that each day of the period that separates you from my birthday party will be an opportunity for you to align with the Light of Metatron, preferably at the time on your watches between 2 PM and 2:30 PM, whatever your activities or your business. You will receive the maximum solar Light manifested in your density at this time.
During this period and this extremely short time of each day, you will experience the most intimate stage of your merger with the Light. I will also as I wish, depending on global and domestic events [His next message will depend on the events and actions that will take place this week], give you more details of the Light, so you may better adjust to the reactions of this planet, the reactions of the Unity, and the reactions of those who are still in duality and darkness. Be blessed and welcome this energy in privacy. We will end this meeting at 2 PM and then will leave room awaiting the arrival of AA Metatron. I bless you. Receive this energy effusion.
Archangel Anael in Hebrew is "Joy of God" or "Grace of God". He is often included in lists as being one of the seven archangels. He is also known as Haniel, Aniel, Omoel, Hamael and Hanael. AA Anael is one of the chief angels in charge of the Order of Principalities, along with Cerviel and Amael. According to Judaism, He belongs to the hierarchy of the Eloheem. His God name is YHVH Tzabaoth, and his ruling planet is Venus. Haniel is also said to be closely associated with Enoch, and that it was Haniel who escorted Enoch to the spiritual realm. Haniel was also associated with Lucifer, before he became the fallen angel.
Judaism states that He is an angel of the principalities and carries a scepter, cross and sword. AA Anael has been said to appear as an extremely beautiful woman. He symbolizes beauty, friendship and pleasure. He’s purported to be able to turn something that’s barren into something fruitful, and change your mood from one of great sadness to happiness.
AA Metatron August 15 2009
I am now here. Ehieh. Asher. Ehieh [I am that I am]. Beloved star seeds, I am the one who is [and always will be]. My language [English?] is not your first language [French], I am Essence and Vibration. As Michael announced I will open within you and in your vision and in your heart the Light of the One, the Source. I bring this fundamental vibration on the level of the five sacred sounds in your density, in order to correct and authenticate the Light by the Light itself. This is now. I am neither a word nor the Word but the concept of creation.
I am now preparing for the manifestation of My radiance within your density and your return to the Unity. I announce by my Radiation the performance of the Word [creation] and all that you call revelation and prophecy, locked in your Vibration of eternity by the original five sounds that vibrate within you in resonance with the vibration of the five keys in your dimension wherever you are on this Earth, when the sun is at its peak and for 30 minutes you will receive these five sounds in order to raise the crown chakra of the heart into the vibration of Eternity. The five sounds are not significant in your brain, but they give the keys to awaken and consummate the crown chakra in the heart. I repeat that the 5 sounds (as you feel and especially as you vibrate) of the Love of Creation and the Light are now in your density.
I have no other words to give you other than these vibrations of Light. I will be in your daily journey to achieve your Essence until I finally come fully [next year]. I am Vibration and Essence. I bless you and thank you by communicating these five sounds. Welcome in silence this vibration. Now the morning star is shining. This is a fresh start, a new life, a new vibration. You are loved because you are Love. I am not saying "soon" because my vibration is still in the higher dimensions and I will not come fully until next year. But this will be announced by the Divine Mary Herself personally and individually. Receive this energy Vibration.
My Comments: Archangel Michael said "a new light will shortly appear in your density". This may refer to the new sun Jupiter that Aton spoke of and that Michael said on Jan. 22 would ignite. He also said "Yerushalaim the heavenly Jerusalem returns" but did not say this starship would be visible in Mexico. Its role is to provide evacuation and stores the records and the level of spirituality of all life on Earth and is essential during ascension. It may become visible and may join Jupiter or may remain cloaked. Many are requesting visible undeniable proof of the coming changes and hopefully we soon will receive this, as many are still asleep and need this evidence. He speaks of the 5 sounds that we will hear, and I have occasional high pitched low level ringing sounds that may be part of this. AA Michael appears to still be in leadership until May 2010 when AA Metatron will take over.
The next meeting is Saturday September 22 but He does not give a time. The meeting was said to be closed to the public and He gave a time of 2-2:30 PM locally to all daily to receive this energy (which is now shorter than before and is limited to 1/2 hour), so that 2 PM may be the time for next Saturday's meeting in France. This would put the US times as 8 AM NY, 7 AM Chicago, 6 AM Mountain, and 5 AM LA.
There was a 6.7 point Earthquake in the Indonesia area and several near Japan, and tropical storm Claudette is now forming in the Gulf and may also hit Mexico. Michael said that Metatron's energy has now entered our sun, and this may have some effect on this. There is talk of a HUGE object in SOHO images Sunday the 16th that may have an effect on the sun and may be Jupiter or some other light that Michael mentioned.
Time will tell.
Rich N
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