Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Archangel Anael Q & A September 20, 2009

Translated from French

Question: Should I continue the energy exercises that I now practice?

Your truth is found within you, it has always been there in the Heart. It is yours to do what you think is good for you right now in order to master even more deeply the Truth of your Heart, the truth of your essence. This can be found by a veteran who has mastered this technique or it can be done simply by a child. Each stage of consciousness lies in simplicity. If you continue to perform this exercise in simplicity then do it. There are no obstacles, there is no one technique that is better than another, there are simply things that lead you in simplicity and others that divert away from it. Do you feel at ease by doing these exercises? If the answer is yes, then continue. If the answer is no, then change and stop this action.

Question: Is my way of living more favorable than another?

Some people today are attracted magnetically by world regions [and local traditions] where they live. This can sometimes be linked to the past resonance [former life], while sometimes it is resonant in relation to this current life. Again, the answer is what you feel in your Heart: If your Heart tells you to go there, then do it; If you question this and the answer that is received is not of your Heart or the vibration of your essence then do not do it. This is simple and it is the same on both your professional, family and geographical levels. However I would like to add something that is obvious to Us: the path of simplicity shows that this direction of change is beneficial. The path of simplicity is the way in which things are done easily and without barriers. If there is resistance, if there is opposition, it is your signal that it's not your way. Things must become simpler.

Some dictates and impulses of the soul now emerging in your consciousness direct you to necessary changes to the establish this in simplicity. This must again be in simply and without resistance. I refer of course to resistance and especially to external resistance. If you feel attracted to a place or a person but if things do not line up, it certainly is not of the Light. Why? Because the Light is Intelligent and Creative Intelligence is the Light, and it makes things still simpler and flowing as the Source of this Light is the Source.

There is no other alternative today because there is no longer the lower dimension that you experienced before, where a number of things in time sometimes took longer to materialize or occur. Today everything seems faster, you seem caught up in a whirlwind, both in the sense of what you want to do and in the sense of what you do not want to do. Whatever happens, this is the Intelligence of Light. When you have the inner certainty and you demonstrate this, you will not find any obstacle to your Unity.

Question: Could you talk about the Circle of Twelve?

The Circle of Twelve? Do you speak of the Circles of Fire of the Ancients? These Ancient Circles of Fire are structures (as has already been mentioned by others than myself) having been put in place a long time ago now in ancient times dating back over hundreds of thousands of years, where particular structures outside your dimension and your living realms were built that will eventually realign the Light with the axis within the Earth and within your own Light. There are seven Circles as you know. However, it is not yours to know where they are physically in their locations, but just to awaken this memory in you if this is allowed by you and is possible.

They are not, as I said, places of healing. They are places outside your dimension. They are places where you can in advance experiment with the energies of other [higher] dimensions. They are not multidimensional gates or locks. They are simply guides of Light. However, you can use this special vibrational radiance. It is actually more of Archangelic Radiance, but in these cases it is called the Radiance of the Ancients, who have also been called the Titans [in mythology] and erroneously the Nephilim, who had supposedly sinned with women [by having sex with them].

But there was no misconduct other than the spreading of these lies by the evil men who sought to enslave you. The Nephilim are highly-dimensional beings. They have worked to make this higher dimension arrive on Earth today so that we may all soon experience this, so you should thank them. The Radiance of these particular circles of fire actually are attracted to the twelve lamps [chakras] and twelve vibrations. It is directly connected also to the Light that is organized, intelligent and structured within the 5th dimension, as a hexagon is the characteristic of Light beyond your dimension. This will involve you soon.

Question: Am I on my right path?

Today, if you go the way of simplicity, the way of evidence of what is offered by Divine Providence (and this is not a pun) you are necessarily on the right path. Today, because of the presence of Light in your dimension, the attainment of the ultraviolet radiation and the different qualities of vibrational energies transmitted by the realms of Light, every human being is in resonance in his own way. However, if there is the desire in you to change by what I call the Hayoth Hakodesh [the angelic Seraphim], this corresponds to a reality that needs to be implemented in you. You are now at the final stage of adjustments for compliance and authenticity in your paths. This is strictly the Truth. Follow this Light and you will be transformed by the Grace of the Light in your new path.

Question: When we have a choice to make how can we determine the actual decision with the Heart?

Beloved, these choices may be different for one person or another, and it is not necessarily the same for one as for another, but you will be given a certain level of freedom because from the moment your Heart is open in all things, there is no correct single answer and the answer for everything is at a united level. So in these cases, you will find the necessary Unity for your choices and you are totally free in your choice, just as others are free to seek the truth, even if those paths seem contradictory and conflicting to you. This comes by learning that the ultimate freedom provided by the Heart for what you do is always to be oriented in the direction of the Light, in the sense of goodness within the meaning of the Truth and the Unity. So do not doubt this.

As and when the Light enters your field of awareness, this vibration and consciousness will show that you are stabilized in the Heart. Being stabilized in the Heart, actually, there is more opportunity to answer either yes or no because the answer is everything. It is yours to decide, not by the Heart nor the mind, but by the evidence [proof]. So, in some cases, the vibration of the Heart will be perhaps higher or more present than in the other cases.

It is your responsibility to make the decision for yourself and yet, if the vibration, its presence and pressure remains the same, you have at this moment, the free choice yourself entirely. By the Grace of your Heart that is open and alert you have answered this by your ability to choose in full transparency. There is no optional choice in these cases, no positive choice. You have total freedom to pursue your path to the Light that is one or the other because you are already in the Light, and making one choice or another will change very little the quality of the vibration that you have become. That is the simple answer, dear soul.

Question: Is it better to help others through information or by personal assistance?

Information is assistance. Today, the words and the vibration have as much power as the treatment itself. You must go without hesitation in simplicity, for the simplicity of what you are shows in what you do. As a therapist, you do not need countless techniques that have been needed to handle others because now you have the gift and with this gift you do not need to clutter their heads with these techniques. You just have to be and in your being you radiate this process in Light. So if you feel the desire to engage in this assistance then beloved continue.

