Monday, September 5, 2011

Drekx on Shamballah

The Location of Earth's Galactic Federation of Light Command Base
Drekx Omega on August 5, 2011

Many are becoming aware that the earth is hollow and that we have a seventh inner continent named Agartha. The rise in consciousness is opening the minds of many to this truism.  I will also place the facts before you that the GFL primary Earth base is located in the inner-Earth caverns, beneath Tibet’s spiritual city of Lhasa.  From that vast base, many miles in diameter, there are cavern tunnels that lead out to various exits, including those in India.  Something I would like to add about our primary GFL base, is that it is right next to Shamballah, 400 miles under Tibet’s capital city of Lhasa.  Officially the base is described as the GFL Command Base and it is 50 miles in diameter, with five levels. Being members, the Agarthans are in the base too and you will also enjoy meeting them after official contact.. 

Shamballah has a population of 1.1 billion people. The floors are based on the functional model of active service motherships which include residences, hanger bays, holographic areas, science and experimental areas, and recreational areas with meditational facilities too. They are from all star nations within the GFL, especially those from Sirius, Plejares, Andromeda, Lyra, Centaurus, and Arcturus.  They are ruled by the Ruling council of 12-Clans, based on the principles of fluid group dynamics. They have a Spiritual Hierarchy of elder Ascended Masters who communicate with the higher orders of Heaven via the Planetary Logos, unofficially known by the surface world as "Rex Mundi."  Not a real King, but spiritually more advanced than the elders of Agartha.

Agartha has primarily retained it's polar entrances. . there are other lesser entrances which are used less. . Humans have entered via the poles [like Rear Admiral Richard Byrd in 1947], but are better teleported through Earth's mantle into the crystal cities. [Admiral Richard B. Byrd's, Diary Feb. Mar. 1947:  "US Admiral Byrd and his crew Flew into the Center of the Earth to make an astonishing Discovery and was told by the U.S. Government to keep it secret." ] . Lord Ram is on planet Hagar. Kalki Avatar is now on the surface with his "army" of Ascended Masters and their disciples since July 1977.  Sanat Kumara is still in Shamballa and serves as Planetary Logos for Earth. Shamballa is the planetary crown chakra, "where the will of God is known. !!" And all the cosmic energies incoming are relayed via this special crown centre which stands upon a higher dimension than Agartha proper.

In ancient times, Agartha attempted to externalize it’s influence upon the surface of this planet. That nation was a major rival to Atlantis and was called the Rama Empire. The experiment eventually failed, as the presence of Rama became a great bone of contention for the hostile Anunnaki, and their Atlantean allies. And like Lemuria before it, an attack on Rama using nuclear weapons, among other more exotic devices, created a great conflict which is described in ancient [Indian] sanskrit texts, such as the famous Mahabharat, which lends itself to fact rather than fiction in contrast to the opinions of the conventional academic mindset.

A nuclear bomb in the ancient Hindu text the Mahabharata

“Gurkha, flying a swift and powerful vimana [fast aircraft],  hurled a single projectile [rocket] charged with the power of the Universe [nuclear device]. An incandescent column of smoke and flame,  as bright as ten thousand suns,  rose with all its splendor. It was an unknown weapon, an iron thunderbolt,  a gigantic messenger of death, which reduced to ashes the entire race of the Vrishnis and the Andhakas. The corpses were so burned as to be unrecognizable. Hair and nails fell out; Pottery broke without apparent cause, and the birds turned white. …After a few hours all foodstuffs were infected  …to escape from this fire the soldiers threw themselves in streams to wash themselves and their equipment.”

Ancient City Found In India Irradiated By Nuclear Blast 8,000 Years Ago [January 1992 Article]

[Archeologists have discovered] radiation that is still so intense, the area is highly dangerous. A heavy layer of radioactive ash in Rajasthan, India, covers a three-square mile area, ten miles west of Jodhpur. Scientists are investigating the site, where a housing development was being built.  For some time it has been established that there is a very high rate of birth defects and cancer in the area under construction. The levels of radiation there have registered so high on investigators' gauges that the Indian government has now cordoned off the region. Scientists have unearthed an ancient city where evidence shows an atomic blast dating back thousands of years, from 8,000 to 12,000 years, destroyed most of the buildings and probably a half-million people.

One researcher estimates that the nuclear bomb used was about the size of the ones dropped on Japan in 1945. The Mahabharata clearly describes a catastrophic blast that rocked the continent. "A single projectile charged with all the power in the Universe. An incandescent column of smoke and flame as bright as 10,000 suns, rose in all its splendor. it was an unknown weapon, an iron thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death which reduced to ashes an entire race.