Question: How should we act when we are a healer of souls [empaths]?

A healer of souls beloved is a state of being. This state does not need mastering. This is done by your own presence and by your own radiation. So, yes many souls here now are healers. They literally release trapped souls in pain and suffering from memories in their past experiences. These souls are stabilizers at the vibrational level, even if their sensitivity is often wasted in terms of this world [because they do not realize they have this ability or do not desire to use it to help others]. However, there is no standard technique. This simply consists of being and asking for assistance.

Question: I was talking about dead people [ghosts].

Me too.

Question: Is it always necessary or even useful to examine and explore past lives?

If you feel the need to enter at the ground level beloved, in what I call the Law of Grace, then you have to deal with this action/reaction [consequences]. The action-reaction is the duality that leads you inexorably to your reincarnation [and can bring pain and confusion to some]. To believe that you'll free yourself by exploring the past is an illusion. I even believe that Buddhists have said that themselves. There can be a complete release from all past actions that have caused you pain, but this release comes with love and only love and forgiveness by oneself [and a new start]. Then of course, if in your point of view, you understand and accept that you are beyond the action/reaction, you need to take the path of thanksgiving and accept it.

At this point, you will not need to know what was in your past or what you are now suffering because they will be transformed by the Light of Love and Truth. [Some ET contactees like Billy Meier have been shown their past lives on large screens, and this has helped them better understand themselves in their current lives. Until now memories of past lives have been erased so that we start over again after each incarnation, but this will change for those who will ascend into 5D.]

Question: I sometimes feel that my experiences do not allow me to meet enough good people in my life, especially persons with whom to share everything I encounter?

You must at this level dear friend have a change of consciousness. The vibrational state where you are at may help someone who is opposed to you here. You should ask yourself why do you need to be in his presence? Is it for support? He will need to be illuminated by what you are and it will assist the Light, and that will benefit humanity, even people you do not know. This is more important. Some paths go through the loneliness and the test of vibration in love, without being able to apparently share the reality of their Light with others.

Question: Is our simple energy sufficient to transform what might not be beneficial in our diet?

Dearly beloved, I doubt that if you eat arsenic your energy will transform it. So it should still be done within reason. As I said the important thing is not so much the quantity and quality of the liquids or solid foods that lead your digestive efforts to divert the flow of energy consciously to your Heart at the level of the solar plexus during digestion, but the important thing is the spiritual awakening in the Heart. The action taken by digestion brings you to the lower chakras [lowers your vibration], unless you agree to eat things much lighter and of the Light, but I have already spoken about this. You can with your hands and with your Spirit of course assist this but you can not radically change the chemical composition of the food, at least not for now [in 3D, but you will be able to later in 5D]. You can raise the vibratory rate of any food, but you can not fully transform it.

Question: How can we live as a couple when the other is not open minded to all this?

Well, my friend, if I can call you that, I said that we must understand that some people have never been accustomed to experience anything other than natural feminine sensibility that you ladies have possessed until now. The male is so made up that it was he who created these [male dominated] laws. These laws have deprived you of freedom and now they want to control you. Ladies, I do not call for revolution, I call on you to just remain in the calmness and serenity [as these days of slavery will soon end]. Love is not an empty word, Love is not a hypothetical addition; Love is now and if you ladies are in love, your men will take it or leave it. It can not be otherwise. You do not have to convince them other than by the vibration of your being. You should not demand the other to change. You must remember this as mothers and as women, understand it and be sure that those who accompany you will follow this [by your choice of companionship]. There is no need to try to convince [or change] them.

Man develops through force and control [in his macho role]. The woman makes changes by her sweetness. You must understand this ladies, and accept it totally. Many women today seek, within the relationship, to become merely human [and compromise and lower themselves to coexist with others who are on a lower level]. You are not created for that ladies: you are made to establish the home as a role model that will welcome and love the Lord. Your mission is sacred.

Men have wanted to deprive you through the various churches and spiritual movements and religions [many religions treat women as slaves and inferior to men], but it does not work because you are the foundation of life and you are the foundation of the Light. So you are what are you, and there is no need to seek to impose this on your men, for they will realize at that moment that love is very coordinated and it is Truth. There is no need to convince others of what you are. Do not try to communicate or prove this. You are the proof and you are the book [that all can read, so there is no need to consciously show others this]. So what more could you want? [After I typed this I heard a 3 second ringing in my right ear that seemed to say Amen.]

I note, however, that Archangels have no sex, even if We present ourselves as men. Our names have nothing to do with masculinity. We are androgynous. By even our eternity and our vibration, we are closer to you ladies, because we are like you at a higher level [women are generally more loving and compassionate while men are more violent and cruel].

Question: Will I find my child who has died on other levels?

Souls intersect and separate within this density by rules from the Lord during this journey and incarnation. You encounter a number of bereavements and separations, but also a reunion. This rediscovery that I expressed is not a reunion in the flesh but of the Spirit. The contact is possible. Remember my beloved, you are now in a period where the distance between the dimensions has almost disappeared. You are very close to eternity, you are very close to the dimensions of the Archangels and the plans of the Light, and you can contact in spirit those close to you who have traveled with you during some moments. They had to share with you some things through their sacrifice of incarnation. The sacrifice of a very young soul that leaves is a great sacrifice.

You must thank him because it allowed you to open yourself to other prospects and some truths. Today the touch, vibration and consciousness with souls that you've encountered has become possible because these souls often are no longer in the limbo of reincarnation [the place of waiting where those who die remain until a new body is available] but in the spheres of release, pending the timely adjustment and the dimensional transformation of this solar system to a higher dimension where you belong. This is coming soon. You must then rejoice because that which was hidden, what has been removed will return, not in the flesh but in the Spirit. So actually you will recover what you lost. This will remove the pain and the illusion of separation in you because there was never any separation other than in your current dimension.

Question: By transferring energy, I sometimes can not be sufficiently aligned.

My beloved, you must accept that you shall not transfer anything other than what We allow you to transfer. So you must transfer your gift in yourself and not by using the gift of what you call energy or consciousness outside of you. The alignment must be made at the time We choose, then you will be complete. At that time, there will be no obstacle that you will consciously encounter that is apart from you but only what is given you. There is no ego there, only Truth. You have to control yourself before you can seek something outside of you externally. This is very attractive indeed, but calling something external to yourself often prevents you from finding your internal essence and your truth.

You must first find your Truth and Essence. "Seek the Kingdom of Heaven and the rest will be added unto you." Then align yourself in the Unity and at that time the transfer will happen automatically, without any risk whatsoever. Do you understand that? As you abandon yourself to this by surrendering yourself to the Light, to the Truth in the fluidity of the Unity, everything becomes possible. Then you can perform this alignment. This is not a mental task but is a work of abandonment in relation to the Unity that you are a part of before touching the Unity of another. In short We ask you to live in the Unity. Rediscover the joy of being who you are and the rest will be added unto you, as Christ said. There is no other alternative.

Question: Why is Mary's mantle blue?

Mary can wear any cloaks of Creation. Her mantle is originally related to the Sirian dimension and the 18th dimension. This is the same cloak that AA Michael wears, the blue mantle of compassion, that you call the Blue Buddha of Medicine in other traditions. Mary is one who can also wear different robes of Light.

Question: When traveling, I have had very strong emotional feelings in some places. Why?

Beloved friend, this is an emotional memory, this emotion is the result of a memory. You travel into places where you already journeyed in other places at other times by other memories and emotions of others. In some of these trips you literally reconnect to the emotional joy or sadness or fear that you have experienced [in previous lives]. It is a reconnection with the energy of the past. [It is said that those who have bad dreams are reconnecting to bad experiences that they had in previous lives. Some may fear heights and ledges and experience bad dreams because they fell to their death in an earlier life.]

This is neither good nor bad. This is to live and to transcend and overcome. There is no need to look at any expense, origin or cause. Just understand these memories and recollections and emotions, because in your travels you've been there before in an earlier time. It happens to everyone who encounters places where they earlier traveled to, but you should not attach importance to this. Simply experience the excitement of this sudden reconnection, but this is not you now, for you are beyond all your past reconnections. You need to liberate and free yourself and find your current essence. As the Source said, rid yourself of any weight tied to your past, and remain as unencumbered as possible.

You are beyond the past [it is over and it is best not to dwell on this], for you are living in the present moment and are near your eternity. You may find at this moment an eternity through which memories are waking up in you. You need to free yourself of this without too much exertion. You must find the ultimate moment, the ultimate truth, and the joy gradually as you approach your central essence. It is now much easier to achieve this by meditation of the Heart and by stopping your endless trivial activities. In your lives many of you will find the common dimension of the Heart. You do not know yet how to stabilize this energy in your presence but it is a learning experience. It comes fast.

Satisfaction in your lives does not come to you in the business that you have, whether good or evil, but it is only in establishing your presence in the vibration of the Heart. So, do not attach importance to these emotional memories, for it belongs to the past and has reconnected with you, but you only need to find a reconnection to eternity at this moment. Every human soul has to perform this task. You are not what you've been. Although some say that you are the result of your past, this was true earlier but today, before the revelation of your eternity, before the revelation of Light, but you should be aware that you are beyond the roles you have played in the past and are of the Light and nothing else. [Many older people tend to enjoy reliving pleasant moments in the past and seek to escape the present turmoil, but these moments are over. There is only a need to focus on improving the current conditions and preparing for the eternal future.]

Question: What will become of the animals in this dimensional transformation [to 5D]?

Beloved I will only tell you that they will go where they should go. The animals have reception areas after dying [like humans]. There are many mansions in the Father's house for you, not only for human souls but also for the animal souls [they have various levels of souls also, and some are more advanced than some humans]. The animal soul is being personalized. Many animal souls are becoming aware of their individuality. So this is what is in store for your pets that you call domestic animals and certain breeds. These are being individualized [humanized] and will have a chance to find this individualization without being cut off from the Source because the Source has so decreed this. The worlds of division and separateness will simply exist no more, so do not worry either for the children or for the animals. [Some animals like insects and reptilians that will not adapt to this new world will end up elsewhere to continue their evolution, and the lion will lie down with the lamb.]

You should not worry in the sense of fear, but you should focus on your Essence and vibrate in your Heart to the Light. That alone is important. Everything else will be added unto you, as Christ said.

Question: What does the term service to others mean?

To serve others is not service, in the physical sense. This service may be merely a glance or an intention. To love and serve is to bless every human being you meet. You can bless them, then go your way. You must love every human being you meet, by a look, a smile, or by your attention. You do not need to engage in their lives intimately. You do not need to commit your all in aiding the sick or using so-called therapeutic healing. However, every human being is capable of loving. Love means attention. Love is a glance, Love is a vibration. This is sufficient for now. If you come to love a dozen people every day, without judging, without availing yourself of anything [not demanding anything from them in return], but only in the beauty of the moment, the beauty of a smile, the beauty of an intention, then your life changes completely, you can be certain of that. To love and serve is all that is needed. [Many children feel neglected by their parents and merely want love and attention.]

This does not necessarily include complex actions involving professional business or charitable investment or a particular investment in your family [spending a lot of money on others or giving to the poor is not needed]. Above all only attention and attitude is needed. To love and serve is all that is required, living in kindness without judgment and bringing your Light and your love and blessing is what is important. This blessing does more good than the hand you extend in assistance to those you can reach. This is Service. The gaze, attention, praise, without judgment is the best service you can give to all of humanity, to all people that you meet. You do not need to meet thousands of people every day in service. Some who live alone should merely try to show their love for others. Learning to love is as simple as that.

Question: Since my birth I have a gift to heal. Is this my right path?

Any gift is a gift of the Spirit. Any gift should be used, provided it gives you joy and enlightenment. There's no question beyond this. Is this the right way? The path is simply the direction that assists others, the path that leads you to experience this in simplicity is your path. The gift of healing is a gift that must be used with humility [some desire fame and fortune using these gifts]. Many of you have been called to live this. This may be a part of your life in the future, or merely an experience in this time period. You do not have to ask the correctness or accuracy of this whether to do this or not. If you do follow this path and it brings you joy in yourself and in others, whatever the means, then this is right and this is true. Do not let the mind dictate this or make you doubt what you should do. Truth and proof are not at the level of the intellect or the mind but in the reality that you produce and the result that is seen in others by what you do.