Messages from the Hollow Earth by Dianne Robbins 2003 Free Book

"Not just our Earth, but all planets are hollow! Planets are formed by hot gases thrown from a sun into an orbit, and the shell of planets is created by gravity and centrifugal forces and the POLES REMAIN OPEN and lead to a hollow interior. This process forms a hollow sphere with an Inner Sun, smoky in color, which gives off soft and pleasant full spectrum sunlight, making the inside surface highly conducive to growth of vegetation and human life with only a long-long day and no nights. The HOLLOW EARTH BEINGS are very spiritually evolved and technologically advanced, and live inside the interior core of our Hollow Earth. These advanced civilizations live in peace and brotherhood in the Center of our Earth, which contains an Inner Central Sun, with oceans and mountains still in their pristine state.  The Earth's crust is approximately 800 miles from the outer to the inner surface. Because our Earth is hollow, and not a solid sphere, the center of gravity is not in the center of the Earth, but in the center of its crust, which is 400 miles below the surface."

Wanderer of the Skies - August 17, 2011

Greetings from the Federation:   We have important news for you today. It appears that for the first time all of the appropriate legal documents, treaties and orders, plans and agreements, between all your nations involved in the disclosure process have been finalized. The last of the impediments to carrying out those plans have been silenced. This is not to say that there will not be other plans undertaken by the Illuminati to attempt another diversion to the ultimate act of disclosure, but we see only the “green light” at this time to proceed.

While there is no timetable attached to this process, and we offer none for you at this time, we wish that you prepare yourselves for the tasks at hand and for the purposes for which you have readied yourselves for so long and at such cost.  In the recent past we were concerned with what we perceived as a rise in the level of Illuminati controlled activities, especially where chemtrails and behind-the-scenes government disruptions of third world powers were concerned. That appears to have lessened of late and we find ourselves back on course for the prospect of disclosure and first contact.

From the perspective of those who have not had any understanding of this process at all, it would seem highly unlikely that any of these actions would be taken [based upon past events and promises and the high security prison we live in now on Earth]. Indeed, even to some of you it seems that way. We understand your tiredness in the roller coaster ride that has been ongoing in this disclosure process [Amen]. We feel it is necessary to keep you apprised of all developments as they occur [within limits], since you are on the vanguard of this process. 

That means, unfortunately, that you share in our disappointments when the process does not go as planned or is sidetracked by one development or another. We could easily keep all of this from you and simply tell you after the fact what was underway. But your involvement in this process is key. Your intention helps to create the very reality you find yourselves in presently, a reality very close to disclosure and all that this will bring for humanity.

Disclosure is a brave and incredible step for any modern leader to take today. The implications are staggering. Your society will change completely but you will adapt because that is the nature of your resilience. You are unique in the cosmos in this respect, especially given your denser forms and amnesiac state. It is truly a wonder of which we never cease to be amazed. You truly are great and powerful spiritual beings. And we rejoice for the time when you will understand that firsthand, without the veil of forgetfulness, when we can all stand together as brethren in our galactic company.

Wanderer of the Skies - August 31, 2011

We have taken some time off since our last communication as we have been very busy of late. There is a tremendous amount of activity on our side as everyone readies themselves for an unusually big event. We remain excited and expectant about the occurrences to take place on your world. We now have an opportunity to update you in this respect. We have had great “debates” on exactly what should and should not be divulged to you through our discussions.

We acknowledge your desire not to be told certain dates regarding Disclosure as this tends to weaken, rather than strengthen, the human spirit, especially since we cannot be certain ourselves of the outcome of these events with absolute certainty. Our discussions also touched upon whether to foretell of the man-made and natural events that occur around your world. We have decided for now not to divulge these events prior to their occurrences unless they somehow fit into an explanation necessary for you.  [Many ETs feel that most do not want to be told what the future holds for mankind (if they know it at all) since it is not all sugar and spice and everything nice like many messengers want us to believe.  I disagree with this philosophy myself however since knowledge brings freedom, hope, and joy.]

You will no doubt have noticed a significant increase in the appearance of our ships in your sky in all corners of the world sometimes in very large numbers indeed. This will continue and grow even larger in magnitude and frequency. We are conditioning as many people as possible to our existence so as to prepare for the inevitable. A key faction of the Illuminati’s rogue element has “seen the Light” recently and made a secret deal with those already brokering a power shift that is underway in many of its elemental functions [seeing is believing]. This should help in smoothing the way towards Disclosure.

Omnec Onec - Ambassador from Venus

Omnec Onec like Nikola Tesla says she is from Astral plane on Venus where she began her life. She had a karmic bond with a child who lived on Earth whom Masters on Venus saw was going to be killed in a bus accident in the near future, so they offered Omnec the opportunity to manifest a physical carbon body, an irreversible process [no turning back no matter what]. This would give Omnec an opportunity to settle her karmic debt and also be a teacher by example in her life and be able to balance some unfinished Karma both physically and with other personalities here [she wished to correct some mistakes she had made earlier on 5D Venus].

She accepted the challenge, manifesting a physical Earth body equivalent of a 7 year old girl.  She traveled in the astral realm in a flying saucer to Shamballah and lived above it in Tibet where she spent time adjusting to Earth's vibrations and our heavier density. Her people then transported her to the scene of a bus accident in 1955 in Tennessee. In the confusion of the accident they exchanged Omnec for 7 year old Sheila who had just died. The grandmother, having seen little of the granddaughter, was not aware of the substitution, and sent the Venusian to school as her own kin, and she accepted Omnec as Sheila. From that point on Omnec lived her life as Sheila Gipson.

Years later Sheila's adopted mother was made aware of the substitution by the Venusian uncle, who explained everything to her, and she agreed to raise Onmec Onec in place of her own daughter Sheila.  Although Omnec had the appearance of a 7-year-old girl, she had the Venusian wisdom and knowledge of her 210 Earth-year equivalent age at the time of her arrival here in 1955. This enabled her brilliance in school and she excelled in almost everything, which she tried to conceal in order to protect her real identity and make people believe she was just a normal kid growing up. 

She is now about 60 and has several books and YouTube videos with interviews.  Like many young girls she took a boyfriend, had kids, and got married and divorced in that order which is a problem with being a female here.  Now living in Germany her message as a teacher is to focus on learning to live in Unity and Love as we wait for ascension in 2012.  She said that most people here only use the reptilian part of their brains rather than their spiritual part and are conditioned by the family and society to believe only what they are told rather than to think on a higher level.

The truth about Gaddafi

He nationalized oil (which caused big business to put him on the hit list) and used the oil revenues to rebuild Libya and provide free medical coverage and education for all without taxing its people to death.  Most essential services like electricity and water (which NATO has tried to destroy) are subsidized and affordable.  Those who want to grow food are given free land, a house, and farm equipment.  Pictures of protests seen on the media have people waving flags of India since they were taken in India, and reporters who try to expose the truth are threatened and murdered to prevent the world from knowing what is really going on there.  He opposed the Muslim oppression and much of the Arab slavery that exists in the Middle East which brought the wrath of many of the local leaders who did not want change.

My comments:  Labor day is over and we are still laboring as darkside slaves, and the only celebration for many is that they are not working on that day.  Obama continues to promote job creation (slavery) while sending jobs overseas to China and India.  We do not need jobs - we need money, and there is plenty to go around for everyone due to the numerous trusts that are being prepared for world-wide distribution.  The corrupt courts have refused to hear the truth on Obama's fake birth certificate and his Social Security numbers (ID theft) since he is "above the law", and those who follow the electronic money (Basel 3) say he has $10 billion in off-shore accounts that he did not make from selling peanuts to the public.  In a few days 9/11 will be "celebrated", and we can thank  Bush and his mafia for waking up some of us to the truth.

Shamballah is about 400 miles beneath Tibet’s capital city of Lhasa and the Galactic Federation Command Base is next to it.  It appears that the main reason for China's capture of Tibet was to seize Shamballah and shut it down.  This is of course futile since there are many gates and devices that keep intruders out similar to the North and South poles and Telos under Mt. Shasta where UFOs are frequently seen going in and out.  Much of Asia including China is ruled by the dragons (whether white, red, green or black) who are reptilian ancestors, and those living in Europe are ruled by monarchy who are of the Annunaki bloodline as David Icke and others have pointed out. 

Shamballah is still in the 7th sub-density of the astral plane [in the 4th dimension] according to AA Anael [October 2, 2010] and is a portal that is used to travel to other dimensions and worlds.  The Andromedans say that 3rd density will implode, so those who continue in 3D may move to 4th density which is more livable than 3rd.  In third density that we live in now people feel tired much of the time and sleep and take drugs and alcohol to escape this misery.  Those who move to 5D will probably live in 5th density and above which will seem like heaven to many.

Drekx is an ET originally from Sirius B and he has much higher knowledge that is available nowhere else.  I don't agree with everything he says, but no one knows everything and discernment is needed as in all things.   He said "Being an “oddball” and assumed “nuts” goes with the starseed territory.  I have a confused terrestrial family who think I’m strange.  But we all must get used to it, and still complete our work, in spite of social conformity pressures, etc.  The Federation needs all starseeds on the level at this time because we will have to help the majority of earth souls through the transformations and they are confused as it is" which is good advice.  Like many ETs he is very busy now preparing for the changes that are reportedly to occur soon.

He like Sheldan talked about replicators that ETs have developed that can make exact copies of everything that is now made in factories by machines and by slaves.  Imagine the field day that the copyright police and lawyers would have over this under our entire legal system.  Everyone would be fighting over the money they feel they deserve since nothing here is free including "love".   Talking about advanced ET technology, disclosures, and a new government is like a fantasy that many feel is only unbelievable gossip until changes are made. 

Rich N

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