Question: What is the difference between the heart and the spirit?

The heart [this can also be translated as the soul] and the spirit [your eternal body and essence] are two different concepts, and any discussion of this is quite complex. The heart is polarization and attraction, the heart is the bond between the body and the spirit. The spirit is Unity and Light. The heart is tinted, the heart sees a veiled and a distorted Light that serves to demonstrate this to you in this density, but your essence is not the heart, you are not the body, you are the Spirit. In this sense it is what is called star seeds. You are an animated body of energy, what some have called a soul or a spirit, but you do not have all of the consciousness of your Spirit at this time.

All of your Spirit is waiting for you in the sun [in a higher dimension], it is your eternal body, your Body of Light or your Body of Crystal [that you will receive at the time of ascension]. You now have merely a spiritless copy of this resonance in this 3D life that you live. It is as if you left your coat (your interior Divine essence) in the cloak room to live in this 3rd density and you forgot what or who you are, and you live in this body sometimes at the soul level but rarely in the spirit level. The spirit is Light, the spirit is the absence of polarity [duality], the spirit is Unity. So there is a great difference between the heart/soul and the spirit, because the heart/soul only allows the body to communicate sometimes with the Spirit.

The heart/soul is an intermediate layer serving you in this density and in your experiences in this world. In addition, there is no heart/soul, there is only Spirit, the Spirit that you will find is eternity, your essence, and the Crystal Light. This body is where you will find this eternity. It is in reality a body that is not conscious. You may have a spark of consciousness, a fragment of authentic Light, but you are much more than that. You are not this body, you are not this heart/soul.

The body and the heart/soul are merely vehicles that you borrowed during this time period to reveal this to you in this experience in this duality. You are Spirit, Truth and Unity. The Spirit is not the heart/soul, much less the body. Soon you will be choosing between the 3D existence and the 5D essence, that is between the 3D body and the spirit [your eternal body]. How do you choose to live? Will it be in spirit, in eternity, in truth, or will it be to remain within the experience of 3D duality. Remember this: you are all without exception conscious of the existence and the reconnection through the Celestial Marriage of your eternal body of essence. This was decided by the Source, this was decided by the higher beings that are understood by your perception.

Question: What are the bright colors that we can now see in meditation?

The colors that you see with your eyes closed are the Lights from your 3rd eye. There are, as I have said on numerous occasions, different vibrational levels. Each vibrational level reached during the meditations using the 3rd eye, or even in other chakras, give you access to this colorful collection. This perception of colored lights is a level of energy.

The 3rd eye can create different shapes, different colors, leading you to the white Light. What you see with your eyes closed during your meditations is an indicator of the vibrational level that you have of course attained. The Light and the color that you view in your meditation is not the final outcome however but only an intermediary level. The ultimate goal is achieved in your ear because it is a more subtle vibration that color. The sound is a wavelength, in fact a more subtle level of your soul and your spirit.

So you must experience a number of sounds to get beyond this sound and enter eternity, where there is color, where there is more sound, but where there are shapes of silence, colors of silence, and sounds of silence. At this point you leave your body and you travel to the other side that is in eternity. At this point, you are allowed to live what many mystics have described (and they could not unfortunately truly describe this) in words [such as out of body experiences or astral travel] because it is beyond words. This relates to the unspeakable, and it touches the Divine, and there are no words for it. However there are indeed again mountains to climb, steps and prerequisites that are needed to be experienced [it does not come easy]. But you must understand that these steps are not the goal. You must go beyond color, beyond the light, beyond the sound to enter the worlds of beingness and eternity.

Only by the silence (Archangel Michael spoke of this at the last Celestial wedding and many of you have had difficulty achieving this due to a number of obstacles that We will try to remove) can you realize that, as you step into infinity, you step into the unspeakable reality of what you are beyond this appearance and this dimension. At that time the veil is lifted and is rent asunder for you, and your life will never be the same as you step into your eternal body of essence and you will thus straddle two worlds. You are not of this world but you will still be in this world because your mission will then be to transmit the language of Light, the language of the Fire of Love, not through words but through the radiation that you possess simply by being in Joy, unconsciously participating in the creation and the Song of Creation, by entering these dwellings of eternity, by receiving the eternal body of Light that awaits you in the sun. This is coming soon.

Question: What are the causes of cancer in children?

Cancer of a child does not come from the child but is inherited from the parents. The child accepts this vibration and sacrifices his body to enable the parents to free themselves of this cancer. However, this is not inevitable nor does it always happen like this. Many psychologists have understood and demonstrated this. This is simple to see - just review the history of the parents, and you will see that the primary cause and the foundational element of the cancer within the child's own body stems from his parents. Each child with cancer has a history of his parents suffering from this. The inner child must be found in the parent responsible for cancer. They are responsible but there is no guilt or blame. It is distributed by their vibration, related to their own experiences, and is manifested in their offspring through this genetic transfer from generation to generation. This is an important awareness to possess.

Helping children is an act of Love and Grace, but helping the parents recover solves the problem by preventing this in their children. Thus it is necessary to decode and trace the history of the injured child, not only in children with cancer, but more importantly to visit and assist one of the two parents. Finding and curing this cancer in one of the parents can in most cases alleviate the suffering of their children who allowed this in them at that time, and this will relieve the degree of suffering in their children. [There are numerous free or low cost for cures for cancer that are available that do not involve poisonous and costly chemotherapy or drugs. Publishing or promoting these cures however will probably result in actions by the Food and Drug Administration and even fines and imprisonment.]

There is in these cases an awareness and complete revelation of the Unity and bonding at the level of both the child and the parent. Thus each sign of cancer achieves a psychological and important connection in the history of one parent or both parents. Their power of Love is not true love [but is usually only a 3D delusion], and many parents fail to understand and give this Divine love to their children. Thus pressure is placed on the child to cure this cancer when the parent should have participated in this earlier.

Question: Could you talk about the Devil and Lucifer?

The Devil does not have to be seen as a horned figure, even if you have created it from scratch. Lucifer is not Satan. Lucifer was a rebellious angel who tried to create a dimension without the approval of the Source. He did not want to lose you, he did not want to lose his control over you [as leader and ruler]. He wanted you to find Unity and Divinity through a path that the Source had not authorized. It is quite different from the Devil and the one you call God.

God and Satan are the same person. The Source is the Father/Mother, and when you say the word God, the Devil is not far away. Of course, believing in God is believing in the Devil. God is the punisher [the Divine Source does not punish you or condemn you to Hell as some would have you believe]. God is the avenger, and the Devil is in exactly the same realm. The Source is not God. You must accept that the one you call the Father and the Son is not God in the Biblical sense.

God and the Devil are the same entity that opposes your freedom. These have been called the Archons [rulers] who made you believe that you were beings of freedom in this matrix. They caged you in prison and made you believe it was liberty. This will soon be revealed and you will accept and understand that. This will be revealed in consciousness and Truth. When Mary talks to you individually, you will understand that you are all His children, there is no God but there is a Goddess, a Creator, who is Mary. And she has a son and that the Son originated from Her. He is Christ, also known as the Risen One who comes as NIBIRU to bring you to the Light. There is no God, there is no devil, there are only frauds who have taken these two names to enslaved you for hundreds of thousands of years in this illusion. Thus humanity developed the falsification of Christianity, and what resulted? Men prayed, and the more they prayed the more they were attacked by the devil of course.

By praying to God you call on the Devil. In removing the Devil, you call on God. And yet, this is the same entity you mistakenly worshipped for literally thousands of years. It is only the Source Who is Love. There is a Father/Mother who is your primary Source. But when you say the devil, this amounts to pronouncing God. I know it is very, very hard to accept that. You've lived so many lives by saying that name that is not the truth, but it is the falsification that is desired by the forces of darkness, which today no longer exist in your dimension. There are only men who have served and who are trying to maintain their power over humanity. You must accept that.

When you are separated from Satan and God you will find the Source and you find Love, the infinite Love of Mary, the infinite Love of the Archangels and the Love of the Light Beings. You must return to your Unity. No external being will lead you to your Unity, neither God nor the Devil. Only you can access your Unity by yourself. Try it, take the step towards Unity. Take this step and move beyond what has governed your life for a long time, and you will find the Truth, and the truth shall set you free as Christ said.

Seek the kingdom of heaven, seek the Father, look to the Source, but do not seek God. God and Satan are one Archon [ruler and slave master]. They are a creation of those that have controlled you for so long. This formal disclosure will soon be revealed. Expect to experience moments that I would call exciting, because it is the Revelation of the Apocalypse. The Apocalypse is not suffering, it is revelation, it is when the masks fall and will be discarded permanently. The only problem is that many people, even by opening the door of the jail will not come out of prison, because they do not know what is outside the prison [they do not understand that they are now free having lived all their lives in slavery]. They are I would say comfortable in their 3D prison [and wish to continue in status quo].

You must display the Way of Light and show that in Unity, for there is neither God nor the devil, there is only Love, there is Joy that is in the Unity. Duality is a falsification of creation, it exists only because you associated with it and because you allowed it. Obviously it does not disappear simply by changing your perspective in two minutes.

But if you accept this and agree to begin to live in the Joy, Unity, and Love of the Creator and Creation, the Father/Mother, the Source, the One, you will fulfill a number of requirements and advance to the next level, and you will be set free. However, you have been surrounded by the seeds of falsification and imprisonment, and that is what you need to be free of today. I know my words are not always pleasant to hear, but they are a sign of the absolute truth.

Question: How can an Archangel such as Lucifer act in defiance of the Source?

Beloved, for some the reason is very simple to understand: you in this dimension and in other dimensions, whether you are an angel, an archangel, a human, an angel in the making, or you belong to non-humanoid dimensions [ETs], you are creators, and as a creator you are free [in your free will] to create what you want. The only requirement when you create something (and even the Elohim have done this) is to accompany your creation to the end of the cycle. [We will someday be Creators ourselves.]

Thus, some Archangels [like Lucifer and his followers] opposed the Source. They proposed something that the source did not want and did not approve of. However this resulted in an amplification of the Light. So when you are asked not to judge, We ourselves do not judge either. Those who have enslaved you should also not be considered as enemies and hated, because these beings who are now in the darkness may at a later time be brighter than you are now. Nothing is lost in the process, everything changes. It is not like what is taught you to believe, that is the annihilation of the soul or spirit [death does not end your existence for we are all eternal]. Every spirit is created to advance to completion, and that goal is to join the Source.

There are many mansions in the Father's house and there are many paths to the Father's House. These pathways of Creation are multiple and infinite. Some experiments, especially this duality, this attraction in this density have been mistakenly called "the Fall", corresponding to a level of experience. The Source as I said decided to conduct this experiment for a number of cycles [52,000 years]. Today, He no longer wants to continue this experiment, because you must find the Light [and
this 3D experiment is now over].

Thus there existed during the [undisclosed] battles in August, according to the plans of the Light, a surrender of the forces of Darkness in mass who chose to receive the Light and have joined the Light by the process of Our forgiveness. There is no limit to the grace and forgiveness from the Source, there is no limit to the Love of Mary. Every child, even rebellious, is His child. Even those who turn their backs on the Light are respected by Creation. This will be difficult to understand but nevertheless it is part of the experience of this duality.

So yes, when Christ told you not to judge, you do not know who you have in front of you. Only a great person can read the soul and the Spirit who is in front of him, because he sees the spiritual lineages, he sees the path of the soul and spirit. So yes, he can actually give an opinion but in no case can he give a ruling or judgment. The assassin of today, the fisherman of today may be the Holy man of tomorrow, and the Source said and I repeat his words: "there is no fisherman without a future, there is no saint without a past. Ponder that sentence, for it is the answer to all of what you have to live.

Question: How can we overcome our difficulties and limitations to express love?

You have not been accustomed to express love, you were not raised to express love. You have been highly reserved, you are beings of restraint. And yet you shine in a consuming fire of love and it takes courage to express it. There is no technique, there is no way to communicate to you how to do this. Take the first step. Ask the Archangels and ask Mary to open yourself to the reality of love in your life. Ask for the manifestation of love of His or Her presence, so that you yourself may become like Her. You will see that things will be understood. When Mary tells you that She responds to requests, it is strictly true. She is now here, never doubt this.

Question:What is the difference between the Father/Mother, the Source, and Mary?

It would be extremely difficult to explain with words, for there is no difference between Mary, the Creator, the Source and Father /Mother. Mary is not a female entity in the sense you mean. Mary as well as the Archangels are androgynous [sexless],. We do not experience the duality of the sexes. We fully have sex in the sense you mean, but this is beyond your understanding and your actual field of perception. So sometimes I express the concept of the Source Father/Mother and sometimes I express the concept of Mary the Divine Creator. But it is ultimately the same, not the entity, but the same consciousness.

Sometimes it manifests as a male entity, calling Himself Father or Babaji. Nevertheless, Mary never has been reincarnated in the sense that you hear and never regained a body after Her assumption. She still exists within the unified dimensions, Mary is present in the 18th and the 11th Dimensions. This exists near the Sun, within a vessel of light [a starship or UFO as some call it], ready to appear and receive you and welcome you. Her presence is realized more and more by many people. There is a difference between the presence of Mary and the Presence of the Source, the Father/Mother. There is a difference in polarity, as if you were watching two lights or a crystal, according to two different faces. But the reality appears in roughly the same way. It is easier however to share this in your dual polarity because in this incarnation and in this dimension you can be in contact with the Father the Source (Babaji) and with Mother Mary.

Question: You talked about the Father as Babaji. Omraam [Aivanhov] and AA Michael have recently spoken of the Father as Abba. Abba Eli.

This is exactly the same entity. Christ on the Cross said: "Eli Eli lama sabachtani."Father, Father, why hast thou forsaken me? The Father as named by Christ is also translated as Abba or Babaji Vibral in the original language and corresponds to the vibration of the Source. According to tradition, not by taking shape through the incarnation but by a process of creation of an adult body the Father may take any form He wants to show the form He wants, both in a drop of water and on a planet, and even within a solar system or universe. In some cases, He creates a body and manifests Himself in the interior of the body. It is difficult for you to understand and accept that the whole can be reduced to a body. And yet it does occur.

The Source is omnipotent, omnipresent and can be present in the grain of sand or may appear like the sun exploding at the other end of the galaxy in the same way. He is absolute consciousness so He may decide to create a form and live there in for a while. This was the case a few decades ago of a being that you called Babaji Haidakhan. [wiki: Haidakhan Babaji, or simply called "Babaji" is a name for Shiva the Supreme God in Hinduism by his students and devotees, who was a teacher who appeared in northern India and taught publicly from 1970 to 1984]. Christ, when He spoke of his Father who sent Him, spoke of the same entity that He called in Greek and Aramaic Abba Abba also.

Question: Is color what is seen when we are closest to the light?

Yes. The correct term is Vibration. True Light is vibration, it is not color, although color is the manifestation of vibration. However, acquiring the vibration corresponds to the vibrational Light, and corresponds to reality. Many people speak of the Light, many people see the Light with their eyes closed, but this Light is not the vibration. Thus, there are false lights which are not vibrational. Light is the foremost Vibration. If it is not vibrational, you have no way to verify what it is.

Question: What is the future of the couple [in 5D], knowing that we see more and more couples who are women, men [gays], and there are also many single women?

This is the case in your 3rd dimension . This is not the case in dimensions beyond your 3rd dimension. The concept of this force as you know, the very notion of what some of you call "twin soul" or "twin flame" is a distortion of the truth. By accessing the unified worlds beyond your dimension and therefore what you call a fifth dimension, you will find areas where nothing is partitioned, where nothing is separated. The unified consciousness works usually in the form of 24 units of consciousness which are organizing the Light in the fifth dimension. There can be a couple in the sense that you hear, from the moment the energies merge with the environment in the broadest sense, as you have described even in some disembodied [ghosts] communications, even in the astral world, corresponding to the loss of their body.

When you encounter an entity, you exchange a vibration. This could be likened to you in a sexual relationship but obviously this is not a relationship of body but of vibration. In the multi-universes and unified dimensions you will experience this aspect of energy. You will no longer be separated, so you do not need to live as what you call the couple. That does not mean that souls are not affiliated or connected in one way or another. But you can not be isolated and locked in a relationship whatsoever [it is not till death do us part as it is in 3D]. For any relationship is by definition open [ free as in freedom to come and go as you choose].

[People will be free to separate from a relationship at any time. What we consider marriage, couples, and family will be much different in higher dimensions. Many are married for convenience or because it is considered the proper thing to do. About half of all couples get a divorce statistically - I talked with a woman recently who has been married 7 times. Often when the money runs out by loss of a job or by other means a couple will divorce since many of our relationships depend on money, and lawyers make much of their fees in court fighting over settlements.]

Question: Is the ringing in the ear tinnitus?

What you call tinnitus is a morbid vision of your awakening to the power of your mind beloved. You must therefore stop calling this signal of the soul a disease that some call tinnitus. Many people today have this perception and this vibration. There are many sounds in the left ear (or right, actually) signaling the contact with the Unity of the soul and spirit. Thus, even if it is painful, they reflect the burst of Light and vibration within your density.

Recognize that this is a signal of activation in you of a certain number of channels that are working to free you. Some have had it for a very long time, while others have found it recently this year with the Heavenly Marriage, and this will increase. You are not sick, much less experiencing tinnitus [Free Dictionary definition: it is a sound in one ear or both ears, such as buzzing, ringing, or whistling, occurring without an external stimulus and usually caused by a specific condition, such as an ear infection, the use of certain drugs, a blocked auditory tube or canal, or a head injury. I have experienced this often, even at this time of writing. Sometimes it is louder than at other times but is never annoying. I noticed it only recently while some have had it for several years.]

Question: Is it possible that during the current transformation process when we were contacted recently the Light was damaged or disappeared altogether?

Of course beloved. What you call Light is not vibration, it is an astral and emotional event. It is openness to higher channels and higher dimensions through the closing of the astral doors. Thus the vision is not clairvoyance. Access to the vibrational Light is Light and information obtained by the astral channels. You must accept that. New doors open while old doors close. This is essential. You can claim the Light and the vibration of the Light and still access emotional and astral channels.

Question: How is it that alongside this we feel a loss of energy?

One door closes and another opens. It is not stable, oscillating between the emotional and the vibrational True Light. If there is no stabilization, then it is experienced as grief and loss and does not correspond to the Truth or the establishment of the Truth. Not being in the acceptance of this new Truth there is a loss of energy, because energy cannot incarnate. The door is opened at the head but this energy can not enter the sacred space of the heart so it stays in the head and turns into mental delusions, confusion, and agitation. The personality is bent on recreating what was lost but it is not possible.

Question: How do we overcome this to find our own path?

To overcome this it is necessary to surrender, to allow and to accept that this has really gone away. Do not focus on the things of the past whatever. Although a number of 3D gifts have been very pleasant and enjoyable, they are not of the Truth. The astral [3D] Light is not the true vibrational Light, you must understand this. The astral Light is only the reflection of this vibrational Light. It is an illusion as well personally. To open some doors for access to the vibrational Light you need to close the doors of the astral Light and the ego personality. As soon as it is integrated and accepted, the path can take place and the doors can open. There is therefore a process of change and grief. There is no need to revive what is dead and what must die.

My Comments: Be advised that some of this material is contrary to normal thinking and is what some call out of the box and may be offensive to a few. Some have said that much of what is given by channelers is simply recycled from the past and does contain little that is new. This cannot be said of this message, although some will not understand it because they still think in 3D and in the programming of our social standards. There will need to be a whole new way of thinking in all aspects of living in the future.

Archangel Anael said at the beginning that the energies that are being transmitted may or may not be beneficial depending on the level of each individual. If these energies do not benefit you then there is no need to continue, although daily meditation and communication with the higher realms is important for the spiritual advancement of each person.

The desired transformations from these energies, these 12 virtues affected less than 1% of the population rather than the 20% that had been anticipated and hoped for, but these energies will dramatically increase now and are demonstrated by the earthquakes that are now appearing. It seems that this number does not represent the entire amount who have joined the Light but only those who have been influenced by the energy sessions, so the number may be substantially more than 1%.

Much of what is taught by religions including the Bible is inaccurate or even deliberately deceitful. There is no God or Devil except in our mind, and when we worship god we are also worshiping the devil. The Old Testament speaks of one god or many gods that are worshiped, and sacrificing life and shedding of blood is an atonement of our sins, and this is totally in error, having been fabricated by those who wrote and compiled it. Jesus did not die for our sins as some teach, and there are many distortions like this in the Bible.

By merely asking for forgiveness in sincerity and changing our habits in the future these will be forgiven and forgotten. There is also no need to go through a priest to access Divinity or to confess our sins, as this is only a means of control. There is no heaven or hell, and many angels live in higher dimensions on Sirius not in the clouds as some would have you believe. Inner Earth is hollow and is not hell but includes an advanced area called Agartha that some will probably visit later. It is known as a garden of Eden by those who have visited it.

Brice Taylor, In her book “Thanks for the Memories” describes unbelievable atrocities and acts committed by our leaders that involved her as a slave, and she has many MK Ultra movies along with Cathy O’Brien that can be viewed on line. In spite of leading what some would call a sinful life that was beyond repair under the mind control program, she was often contacted by the angelic realm and told all would be forgiven and forgotten and she could start a new life at any time.

Aton said that Lucifer was uncreated over 20 years ago, and AA Anael was kind in His discussion of him, saying he was merely one who did not follow the desires of the Father but wanted to set his own rules. He no longer exists although the devil and Satan and evil do because this is part of our learning process, and our decisions are made using these tests to determine our future. Those leaders who likewise abuse their authority may either end up on the bottom to start over as slaves on other 3D worlds or may be uncreated also. Those who experience near death experiences [NDEs] usually speak of entering a tunnel of light and meeting an angel or even Jesus as one of my relatives spoke of. Some are given a choice of returning to 3D or are told that their time is not yet up so they must return. There is no judgment by these angels, and we ourselves review and evaluate our lives and determine our future at that time.

AA Anael said that we should not judge others because the skid row alcoholic may have been a king who abused his rule in a previous life or he may someday become a major spiritual leader in the future after he has awakened from his ignorance. He also talked about exploring past lives and the problems that it can create. This is one reason why we have our memories erased because we are unable to often handle these memories in our limited 3D bodies. Many ET contactees have been shown their past lives on large monitors aboard starships, and this may occur for some of us if it is beneficial and requested by us. Many of our past misdeeds are best forgotten.

He talked about the non sex of angels and our misunderstanding of these concepts in 3D. We often refer to Divinity as masculine when the Creator or Source is both masculine and feminine as Father/Mother. Some ETs are dual sexual, that is they are both male and female and can have children whenever they desire without a companion. A few humans are also born like this and are called hermaphrodites. Society calls these people freaks, but they are merely different, so we should not judge them because we may some day join these advanced ETs and have similar bodies.

To many people sex is considered as sinful and described in 4 letter words. Many women are taught that sex is only allowed to produce children, and enjoyment is sinful. AA Michael said that any sex act that people participate in that is performed in love and mutual agreement and enjoyment is beneficial and pleasing and normal. He did not say that those involved should be of the opposite sex or that they should be over 18 and married desiring children.

ETs generally say that same sex relationships are not immoral as we are taught, although the physical actions and techniques may be unhealthy. These relationships are often an excuse by some to attack others who are different than themselves. It is said that some gays were females in a former life and are unhappy in their macho male role in this life, and you will find many famous people and even leaders are either gay or bisexual. Obama said that he wants to change the don’t ask policy in the military, and as some have pointed out most of the military leaders have had similar gay experiences and are blackmailed for control to commit acts that they disapprove of and keep them in line because of this. It is said that over 10% of the military are gay and that over 25% of the world population are either gay or bisexual. Kay Griggs talked about blackmail and Secret Societies in the US Military along with corruption that is common:

There are many problems associated with the sex act including unwanted pregnancy and children, sexually transmitted diseases [STDs], jealousy, control, domination, sadism and rape, and it can become an addiction like drugs where people end up acting without thinking of the consequences. AIDS like the current flu virus was developed in US labs and both are patented and distributed by vaccines that are given free world wide in areas like Africa and the Far East by the World Health Organization. The purpose is to reduce the population and bring in money with research and treatment. It was hoped that the AIDS virus would result in a 50% population reduction but this did not occur.

Archangels have spoken of couples and our custom of marriage and family as being something that will no longer be relevant in the future. There will no longer be a need for money, which is a major concern (often resulting in quarrels) among couples now, and in Unity there is never loneliness but a constant communication and feeling of being in contact with others whenever we need and desire it similar to being on a network. A few now spend (and waste) large amounts of time on the phone to relieve this emptiness, but it will not be a problem in the future. Some will enjoy living alone (many now are doing this because they are financially able to) while others will live as families or couples or in large groups in communes.

He spoke of the feminine qualities that many (though not all) women possess as being a sign of possessing this Divine attribute, and he said that Archangels are more feminine in character than masculine due to their Divine love. Often however you see women taking on macho characteristics of men to compete with or control them, thus losing a part of their Divine qualities. Women sometimes after marriage change from an angel to a “wicked witch” due to hollering at their kids and setting themselves as bosses in the home while also managing a job to pay the bills, and many homes are run by the wife as some will acknowledge. To some men the home is not a castle but a place to stay away from because of the misery and suffering and control that they experience there.

Men are considered weak or “sissies” if they are compassionate and loving, and they thus show their macho manhood by their violence and fighting in gangs and sports and and the military. Those who join these groups are taught to be tough, to show their strength and manhood in battle through this group mind programming that even includes murdering innocents to show how tough they are. Earth’s future population will probably be composed of a large majority of females because they have more spiritual qualities than men.

He mentioned simplicity as a way to determine whether we should pursue an action or a relationship. If there is a difficulty it is probably best not to proceed with this plan because what is to be will line up and there will not be obstacles. People often go out of their way to carry out their plans and are usually disappointed with the result and wish they had not pursued it earlier. He mentioned the coming of Nibiru as being like Christ but did not elaborate on it, so it appears that it will assist in the future although it apparently continues to remain cloaked near the sun now awaiting further orders.

There is a report that the magnetosphere is still being stimulated or boosted by ETs to prevent its collapse and a magnetic pole reversal, so it appears that we are not yet ready for this event yet because many changes are set to occur yet even this year. This energy showed up last Friday on the far side as a burst of energy beyond the sun.

He spoke of our diet and its relationship to our vibrational level, saying that it does have some effect on us spiritually but is not of utmost importance. Those in Telos (inner earth) say that they are vegetarians and feel that this raises their spiritual levels. This will probably also become part of our lives in the future as our diets will change along with many other aspects of our lives. Those reptilians on board starships do eat meat made with food replicators, and hopefully we will see these mechanisms soon also after 1st contact, but ETs are generally vegetarians. Many women although being more spiritually advanced than men are uncomfortable about ETs, and this will take some adjustment in the future.

Some are aware that in July 1952 about 10 UFOs were seen by many above the White House and even covered in the Washington Post newspaper with pictures on the front page. ETs were very concerned over our nuclear bomb program that could even blow up Earth as was seen in the destruction of Maldek that was positioned between Mars and Jupiter and became the asteroid belt. This is one reason for the numerous sightings of UFOs after WW2. War pilots saw what they called Foo fighters which were from inner Earth, and these were a sign of their concern over these nuclear devices that can destroy the time/space continuum and even affect the souls of mankind, and they are now prohibited by ETs.

In 1954 President Eisenhower met secretly with the grey ETs and signed a treaty that allowed the alien abductions of millions in exchange for their technology that was about 10,000 years ahead of ours, and this can be seen in much of our multimedia and other areas. However most of this has been kept secret from us until now and used by what are called black ops (invisible publicly nonexistent projects often funded by drugs and other illegal sources), and even NASA is involved in this. The US president as chosen by the people is Earth’s representative in dealing with the ETs.

There was a report recently that Obama secretly negotiated a treaty to allow ET disclosure, and this was the reason for his receiving the Nobel peace prize. This would confirm some reports by David Wilcock and others if true, but until it is proven it is only words. There are also reports that the NASA Moon activity (or bombing as some have described it) was an attempt to destroy an underground ET moon base that of course failed, as these actions are not permitted. The angelic realm says that we should not judge the actions of others because these judgments may not be accurate and these humans may be transformed into spiritual leaders in the future.

David Wilcock said his "inside sources" have informed him that America is on the verge of a number of economic events including the dismantling of the Federal Reserve. He said the Illuminati's agenda could be halted by a full-scale disclosure of the ET presence. His sources have told him that such a disclosure is planned to occur before the end of 2009, and a 2-hour international TV special has already been booked that will introduce an alien species, similar to humans, to the world. Although this is a change in his thinking, he is still known as a new age guru and has little understanding of the role of Divinity and ETs in our future.

Probably the most important statement by AA Anael here is that in August many of the world leaders surrendered their powers and joined the Light. We saw little evidence of this in the controlled media, but there are indications from some insiders that this will become evident soon. They say that this occurred in Europe but has not yet been visible in the US, and it should be understood that most of the world controllers live in anonymity and are not recognized by society. We wanted change and elected Mr. Obama to bring this about, and hopefully this will occur. Time will tell.

Rich N

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